LETTER TO THE EDITOR: You hit the mark on Beach politics
By Frank Ward / St. Augustine Beach
Posted Mar 12, 2018 at 12:11 AM
Updated Mar 12, 2018 at 12:11 AM
St. Augustine Record
You hit the mark on Beach politics
Editor: Your editorial published March 7 and titled “What is it with the Beach” should be encased in glass and mounted in St. Augustine Beach City Hall as a historic document.
At the monthly meeting of the St. Augustine Beach Civic Association last night, I likened it to Zola’s J’accuse.
If anything, you understate the rot that has infected and mired the City Commission at this critical juncture in our growth.
Instead, we get petty vengeance, scurrilous lies and relentless vendettas against innocent citizens ... often targeting not only elected rivals, but also veteran volunteers who simply serve with no reward at all.
The cretins that rain libelous accusations all over the internet are merely puppets, while the Svengali element waves from the balcony.
I applaud The Record for turning the journalistic spotlight on these barbarians at the gate.
Frank Ward, St. Augustine Beach
- Edward Adelbert Slavin
- Rank 0
1. Frank Ward, I love your classical music program on WFCF, 88.5, Flagler College Radio ("Radio With a Reason.").Very angry letter sounds out of character. Who put a fox in your bosom, or poisoned your fine mind with errant nonsense?
2. What was said at 3/8 SABCA meeting? Who are the "barbarians at the gate?' What "libel.?"
3. As SABCA Treasurer, will you kindly e-mail me today copies of SABCA's books (both sets) and check registers, 2008-2018?
4. What defense does SABCA have to long, documented train of abuses by St. Johns County Sheriff David Shoar's rogue employee. William Jones (SABCA President), Robert Samuels (SABCA EVP), et ux, angry Andrea Samuels, former St. Augustine Beach Mayor?
5. What are SABCA volunteers being told about Miami developer Deigo Ardid's' designs on our Pier and meetings between Ardids, owners of new Embassy Suites, Royle, Wanchick & two successive St. Augustine Beach Mayors (Andrea Samuels and Richard O'Brien)?
6. Did volunteers approve SABCA spending $750 on December 31, 2017 for the Samuels & Joneses to quaff Champagne in a "VIP Tent" with Mayor, Vice Mayor, FPL, Advanced Disposal, other City vendors, at 2017 Beach Blast?
7. Don't let yourself be used as "human shields" by aspiring "Tammany Hall," puppeteer/"leaders," who angrily lash out at valid concerns about SABCA's 18-year no-bid contracts and : (a) tried to help Marriott Courtyard owner escape legal promise to pay City $560,000 (Robert Samuels was angry at me, saying "you stink" on-camera); (b) oppose a Civil Rights Museum honoring 1964 beach wade-ins; (c) oppose St. Augustine National Historical Park & National Seashore.
8. St. Augustine Beach--"our [beach] village" as Henry Dean calls it--must be preserved and protected.
9. Illegitimi non carborundum, as Kilgore would say« less
2. What was said at 3/8 SABCA meeting? Who are the "barbarians at the gate?' What "libel.?"
3. As SABCA Treasurer, will you kindly e-mail me today copies of SABCA's books (both sets) and check registers, 2008-2018?
4. What defense does SABCA have to long, documented train of abuses by St. Johns County Sheriff David Shoar's rogue employee. William Jones (SABCA President), Robert Samuels (SABCA EVP), et ux, angry Andrea Samuels, former St. Augustine Beach Mayor?
5. What are SABCA volunteers being told about Miami developer Deigo Ardid's' designs on our Pier and meetings between Ardids, owners of new Embassy Suites, Royle, Wanchick & two successive St. Augustine Beach Mayors (Andrea Samuels and Richard O'Brien)?
6. Did volunteers approve SABCA spending $750 on December 31, 2017 for the Samuels & Joneses to quaff Champagne in a "VIP Tent" with Mayor, Vice Mayor, FPL, Advanced Disposal, other City vendors, at 2017 Beach Blast?
7. Don't let yourself be used as "human shields" by aspiring "Tammany Hall," puppeteer/"leaders," who angrily lash out at valid concerns about SABCA's 18-year no-bid contracts and : (a) tried to help Marriott Courtyard owner escape legal promise to pay City $560,000 (Robert Samuels was angry at me, saying "you stink" on-camera); (b) oppose a Civil Rights Museum honoring 1964 beach wade-ins; (c) oppose St. Augustine National Historical Park & National Seashore.
