ˌprēmə ˈdänə/
the chief female singer in an opera or opera company.
synonyms: leading soprano, leading lady, diva, star, opera star, principal singer
"this scene was added to give the prima donna another aria"
a very temperamental person with an inflated view of their own talent or importance.
synonyms: ego, self-important person, his nibs, temperamental person, princess, diva, pooh-bah; informaldrama queen
"a city council filled with prima donnas"
late 18th century: Italian, literally ‘first lady.’
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Is anyone surprised that Prima Dana is getting by with a little help from his friends?
Joe Boles appointed him to a staff position. For the prestige of director, Prima Dana came up with a 3-1/2 page business plan for the Dept. of Heritage Tourism and Historic Preservation. That crashed. He had idea what he was doing.
Next, director of the 450th -- with an unlimited budget. That figure is up to THREE MILLION DOLLARS now. WHERE HAS IT GONE?
Let us see the paperwork and e-work, including work products of all your STAFF, Prima Dana. WHERE has $# MILLION gone?
Prima Dana is all kiss-up and no substance. Slick and slithery, he has been given every accommodation by CoSA -- he is/was accountable to no one but Mayor Boles. Nice for a weekly golf partner (yes, on city time -- it's called "bidness").
Prima Dana likely has no records. He's on the phone constantly, making connections, which was Charlie Seraphin's job.
That's what happens when blow-hards and "special" people are not accountable for their actions, work products, where shall I stop?
Does this flake even get annual evaluations? And what percentages of raises has Joe Boles OKed for him, unlike the rest of the little people?
In academe, it is publish or perish.
In government, it is produce or perish.
Hand over your public records, Mr. Prima Dana. You are now no different from anyone else.
You should do this with your regular fake smile on your puss, glad-handing someone as you submit your material.
The people are waiting.
Make $# million
$3 million
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