Monday, April 07, 2008

Akerman Senterfitt's Campaign Contribution to Rep. William L. Proctor Two Days After Vote Approving Return of Waste to Lincolnville

On November 13, 2008, St. Augustine City Commissioners voted 3-0 to approve a Consent Decree allowing illegally dumped solid waste to be returned to Lincolnville from the Old City Reservoir, where it was illegally dumped without permits.

On November 15, 2007, State Representative William Proctor (R-St. Augustine) received a $500.00 contribution of corporate funds from the large corporate law firm of Akerman Senterfitt, which represents the City of St. Augustine in the Consent Decree with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP, a/k/a Don’t Expect Protection), and sequelae.

The list of contributions to Proctor contains the usual suspects of Republican big money contributors, many of them apparently “bundled” or given at fundraisers, or otherwise given on the same date.

The Akerman Senterfitt contribution stands out as there are no other contributions on that date. The "temporal nexus" to the City of St. Augustine’s outrageous approval of Akerman Senterfitt’s plan to repatriate waste to Lincolnville – two days – demands answers.

What did State Rep. William Proctor know about St. Augustine’s illegal dumping scandal and when did he know it?

What discussions has State Rep. Proctor had with Mayor JOSEPH LEROY BOLES? BOLES is a putative Democrat who’s supporting Republican Proctor, and has in the past.

The controversial Consent Decree has imploded. See below. Residents will not allow the waste to be brought back to Lincolnville, our historic African-American community (founded in 1866). See also the Folio Weekly cover story of January 24, 2008.

Rep. Proctor, City officials – you have the right to remain silent, but we wish you wouldn’t. What involvement do our legislators have in the ongoing coverup of St. Augustine's illegal dumping?

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