St. Johns County Commissioners have twice issued "emergency" declarations about beach erosion of homes in Ponte Vedra Beach, once on April 17, 2014 (not televised) and on November 4, 2014 (Election Day). The declarations accelerate permits for bulkheads.
County Commissioners did not endorse the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore on November 1, 2011, voting against endorsing it unanimously, 5-0.
God forgive them
One of the stated purposes of the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore bill is "to respond to coastal erosion with a coherent management plan."
Staff made no recommendation.
Outside the ordinary course of business.
Tea Partiers accused Robin Nadeau, Faye Armitage, Judith Seraphin, me, et al. of being "Nazis and Communists," comparing me to Hitler, Stalin and Goebbels for wanting a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore.
These rebarbative Republicans should hide their heads in shame.
We know their names.
Had the St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore -- first proposed by Mayor Walter Fraser, Senator Claude Pepper, et al in 1939 -- we might have had federal funding. www.staugustgreen.com
Instead we have residents with homes about to wash into the sea facing the insouciance of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), which my late friend David Thundershield says really stands for "Don't Expect Protection."
Waiting for our SJC officials to apologize for their rudeness on 11.1.11, a date that will life in infamy.
I forgive SJC officials their Philistinism, but they must now lead, follow or get out of our way. Now.

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