Sunday, June 23, 2013

Restoring buskers to their rightful place in St. Augustine

Even after 1964, St. Augustine struggled under the vestiges of "Jim Crow" law and undue influence by the Whetstones and other commerical landlords.
During the sorry Administration of  City Manager WILLIAM B. HARRISS (1998-2010), our City of St. Augustine wasted considerable resources harassing and intimidating artists, musicians and entertainers.  The latest effort involves a mere 83 feet of Hypolita Street, set for discussion at tomorrow night's Commission meeting.
Selective, undated photos are not "evidence."
Merchant complaints claiming cusomters complained are rank unreliable hearsay.
Attacking buskers makes us look small, and is bad for our branding.
Those tortured souls who hate musicians do not speak for us.
Suggestion: make clear, from this day forward, that St. Augustine is busker-friendly, and that artists, musicians and entertainers have a right to exist.  Let them set up on City-owned property, including the courtyard of the Casa de Hidalgo.
What would people rather see and hear?  Authentic Spanish classical guitar, or canned music?
Real art, or tacky t-shirt shops?
Real change, or another trip to the Bryan Simpson Federal Courthouse in downtown Jacksonville, for yet another First Amendment victory over prejudice in our City of St. Augustine.
You tell me.

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