Tuesday, May 05, 2009

BE NOT AFRAID: Repug Thugs' Fear-and-Smear Not Working Any Longer

Eight days ago, every single public hearing speaker opposed a speculator's proposal for an ugly 20th century building at the corner of St. George Street and Cathedral Place -- a building designed by putative Cathedral Parish member DONALD CRICHLOW, who belatedly recused himself (having represented the project before lower Boards).

I was reminded of the first words ever spoken to me in person by a City employee, City Manager WILLIAM B. HARRISS, who said, "I could have you arrested for disorderly conduct." This was April 2005. I had just spoken against 14th and 15th Amendment (and Voting Rights Act violations) by the CIty of St. Augustine in its annexations.

When I wrote Commissioners about it, Commissioner SUSAN BURK lied about it -- but I already had an affidavit from Sue Neely, the neighbor who heard HARRISS' threats (as well as the bribe offered by a flipper-speculator to the employer of the then-Mayor's wife, to stick around and testify in favor of his annexation for (I quote from Ms. Neely's affidavit) "a bottle of liquor."

IF HARRISS thought anyone was afraid, he was wrong. Last Monday night, as he does when his cofelons are about to be defeated, HARRISS left his chair and left the room.

What a difference four years makes.

Where once our City Manager (and our President) used fear-and-smear tactics to smash critics, today, the Democratic Party is resurgent, and as James Carville says, it looks like the Democratic Party will get "40 more years."

Where once our City Manager scared away activists with a look and a threat of arrests, today's activists are unafraid.

Where once the St. Augustine WRecKord censored the news with impunity, today there is the Collective Press, blogs and other publications to share diverse facts and views.

Where once civic activists threw in the towel without speaking just upon seeing mendacious mouthpiece GEORGE McCLURE, today they stand and fight and win.

Where once every ugly thing developers wanted was granted, today City and Commissioners are asking questions.

Be not afraid. See below.

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