(Third from left is innocent bystander -- the rest of them voted for the two top-paid employees' raises on Election Day).
A date that will live in infamy.
On November 4, 2014, Election Day, uncovered by an news media, at the end of the agenda, at the heel of a docket of a seven hour and 43 hour meeting, five all-Republican St. Johns County Commissioners raised the pay of already-overpaid County Administrator MICHAEL DAVID WANCHICK and County PATRICK FRANCIS McCORMACK.
It's our money.
Meanwhile, average government employees at the bottom of the pay scale remain underpaid.
We need a Living Wage law.
We need more transparency.
County Commission Chairman JOHN H. "JAY" MORRIS said the pair were "phenomenal." Perhaps.
But why not schedule their "phenomenal" evaluations at the beginning of a meeting?
Why on Election Day?
Last year, there was only three days notice of WANCHICK's $21,000 raise, and Commissioner WILLIAM McCLURE was the lone dissenter. This year, he joined in voting for both raises, on Election Day.
Developer-driven dingbat Commissioner PRISCILLA BENNETT a/k/a "RACHEL," knelled about the "extreme conservative" McCORMACK.
County Attorney PATRICK FRANCIS McCORMACK is in the tank with her and runs interference with her, as on my Open Records requests on the Visitor and Convention Bureau, a government contractor.
Color McCORMACK both colorless and "extreme conservative" -- a willing accomplice for BENNETT and developers?
Worship of the pair was unanimous. RONALD SANCHEZ, defeated for reelection, said of WANCHICK: "HE IS GREAT."
McCORMACK and WANCHICK have still not provided the water bill record for 4700 Sherlock Place, which I requested six months ago in connection with SHERIFF DAVID BERNARD SHOAR's botched investigation of the Michelle O'Connell shooting.
Butcher's bill: more than $162,000 for County Attorney PATRICK FRANCIS McCORMACK and the grand amount of $200,913 for County Administrator MICHAEL DAVID WANCHICK.
In the words of Tom Hanks' character in "Saving Private Ryan": "EARN THIS."
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