Friday, March 30, 2007

Invasion of the Body Snatchers?

Invasion of the Body Snatchers?
Has a human body of an indigenous tribal member been removed from an archaeological site in the City of St. Augustine by someone other than our St. Augustine City archaeologist?
Have state and federal laws -- and Indian tribal rights -- been violated?
Will such indigenous burial site desecrations be reported and prevented in the future?
Will creation of the "St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore" (see below) preserve our history?
Let’s end the charade of the Nation’s Oldest City presuming to know how to preserve history, when our City Manager and staff are more interested in fattening speculators.
What credibility hath the City of St. Augustine in seeking grants or hiring a lobbyist?
For over eight years, there have been no performance appraisals of our estimable City Manager, WILLIAM B. HARRISS. Commissioners voted him a heck-of-a-job-Brownie plaque in the midst of a pending criminal investigation (see below). Commissioners every day ratify HARRISS’ April 13, 1998 coronation.
Our City Administration disrespects indigenous burials.
Our City Administration took the entire contents of the old city dump and puts it into the Old City Reservoir.
Cost of cleanup is expected to exceed $1,000,000.00.
What next, indigenous cemeteries deposited in the Old City Reservoir, too?
Will HARRISS & Co. be placed under oath and required to testify at the April 23, 2007 City Commission meeting?
Or will HARRISS arrange for more scapegoats to be fired?
How many careers will be shredded for HARRISS’ sins of omission and commission?
How many millions of dollars will be wasted?
How many indigenous graves will be desecrated?
How much longer will HARRISS remain in office?
Will St. Augustine voters vote to recall five City Commissioners who are lickspittles for HARRISS?

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