"Who Needs the Democrats? -- Dumb "Ole Doofus Dimwit Money-hungry Democrats on Display
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, our Democratic Party has once again shown what Will Rogers said: "I don't belong to any organized political party -- I'm a Democrat."
The United States Senate, my boyhood home in my late teens and early twenties, is under control of rebarbative Republican reprobates.
The Governor's Mansion is once again under control of Valdemort, a/k/a "RICHARD LYNN SCOTT."
If we had cooler candidates who listened to "We, The People," we'd win elections.
Our candidates are Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Dumb and Dumber, and Dull and Duller.
Once we had Democratic Senators like Sam Ervin, Robert Kennedy, George McGovern, Ted Kennedy, Frank Church, Gary Hart, Jim Sasser, John Culver, Alan Cranston, Dale Bumpers, Robert Byrd, Russell Long, James Abouresk, Howard Metzenbaum, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and other populist liberals unafraid to be called liberals.
Once we had intelligent, well-read, thoughtful, moderate to liberal Republicans: John Sherman Cooper, George Aiken, Howard Baker, Lowell Weicker, Clfford Case, Jacob Javits, who supported civil rights.
What about Democrats and Republicans in the United States Senate today?
We now have mostly corporate shills, except for a few Senators like Elizabeth Warren, Al Franken, Jeff Merkley, Bernie Sanders and Ron Wyden.
Money-raising mendacity now dominates what Gladstone once called "the greatest deliberative body in the world."
My boyhood home, the United States Senate, now resembles the "Senate of Trusts" cartoon that helped lead to the Seventeenth Amendment (one the Koch Brothers' Tea Party wants to repeal, which requires direct election of Senators, rather than election by state legislatures).
Like water -- fungible, colorless, odorless, tasteless -- our current leadership of U.S. Senators lack distinguishing characteristics.
Take Republican Senate Majority Leader elect Mitch McConnell.
Take soon-to-be Senate Democratic Minority Leader Harry Reid (please), the appeaser from Searchlight, Nevada.
From the Courthouse to the U.S. Capitol, as long as our hick hack "leaders" in the Democratic Party act like Republican lemmings, we Democrats will lose. Why must we do that?
What's wrong with Florida Democrats? President Obama carried Florida in 2008 and 2012, under capable leadership (Steve Schale).
Is it because Florida Democrats have since 2006 nominated corporate shills?
Is it because Big Money hungry Democratic leaders require candidates who are bankrolled, bossed, bullied, gulled, cullied, diddled, vetted and approved by banking, insurance, oil, nuclear and other oleaginous corporate oligoplists and monopolists?
Do we Democrats deserve to lose?
Sorry, CHARLIE CRIST. As the community college psychologist sage (played by Robin Williams) said to the troubled youth (played by Matt Damon) in "Good Will Hunting":
"It's not your fault. It's not your fault. It's not your fault." It's not CHARLE CRIST's fault. We duped Democrats nominated him.
It's my fault. I should have worked harder to nominate real Democrats (like Nan Rich for Governor and Dave Aronberg for Attorney General).
In the words of the Jeff Daniels character in Aaron Sorkin's "The Newsroom": "If liberals are so smart, why do they lose so f---ing always?"
It's the fault of every single Democrat who remains silent while the hick hack bosses of our party practice mediocre mendacity.
Perhaps we Democrats do deserve to lose.
Perhaps we Democrats deserve to get our asses kicked by the likes of Governor RICHARD LYNN SCOTT.
In 2014, former AKERMAN SENTERFITT corporate criminal defense lawyer DANIEL SAUL GELBER floor-planned Democratic nomination of CHARLES CRIST.
In 2006, 2010 and 2014, our Florida Democratic Party lost three winnable Governor's races in a row.
First we Democrats lost with a corporate lawyer (HOLLAND & KNIGHT Managing Partner WILLIAM McBRIDE).
Then we Democrats lost with his wife (ALEX SINK, former Florida Bank of America President).
Then we Democrats lost with an actual former Republican, literally "a two-time loser" (former Republican Governor, CHARLES CRIST, who twice lost the U.S. Senate seat in 2010, first in the Republican Primary and then as an Independent spoiler).
See the pattern?
Democrats nominate corporate shills, who are dead-bang losers.
Nobody likes our candidates. I don't like our candidates. Nobody likes voting for a candidate we have to "hold our nose" to vote for in order to attract corporate money to fund Democrats' imitative, dirty, expensive campaigns.
"Who needs the Democrats?" asked John Kenneth Galbraith (in his provocative 1972 book by that title). Galbraith, our former Ambassador to India was a wit, a sage and JFK advisor. We all agree with the Associated Press headline today, "Party leaders a drag on voters on both sides."
"Who needs the Democrats" indeed.
Like Howard Dean, "I'm from the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party," and I am sick of wolves in sheep's clothing losing winnable elections.
"All hacks off the stage," as President Jeb Bartlet said in "The West Wing."
Our St. Johns County Democratic Executive Committee has not fielded a candidate since 2006 -- not one Democrat has run in a county-wide partisan race since 2006.
Our St. Johns County Democratic Executive Committee secretly backed Mayor Joseph Boles, Jr., who supported Republicans in the recent past.
Our St. Johns County Democratic Executive Committee tried to undermine Nancy Shaver, our Mayor-elect, an actual lifelong true blue Democrat.
These are Dixiecrats, not Democrats.
It's time for new leadership.
Resign, SJC DEC Steering Committee. Resign DNC. Resign DPOF. You're amateurs who nearly always lose, like most liberals these days. "All hacks off the stage."
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