-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin
To: wfusco
Cc: voakes
From: Ed Slavin
To: wfusco
Cc: voakes
Sent: Sat, Aug 12, 2017 4:01 pm
Subject: Re: Request No. 2017-444: SJC Deputy Supervisor of Elections Wayne Edward Fusco's outside employment -- incomplete, false or misleading financial disclosure filings?
Subject: Re: Request No. 2017-444: SJC Deputy Supervisor of Elections Wayne Edward Fusco's outside employment -- incomplete, false or misleading financial disclosure filings?
Dear Ms. Oakes and Mr. Fusco:
1. Why did Deputy Supervisor Wayne Fusco respond for St. Johns County Election Supervisor Ms. Oakes about Mr. Fusco's moonlighting?
2. That seems like another conflict of interest to me. 1. Why did Deputy Supervisor Wayne Fusco respond for St. Johns County Election Supervisor Ms. Oakes about Mr. Fusco's moonlighting?
3. Mr. Fusco's response (below) appears to be incomplete, false or misleading, as do his Form 1 financial disclosure filings under F.S. 112 (Florida Ethics law).
-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fusco <wfusco@votesjc.com>
To: Ed Slavin <easlavin@aol.com>
Cc: Vicky Oakes <voakes@votesjc.com>
Sent: Sat, Aug 12, 2017 10:06 am
Subject: Re: Request No. 2017-444: Wayne Fusco outside employment approval
Please send me any document approving any outside employment for Wayne Fusco, e.g., for Historic City News or the St. Johns County Republican Executive Committee, and kindly provide a copy of your office policy on moonlighting and organizational conflict of interest (OCI).
4. In fact, Mr. Fusco DOES charge for taking and providing photographs, and his WAYNE FUSCO PHOTOGRAPHY website so states:
The Memory Maker – $750
2 Photographers for up to 7 hours of coverage.
A 1 hour session for the engagement.
20% discount on any print items, albums or custom prints
A $250 is required to secure your photographers
2 Photographers for up to 7 hours of coverage.
A 1 hour session for the engagement.
20% discount on any print items, albums or custom prints
A $250 is required to secure your photographers
Priceless Memories – $1500
2 Photographers for up to 11 hours of coverage.
A 1 hour session for the engagement.
30% discount on any print items, albums or custom prints
A $650 is required to secure your photographers
2 Photographers for up to 11 hours of coverage.
A 1 hour session for the engagement.
30% discount on any print items, albums or custom prints
A $650 is required to secure your photographers
* Both packages provide access to a password protected gallery for downloading all photos taken.
Buy Prints
These images are scaled down representations of the actual images. You will be provided the RAW image file that you can do as you want with. If you need to have your image converted to another format, just ask and we will take care of that for you. We accept Visa and MasterCard.
5. Thus, Mr. Fusco's financial disclosure form on the SoE website appears incomplete, false or misleading, Mr. Fusco.
6. Will Mr. Fusco kindly amend his Florida financial disclosure Form 1 on or before close of business on Monday, August 14 to disclose his source(s) of income from your (apparently unlicensed and unincorporated) WAYNE FUSCO PHOTOGRAPHY business, nunc pro tunc, for 2012-2016. Please include any paid work for the St. Augustine Beach Civic Association, Republican Executive Committee, Historic City News, St. Augustine Record, Conch House, weddings and other events.
7. Please provide copies of any documents evidencing or documenting ANY discussions of St. Johns County Deputy SoE Wayne Fusco's outside photography employment with Election Supervisor Ms. Vicki Oakes, required by SJC SoE personnel policies, which Mr. Fusco have shared (below).
8. Please call me to discuss.
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fusco <wfusco@votesjc.com>
To: Ed Slavin <easlavin@aol.com>
Cc: Vicky Oakes <voakes@votesjc.com>
Sent: Sat, Aug 12, 2017 10:06 am
Subject: Re: Request No. 2017-444: Wayne Fusco outside employment approval
Mr Slavin,
As requested, I have included the portion of our Employee manual dealing with Conflicts of Interest and Outside Employment below my response.
Concerning your question about me working for Historic City News or the Republican Party of St Johns County, I take photos of many events and people in and around St. Augustine; those photos are freely available for anyone view and/or download from my website without cost. (Emphasis added).
Thank you
Wayne Fusco
Elections Office employees shall not have personal investments in any enterprise that could create substantial conflict between their private interests and the public interest.
