It's time to fire ex-Mayor LEN WEEKS from the Visioning Committee. He is an embarrassment.
City policies allow firing employees for dozens of things, including:
1. conduct unbecoming a city employee
2. insubordination
3. incompetence or inefficiency
4. outside employment which interferes with City job
5. giving falsified testimony or refusal to give testimony when required to do so.
Profiteering from the 81 St. George Street no-bid lease.
Destroying 61A Spanish Street.
Working without permits.
Being fined $3600 by Code Enforcement.
LEN WEEKS must be fired. Bow.
It's also time to abolish the Parking and Traffic Committee. See below.
As LBJ said to Congress after Selma, "We SHALL overcome!"
Ed Slavin said; "It's time to fire ex-Mayor LEN WEEKS from the Visioning Committee. He is an embarrassment."
The visioning Committee is an embarrassment Ed!
Len Weeks should have been wearing prison stripes long ago!
This beautiful city has been conned into high negative community impact tourism by a few selfish knuckle draggers for far too long now. Their high negative community impact tourism industry propaganda rag, the Saint Augustine Wreckit, has conned many into believing that high negative community impact tourism is beneficial to the community and that Lord Lenny is a Saint — it is not and he is not — far from it!
The demands of high negative community impact tourism have been exacerbated and made even greater in Saint Augustine through usurpation of the 'Rule of Law' by these same low brow, excessively greedy, knuckle draggers that got us into this tourism baloney mess in the first place. The community is at the tipping point that it is now because of the cumulative effects of the on-going pattern and practice of denying CIVIL RIGHTS and FREE SPEECH for personal gain through usurpation of the 'rule of law. The corruption has metastasized like a nightmare cancer. The original vision has been destroyed and the state alcohol and tobacco cartel have now gained a greater foothold, enabled by the Saint John's County Cultural Events Division. "Culture", what a load of baloney, it's a very transparent front for drug fests and in a just world it would not exist in its present form. County — butt out!!!!
The big tell of the tipping point is that it is the residents ox that is now so clearly on the table. Living in the once beautiful downtown area — that Len Weeks moved out of — is like living in a noisy road side joint. The old serenity is gone, factory scale street sweepers, steam cleaners, and blowers, befoul the once beautiful calm and serene early mornings, the city is choked with noisy tour trains and diesel buses all day, and loud music and drunken laughter permeate the evening air. The streets are now randomly littered with promotional flyers with messages like this; "ALL YOU CAN DRINK • $5 LADIES • $10 DUDES".What a shame. What a loss.
There are far better industries, with a lot more socially beneficial impacts, that could be encouraged in Saint Augustine. Sadly the entrenched high negative community impact tourism interests do not want them here as more challenging, higher paying, socially beneficial jobs would dry up their supply of low wage slavery.
Let the jailing begin!
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