Saturday, September 03, 2016

"Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun: Scientists’ warnings that the rise of the sea would eventually imperil the United States’ coastline are no longer theoretical": NY TIMES

Read it here.  Then:
1. Ask why local elected officials (except for St. Augustine Mayor Nancy Shaver) have not been more outspoken about saving our community from global climate change and global ocean level rise.
2. Ask why St. Johns County Administrator MICHAEL DAVID WANCHICK and County Commissioners blocked support for a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore on November 1, 2011 --- which would provide federal funds and planning to protect what we know and love here forever, paying for the $100 million needed to protect our coasts.
3. Ask local officials to support a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore.
As LBJ said after Selma, "We SHALL overcome!"

1 comment:

Warren Celli said...

"Neighborhood Council member John Versaggi will be collecting your questions and forwarding them to the Forum Committee for consideration. To expedite the process and for your convenience, please e-mail your questions to not later than September 10, 2016."

Good Luck!!!!!!!