Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The truth about Mumford & Sons reserve fund vote

MICHAEL GOLD f/k/a "MICHAEL TOBIN" is a local political operative and hate site operator.  Today he posted an offensive "editorial" based on a materially false and misleading premise -- his untrue claim that the John P. Regan, P.E., the City Manager of the City of St. Augustine did not their disclose plans to ask Commissioners to tap reserve funds for seed money for the bus system for the Munford & Sons folk music concert.  This is not fair comment -- it is untrue.

In fact, the Mumford & Sons concert was listed as an agenda item. 

In fact, the PDF files of the City Commission backup material show the $417,000 reserve fund request, clear as day.  It was posted on the City's website on Friday, giving people three days notice.

Thus, the local hate site operator and political operative is wrong, again.  He's once again committed Lashon hara (blood libel) and perahps even actual libel, this time directed against John Regan and Mark Litzinger, our City Manager and City Comptroller, respectively. 

The local hate site operator and political operative has a warning on his Historic City News website that "the accuracy and completenesss" of his information is not to be relied on.  Ipse dixit.  This is a badge of fraud -- Historic City News is not journalism.  No real newspaper has such a disclaimer.

When MICHAEL GOLD ululates and calls two good and decent public servants "unfair, immoral, unethical" and "abusive," he must be engaged in projection. Sounds like he's talking about his own past practices, such as using plazabum.com and shamefulpeople.com to spread lies about, blacklist, urge violence against and hold up to obscene obloquy and ridicule those people who are making this wonderful town a better place (e.g., by exposing and halting illegal dumping by the City of St. Augustine in African-American communiies and ending racially discriminatory spending practices).

Could the $417,000 have been more prominenty displayed on the agenda? Yes.

Was anything improper done? No.  The matter was on the agenda, and all details were on the city's website.

Did citizens know the reserve funds request was coming? Yes.  The reason I know that is one of them (B.J. Kalaidi) spoke about it in public comment.  Ms. Kalaidi always does her homework; MICHAEL GOLD does not.

Please note that under prior City Managers -- hick hacks who were loved by MICHAEL GOLD and his backers -- none of the City Commission's meeting backup materials were ever posted on the City's website -- local activists were told it was "too expensive."  Now that such materials are posted, some lazy people aren't reading them, then lazily telling lies about our public officials. 

That's wrong.

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