Thursday, July 20, 2017

St. Augustine City Attorney Lectures at HARB Members, Shows Animus Toward Independence

At the July 20, 2017 Historic Architectural Review Board meeting, controversial, St. Augustine City Attorney ISABELLE CHRISTINE LOPEZ showed her amateur status, braying at HARB members about not asking too many pesky questions.

LOPEZ, a former developer lawyer once enamored of GEORGE MORRIS McCLURE, was promptly ignored by the Board, as was "How to Hold an Effective Meeting" two-sided laminated cards -- she said that it was important to be "more cost-effective for staff and professional applicants."

Text here:

Waiting to find out who wrote it, and why.

I countered that it was important for HARB members, selected for their expertise, to do their jobs without fear or favor or interference of staff, who work for them, and us (and not the other way around).  LOPEZ was mostly quiet for the rest of the meeting.

Thank you, HARB for ignoring bad advice from this maladroit, developer-driven City Attorney, who in 2014 angrily and repeatedly blocked (temporarily) my efforts to require HARB to file financial disclosures, which was never done in more than 50 years.  A State Attorney General's opinion knocked LOPEZ's loopy lawyering into a cocked hat.  HARB members now file annual financial disclosures.

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