Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Disgusted By Corruption, But Three Cheers for the FBI, From Sea to Shining Sea!

James Madison and the rest of our Founding Fathers would be sick at heart -- the first Democratic Governor of Illinois in 20 years has allegedly disgraced his office by alleedly selling a U.S. Senate Senate and trying to extort the Chicago Tribune to fire editorial board members.

Having worked in government -- for three U.S. Senators and two federal Administrative Law Judges -- I'm disgusted at all of the alleged bribetakers, Republican and Democratic, who are being busted by the FBI.

But three cheers for the FBI. (While in law school, I wanted to be an FBI Agent, but they rejected me on the grounds of poor eyesight -- coke bottle glasses disqualify. I wanted to be an FBI agent because I thought it would be fun (after Abscam) to put crooked politicians in prison. (It still is a big thrill.)

As Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy said, "if we do not, on a national scale, attack organized criminals with weapons and techniques as sophisticated as their own, they will destroy us."

A look at the search warrant applications and other documents associated with federal criminal prosecutions gives the reader the impression that the feds know what they're doing. Some big cases involve literally dozens, even hundreds of wiretaps, even of automobiles,

From City Halls to Courthouses (a/k/a Whorehouses) to Tallahassee the State Capitals to Washington, D.C., let every bribepayer and bribetakeer weep bitter tears.
Don't ask for whom the next indictment may toll -- it may toll for thee!

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