8. St. Augustine Beach--"our [beach] village" as Henry Dean calls it--must be preserved and protected.
9. Illegitimi non carborundum, as Kilgore would say« less
- 15 hours ago (edited)
- Edward Adelbert Slavin
- Rank 0
1. I first met Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Andrea Samuels on January 6, 2006 at the late Flagler College Drama Professor Sean Patrick O'Casey's Annual Twelfth Night Party. Both Andrea & Robert Samuels were convivial; they both appeared somewhat intelligent, but overbearingly politically ambitious, in hindsight.
2. Mr. Samuels told me that he had "tried" to run for office, but failed. Mr. Samuels told me that he intended to "run" his wife, Andrea, for public office, because he felt like he could never be elected.
3. The next time I remember seeing longtime SABCA President Robert Samuels was at a 2008 St. Augustine Lighthouse festival, on the grounds of the Lighthouse, standing behind SABCA's table. Mr. Robert Samuels was campaigning for his wife, Andrea Samuels. He accosted me, and bent my ear, inveighing against Andrea Samuels' 2008 campaign opponent, Undine Celeste Pawlowski, calling her a "Lesbian."
4. As a Gay man, I found it offensive that Mr. Samuels would literally hide behind the logo and table of a nonprofit (SABCA), emitting homophobic Lashon hara. Samuels employs dirty campaign tactics, resembling GOP dirty tricksters Paul Manafort's and Lee Atwater's dirty tricks -- unethical politics of hate.
5. Samuels then and there told me that "some people" were wanting SABCA to disclose its finances, asking me what he should do, shuddering with fear. I then advised Mr. Samuels to disclose everything
6. Ten years later, I'm still waiting on Mr. Samuels and SABCA to follow my advice.
7. Mr. Samuels was long the SABCA President for Life (now EVP).
8. His angry attacks on our free speech rights are indefensible "rot."
9. SABCA's rote rodomontade is indefensible and suggests it has much to hide.
10. Will SABCA share its finances and check register, 2008-2018, today?« less
2. Mr. Samuels told me that he had "tried" to run for office, but failed. Mr. Samuels told me that he intended to "run" his wife, Andrea, for public office, because he felt like he could never be elected.
3. The next time I remember seeing longtime SABCA President Robert Samuels was at a 2008 St. Augustine Lighthouse festival, on the grounds of the Lighthouse, standing behind SABCA's table. Mr. Robert Samuels was campaigning for his wife, Andrea Samuels. He accosted me, and bent my ear, inveighing against Andrea Samuels' 2008 campaign opponent, Undine Celeste Pawlowski, calling her a "Lesbian."
4. As a Gay man, I found it offensive that Mr. Samuels would literally hide behind the logo and table of a nonprofit (SABCA), emitting homophobic Lashon hara. Samuels employs dirty campaign tactics, resembling GOP dirty tricksters Paul Manafort's and Lee Atwater's dirty tricks -- unethical politics of hate.
5. Samuels then and there told me that "some people" were wanting SABCA to disclose its finances, asking me what he should do, shuddering with fear. I then advised Mr. Samuels to disclose everything
6. Ten years later, I'm still waiting on Mr. Samuels and SABCA to follow my advice.
7. Mr. Samuels was long the SABCA President for Life (now EVP).
8. His angry attacks on our free speech rights are indefensible "rot."
9. SABCA's rote rodomontade is indefensible and suggests it has much to hide.
10. Will SABCA share its finances and check register, 2008-2018, today?« less
- 13 hours ago
- Edward Adelbert Slavin
- Rank 0
St. Augustine Record reported SABCA EVP Robert Samuels' alleged verbal and physical attack on St. Augustine Beach's new Mayor, then Vice Mayor and Commissioner Undine George, in October 2016. http://www.staugustine.com/news-local-news/2016-10-28/st-augustine-beach-vice-mayor-says-commissioner-s-husband-jabbed-her?start=2. "Robert Samuels forcefully stabbed my right shoulder with his finger and started screaming at me about a conversation he had with Maggie Kostka (who is a candidate running in the same election as his wife, Mrs. Samuels),” according to her affidavit. Robert Samuels seemed “possibly intoxicated” and “very upset” and threw his arms out and in the air, she wrote. “I have been attacked by Bob Samuels and his wife in the past and they have both attempted to intimidate me during election seasons and it is inappropriate behavior,” George wrote. “Furthermore, it hurt when he stabbed at me and continued to hurt for a minute or two afterwards.”
