Saturday, May 31, 2014

Planning and Building Director Mark Knight's "Retirement Agreement" With City of St. Augustine Violates Public Policy and Must Be Invalidated -- Speak Out at June 9, 2014 City Commission Meeting on "Riberia Pointe" Proposal to Build Atop Contaminated Landfill in Lincolnville ("Riberia Pointe")

Take a gander at paragraphs 14-17 -- this is likely a contract violation of public policy, a gag order, unconstitutional and a violation of the Solid Waste Disposal Act whistleblower provision.
Contrary to the Historic City News story's headline, this is not a good contract for Mark. It is a bad contract for city residents and federal regulators.
As Ronald Wilson Reagan said in Berlin, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall." Please justify paragraphs 14-17, Mayor Joseph L. Boles, Jr. and City Attorney Ronald Wayne Brown.
For a government entity whose prior City Manager's misconduct led it to be fined for illegal dumping of solid waste in our Old City Reservoir and of semi-treated sewage effluent in our saltwater marsh, this goes too far.
FDEP, EPA and USDOL must investigate Mark Knight's firing as a possible attempt to cover up violation of 2011 FDEP guidelines on use of closed waste dumps.
We don't need a Children's Museum built on top of 35 feet of garbage, emitting methane gas.
This is a dumb idea.
St. Augustine City Commissioners should invite Mark Knight to speak at their June 9 meeting and release him from any illegal gag order, see paragraphs 14-17, thus freeing him to state his informed opinions about the "Riberia Pointe (sic)" development, without fear or favor of the Junior League or anyone else that wants to cram this development in the wrong place.
This is about environmental racism in Lincolnville, again.

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