Thursday, December 13, 2007

Costs and Causes of Illegal Dumping by City of St. Augustine in Our Old City Reservoir -- Letter to Mr. John Regan

Dear John:
1. Please fax us a printout showing all expenditures on legal and technical work on the Holmes Blvd and Riberia Street site environmental issues. If any have been paid by insurance, please provide the documentation. If not, we assume that the pollution exclusion means all costs of our City's intentional dumping will be paid by the people.
2. Please ask Mr. William Pence and the law firm of Akerman, Senterfitt to preserve and provide for inspection all paper and electronic documents not already in city files, including but not limited to all employee interviews and documents on the search warrant and criminal issues.
3. Please ask Geosyntec and other contractors to provide for inspection and copying all paper and electronic documents on the two sites for inspection and copying, including QA/QC and TQM data, the curriculum vitae of all persons working on the project and all discussions with DEP, the City and Akerman, Senterfitt.
4. I look forward to seeing you at tonight's Lincolnville Neighborhood Association meeting. We expect that you will kindly answer our questions at tonight's meeting -- questions that we've been respectfully and pateintly asking since February 24, 2006. You will find the questions in your file, the first of which located under your February 27, 2006 E-mail to City of St. Augustine Public Relations Director Paul Williamson, stating inter alia regarding our initial February 24, 2006 questions on the illegal dumping by our City of St. Augustine in our Old City Reservoir:
"Suggested RESPONSE: 'Your request for information has been forwarded to the City Attorney for response.' THE END. - And do not respond to anymore (sic) of his E- mails unless the above is the response.' Any further attempt to 'answer' any of his outlandish (sic) and absurd (sic) questions and accusations only serves to fuel his misguided (sic) filibustering (sic) and empty (sic) threats (sic). He has nothing (sic) else (sic) to do with his life and his only (sic) 'contact' with the outside world is through emails (sic). Suggest allowing Wilson to "handle" the responses.
Thank you, "JR," in advance for your kind cooperation. We expect that our questions will be answered and that public rights will be respected and not neglected from this day forward.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
Clean Up City of St. Augustine
Box 3084
St. Augustine, Florida 32085-3084
904-471-9918 (fax)

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