“During the rest of the evening both of them glared at me each time I walked past their table,” according to George’s affidavit. “This hostility should not continue and I felt that I have no choice but to begin to report it especially since he has now elevated his hostility toward me with unwelcomed physical contact and intentionally interrupted the conversation I was having." George also wrote that Robert Samuels “essentially” told her she is “responsible for Ms. Kostka because” of a contribution she made to Kostka’s campaign, which was $250.
Kostka’s opponent, Andrea Samuels, has received $500 from beach Commissioner Gary Snodgrass and $250 from Sheriff David Shoar, among other contributions for her reelection campaign. Shoar also wrote a letter of recommendation for Andrea Samuels that is dated June 23, 2016."« less
“During the rest of the evening both of them glared at me each time I walked past their table,” according to George’s affidavit. “This hostility should not continue and I felt that I have no choice but to begin to report it especially since he has now elevated his hostility toward me with unwelcomed physical contact and intentionally interrupted the conversation I was having." George also wrote that Robert Samuels “essentially” told her she is “responsible for Ms. Kostka because” of a contribution she made to Kostka’s campaign, which was $250.
Kostka’s opponent, Andrea Samuels, has received $500 from beach Commissioner Gary Snodgrass and $250 from Sheriff David Shoar, among other contributions for her reelection campaign. Shoar also wrote a letter of recommendation for Andrea Samuels that is dated June 23, 2016."« less
- 11 hours ago
- NigelVer2
- Rank 0
“Anonymous letters will not be published nor will letters with a pseudonym. ”
At the founding of our country numerous writers publish articles under pseudonym. Shouldn’t the words themselves carry more weight than the author’s hand? If you think government or workplace coercion doesn’t exist, think again. Anonymity and truth often walk hand in hand.
At the founding of our country numerous writers publish articles under pseudonym. Shouldn’t the words themselves carry more weight than the author’s hand? If you think government or workplace coercion doesn’t exist, think again. Anonymity and truth often walk hand in hand.
- 15 hours ago
- Edward Adelbert Slavin
- Rank 0
@NigelVer2 1. No. The "Talk of the Town," the prior "Anonymice" Record website, was rightly abolished. ToTT was dominated by bullies, emitting racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic , anti-union, anti-environmental rants.
2. Only a few "Anonymice" even remotely resembled Ben Franklin's "Constance Dogood."
3. ToTTers sought to silence dissent by government watchdogs. We reported St. Augustine City Manager Wm. B. Harris for dumping a landfill in a lake. The"Anonymice," elecronic-KKK on steroids, stated they wanted to run us out of town, threatening violence.
4. During 2005-6, ToTTers posed 32 pages of homophobic posts, inveighing against our GLBT First Amendment victory in federal court on Rainbow flags on the Bridge of Lions. Then I asked which posters were city and county officials, local businessmen, and their entourages. Three text pages disappeared. Poof!
5. Before Mumford & Sons' "Gentlemen of the Road" tour, one anonymous one-time poster incited violence against our City officials. I filed a report with SAPD. But Morris Communications (Record's then-owner) refused to disclose poster's identity. Why? SAPD Commander Michelle Perry (since retired) refused to refer poster to FBI. Who was it? KKK Grand Dragon?
6. "Anonymice" chilled free speech rights, as when one local business owner (know. to others but not to me) pledged to fire any employees who might support a union, violating NLRB rights.
7. "Anonymice" were retaliators on ToTT, using anonymity as BOTH a sword and a shield.
8. SAR Editor Craig Richardson wisely ended "Anonymice" bullying.
9. No "right" to publish newspaper letters/comments anonymously
10. "Anonymous" are gone. Good riddance. Under GateHouse and Editor Craig Richardson, the Record's website has been made "safe for democracy."« less
2. Only a few "Anonymice" even remotely resembled Ben Franklin's "Constance Dogood."
3. ToTTers sought to silence dissent by government watchdogs. We reported St. Augustine City Manager Wm. B. Harris for dumping a landfill in a lake. The"Anonymice," elecronic-KKK on steroids, stated they wanted to run us out of town, threatening violence.
4. During 2005-6, ToTTers posed 32 pages of homophobic posts, inveighing against our GLBT First Amendment victory in federal court on Rainbow flags on the Bridge of Lions. Then I asked which posters were city and county officials, local businessmen, and their entourages. Three text pages disappeared. Poof!
