-----Original Message-----
From: easlavin
To: RWallsh
Cc: sceastman
Sent: Sat, Nov 22, 2014 8:50 am
Subject: Re: Subpoenas in Michelle O'Connell case
Dear Messrs Ashton and Wallsh:
Waiting on you to call and talk with you about the information I shared on 4700 Sherlock Place Water bill and timeline (Amphitheater show end time data).
Please respond.
Please confirm that SAO9 is doing a full investigation and not another Flori-DUH coverup.
Thank you.
Ed Slavin
-----Original Message-----
From: Wallsh, Richard
To: 'easlavin@aol.com'
Sent: Wed, Nov 19, 2014 4:03 pm
Subject: RE: Subpoenas in Michelle O'Connell case
Mr. Slavin,
I am in receipt of your email below (and other emails you sent as well). I am a little confused by your record request. If you are asking for a list of subpoenas issued in regard to our ongoing investigation, I must decline your request as these materials are exempt from disclosure under the criminal investigation exception to Florida’s Public records law.
If I misunderstood your request, then please be more specific so I can try to be responsive to your needs.
Richard I. Wallsh, Esq.
Chief Assistant/Executive Director
Office of the State Attorney
9th Judicial Circuit
415 N. Orange Avenue
Orlando, Florida 32801
From: easlavin@aol.com [mailto:easlavin@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 9:51 AM
To: Wallsh, Richard
Cc: waltbog@nytimes.com; critesplus3@gmail.com; chrissyocon@gmail.com; yttapatty@gmail.com; judgelitt10@gmail.com
Subject: Subpoenas in Michelle O'Connell case
Dear Mr. Walsh:
Please send list and PDFs of subpoenas in Michelle O'Connell case.
Thank you.
With kindest regards,
Ed Slavin

ROBERT KEITH MATHIS, Ex-Judge, St Johns County Homicide Prosecutor
Claims FBI "Has No Jurisdiction" Over Michelle O'Connell Case,
Attacked Attorney Victim Suing Sheriff Over 4th Amendment Violations
Son of Segregationist Judge CHARLES C. MATHIS, JR.
Ex-Judge ROBERT KEITH MATHIS wrote a blistering blathering broadside on Easter Sunday morning, April 20, 2014, sibilantly snorting that the "FBI has no jurisdiction" when the girlfriend of a deputy sheriff was killed in his home, with his service pistol, without any independent investigation by the Sheriff, two State's Attorneys (including MATHIS' boss), and one Medical Examiner.
This is the Gang of Four that thinks guns recoil forward, something that defies the laws of physics.
This is the Gang of Four that defies the Equal Protection Clause and Equal Justice Under Law.
Ex-Judge ROBERT KEITH MATHIS is the bully son of Judge CHARLES C. MATHIS, JR., the segregationist bully judge who sentenced four school children to rape-prone juvenile prisons for demonstrating against Jim Crow segregation is a disgrace to the human race (in Jimmy Carter's phrase).
Concerning MATHIS and his Gang of Four Feeble Lawmen Who Obstructed Prosecution of Another Lawman:
1. Amateur Hour Homicide prosecutor ROBERT KEITH MATHIS. It's time for him to go.
2. Conflicted St. Johns County SHERIFF DAVID BERNARD SHOAR. It's time for him to go.
3. Conflicted 7th Circuit State's Attorney RALPH JOSEPH LARIZZA. It's time for him to go.
4. Confounded 7th Circuit Medical Examiner PREDRAG BULIC. It's time for him to go.
5. Confounded 4th Circuit State's Attorney BRADLEY E. KING: It's time for him to go.
It is time for all of them to go -- every single one of them.
There are nearly 200,000 signatures on the change.org petition for an inquest into the death of Michelle O'Connell.
There is not one sentient person anywhere supporting the notion that she committed suicide.
What do you reckon?
Here's the "Gang of Four," standing in the Courthouse Door, obstructing justice for Michelle O'Connell:


7th Circuit State's Attorney RALPH JOSEPH LARIZZA

5th Circuit State's Attorney BRADLEY E. KING

Medical Examiner PREDRAG BULLC
Demonstrates his upside-down, left-handed gun-to-tongue, gun-recoils forward theory to New York Times reporter Walt Bogdanich
That's the "Gang of Four" who stand in the Courthouse Door, obstructing justice for Michelle O'Connell. Don't take my word for it.
For more:
The New York Times, "Two Gunshots on a Summer Night" by Walt Bogdanich & Glenn Silber (November 24, 2013): http://www.nytimes.com/projects/2013/two-gunshots/
PBS/Frontline, "A Death in St. Augustine (November 26, 2013):
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/death-in-st-augustine/ NBC News Dateline, "Two Shots Fired" (April 18, 2014):
Petition for Coroner's Inquest:
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