It is important that employees do not maintain such relationships with organizations, businesses or individuals with which they have official County business. Such behavior might be construed as evidence of favoritism, coercion, unfair advantage or collusion.
Employees who have any concerns about violating this policy should seek advice from his/her Supervisor to avoid misrepresentation of facts.
Accepting employment or self-employment during off duty hours in addition to your Elections Office work is not encouraged, but is not prohibited. You are reminded; however, that your Elections Office job is primary and the outside job should not interfere or conflict with your work. To avoid possible conflicts with outside employment regular full time employees are asked to discuss the matter with the Supervisor of Elections in advance of accepting outside employment.
From: Ed Slavin <easlavin@aol.com>
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:53 PM
To: Vicky Oakes
Cc: Wayne Fusco
Subject: Request No. 2017-444: Wayne Fusco outside employment approval
Dear Ms. Oakes:Sent: Friday, August 11, 2017 1:53 PM
To: Vicky Oakes
Cc: Wayne Fusco
Subject: Request No. 2017-444: Wayne Fusco outside employment approval
Please send me any document approving any outside employment for Wayne Fusco, e.g., for Historic City News or the St. Johns County Republican Executive Committee, and kindly provide a copy of your office policy on moonlighting and organizational conflict of interest (OCI).
Thank you.
*** Under Florida Law, FS 119, email addresses are public record. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send emails to this entity. Instead, please contact this office by phone or in writing.With kindest regards, I am,
I like for a photo shoot to be engaging, creative, open minded, and it absolutely has to be fun. There can’t be any stress and collaborating between the model and the photographer is absolutely critical to the outcome of the session.
I am a very easy going person so if you have an idea to try, that’s all the better. If I have anything to add as well during the shoot I will make a suggestion. I’m willing to try anything that will enhance a picture. If you would like to schedule a shoot with me, I shoot both on location and in my studio. You can’t beat my prices and I will help your portfolio and at the same time. If you want to take the plunge, please provide me with these specifics when you schedule your shoot.
Just use the Schedule a Shoot link at the bottom of this page and provide me with the following information:
– Dates & times you would like to do your photo session
– What setting you are looking for IE: background, location/studio, etc,
– The type of shoot IE: glamor, fashion, swimwear, artistic, implied, etc.
– How many wardrobes do you want to do the shoot in.
– What setting you are looking for IE: background, location/studio, etc,
– The type of shoot IE: glamor, fashion, swimwear, artistic, implied, etc.
– How many wardrobes do you want to do the shoot in.
I offer a complete range of high standard photographic imaging services for both external location and studio shoots. My facility includes a fully equipped photographic studio set up and up-to-date technical laboratory supplemented by a post-processing work station that allows us to produce brilliant photographs in all formats, color or black and white, as well as digital output and image manipulation in some cases while you wait. My photo sessions are very affordable starting at just $25.00.
Thanks you for considering Wayne Fusco Photography.
Schedule a Shoot
Thank you for considering to use Wayne Fusco Photography for your photography needs.
WHAT’S REQUIRED BEFORE A SESSION: Proof of Age. I will need to see and make a copy of your State issued picture ID at our first shoot for my records, before we begin shooting. I do not shoot anyone under 18 years of age without written parent consent.
Signed Release. You will be required to sign a release at the beginning of each shoot. No shoots will begin without a signed release. SORRY NO EXCEPTIONS.
A Pre-Shoot Meeting. Prior to doing our initial or first shoot, we will meet at a mutually agreed place to get acquainted (These meetings are held in a safe, public place like Starbucks or Panera or similar casual restaurant which is convenient for you). At this meeting, I will provide you a copy of my release for you to review. You can keep this for your records. This initial meeting is so that I get to see if you look like the pictures in your portfolio and so that you can meet me face to face and make sure you are completely comfortable. If you are under the age of 18, your parent or legal guardian will be required to be in attendance.
Escorts. Escorts are no problem as long as the person is unobtrusive. Experience has taught me that husbands, boyfriends and in some cases parents do not make good escorts. Even the most experienced models very often get self-conscious with them watching, but if they are your preference, that is absolutely okay with me.
Weddings. Wedding take special preparation and involve a lot of in-advance planning. We will work closely with you on things such as:
(Not all these may apply to every wedding)
(Not all these may apply to every wedding)
- Bride putting on make up
- Bride & Groom in limo
- Looking through the veil at the groom
- Looking at the camera through a mirror
- Full length bridal gown
- Mother and father of the bride
- Mother and father of the groom
- Fist (sic) dance
Let us put a package together for you!
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