Soon-to-be-ex-Mayor, JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, Jr. et ux will celebrate their last gala tonight as St. Augustine's self-appointed, self-annointed royal couple. OLD CITY LIFE has a two-page spread on Nights of Lights, which gives readers the false impression it was his idea. Credit belongs to my friends Alice Compton and Bill Lennon, former Commissioner for Nights of Lights.
BOLES' article makes dozens of uses of the first person pronouns (I, me, my, our and the Royal "we"). Let him say "we, we, we" all the way home after the Last Dance at the Last Ball. Tonight buh-bye!
JOE BOLES' cruel Reign of Error is Cruising to a Close. Just eight (8) more days.
His rich-guy galas are a mystery wrapped in an enigma and deserve audits. $20,000/year raised for the homeless going to pay the salary of a political patronage hire at a do-little non-profit. The same guy called the homeless "creepy" and said "we can't be crippled by compassion."
Thanks, Joe. Don't let the door hit you in the butt. I feel sorry for Mayor BOLES, and we must forgive him. But don't forget the lessons learned about no-bid contracts, good-ole-boy deference to tree-killing developers, and systemic corruption and violation of Open Records and Sunshine laws, requiring Holland & Knight lawyers to set the City of St. Augustine straight on the First America Foundation and Sunshine-violating group Commissioner trips.
On November 10, 2014, I spoke to City Commission, thanking Mayor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, JR. (and his golfing buddy, Commissioner DONALD CRICHLOW) for their public service. I asked for a few extra seconds while speaking about Compassionate St. Augustine. After I left the City's "$30,000"+ podium, BOLES said "I don't mind giving you a few extra seconds because it's the last time in ten years that I will ever have to listen to you."
+ $30,000 That's what indignant BOLES said it cost when he and other-directed WILLIAM BRUCE HARRIS bossed commissioners forbade us to show at the podium, or on camera, the "science experiment" with coquina porosity, showing how rapidly water flowed through coquina (porosity 47-53% in connection with illegal dumping, shooing us to do out of camera range. We forgive you, Mayor BOLES.
Of course, I had the last laugh.
BOLES had artists and musicians arrested for First Amendment protected activity. He threatened Tony Seraphin and me with arrest for First Amendment protected activity November 12, 2007 when we were denied public comments on illegal plans to dump 40,000 cubic yards of contaminated back in Lincolnville, put dirt on top and call it a "park." Pitiful.
While I forgive BOLES, never forget his sins, crimes and torts against humanity. Never forget that this vile vicious varmint piratical tyrannical unholy terror misruled terribly for eight (8) years and he never once apologized for anything, and insulted me when I thanked him for his "service," such as it was.
The future of our Nation's Oldest City is secure with Nancy Shaver due to be sworn in as our next Mayor at 7:30 pm on Monday, December 1, 2014, by Florida Supreme Court Justice Peggy Quince.
Three cheers for everyone who made this historic day possible.

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