5. Before Mumford & Sons' "Gentlemen of the Road" tour, one anonymous one-time poster incited violence against our City officials. I filed a report with SAPD. But Morris Communications (Record's then-owner) refused to disclose poster's identity. Why? SAPD Commander Michelle Perry (since retired) refused to refer poster to FBI. Who was it? KKK Grand Dragon?
6. "Anonymice" chilled free speech rights, as when one local business owner (know. to others but not to me) pledged to fire any employees who might support a union, violating NLRB rights.
7. "Anonymice" were retaliators on ToTT, using anonymity as BOTH a sword and a shield.
8. SAR Editor Craig Richardson wisely ended "Anonymice" bullying.
9. No "right" to publish newspaper letters/comments anonymously
10. "Anonymous" are gone. Good riddance. Under GateHouse and Editor Craig Richardson, the Record's website has been made "safe for democracy."« less
- 14 hours ago
- NigelVer2
- Rank 0
@Edward Adelbert Slavin Of course you are right. A few bad actors is always a totally reasonable and legitimate reason for limiting freedom of speech. Should we apply that to the Internet as a whole?
“Talk of the Town” are not letters to the editor with the key difference that the editor can “edit” or disregard them. For that matter, if you think people can’t anonymously post on here, you would be wrong. Yeah freedom of expression is messy, like democracy.
“Talk of the Town” are not letters to the editor with the key difference that the editor can “edit” or disregard them. For that matter, if you think people can’t anonymously post on here, you would be wrong. Yeah freedom of expression is messy, like democracy.
- 13 hours ago
- Edward Adelbert Slavin
- Rank 0
@NigelVer2 A. Yes, I get it that this is not your real name. As Appalachian Observer Editor I did not print anonymous letters to the editor. It would be irresponsible for an editor to do so. But, "NigelVer2," If you were Queen for a Day (or Editor for a week), would you:
1. Insist on learning the identity of a letter-writer before allowing anonymity?
2. Require verifiable reason rooted in bona fide fear of retaliation, e.g, by employer, landlord, etc.
3. Allow the Establishment to post anonymously, as before?
4. Allow the NRA or the KKK to publish anonymous letters?
5. Ask your insurance company and your First Amendment lawyer?
6. Research who the "Anonymice" were and how they destroyed the reputation of the Record during the bad 'ole days, under the 35 year Reign of Error of Morris Communications?
7. Want to investigate and find out who it was who made the online death threat directed against City of St. Augustine officials over Mumford & Sons and conduct interviews to find out why SAPD's then Commander Michelle Perry (daughter of former Sheriff Neil Perry, once regarded as a shoe-in to be SAPD Chief AND Sheriff) even refused to refer it to FBI, and why Morris Communications bean counter-accountant and the Record's then-Publisher Delinda Fogel refused to disclose name OR takedown the threatening online comment.
Snooty Publisher Delinda Fogel asked me on her cellphone while she was at lunch that day, "Do you have a degree in journalism?)? (I replied, "no ma'am, but I was interviewed by The New York Times last week). http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/05/us/charles-d-varnadore-whistle-blower-at-nuclear-lab-dies-at-71.html« less
1. Insist on learning the identity of a letter-writer before allowing anonymity?
2. Require verifiable reason rooted in bona fide fear of retaliation, e.g, by employer, landlord, etc.
3. Allow the Establishment to post anonymously, as before?
4. Allow the NRA or the KKK to publish anonymous letters?
5. Ask your insurance company and your First Amendment lawyer?
6. Research who the "Anonymice" were and how they destroyed the reputation of the Record during the bad 'ole days, under the 35 year Reign of Error of Morris Communications?
7. Want to investigate and find out who it was who made the online death threat directed against City of St. Augustine officials over Mumford & Sons and conduct interviews to find out why SAPD's then Commander Michelle Perry (daughter of former Sheriff Neil Perry, once regarded as a shoe-in to be SAPD Chief AND Sheriff) even refused to refer it to FBI, and why Morris Communications bean counter-accountant and the Record's then-Publisher Delinda Fogel refused to disclose name OR takedown the threatening online comment.
Snooty Publisher Delinda Fogel asked me on her cellphone while she was at lunch that day, "Do you have a degree in journalism?)? (I replied, "no ma'am, but I was interviewed by The New York Times last week). http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/05/us/charles-d-varnadore-whistle-blower-at-nuclear-lab-dies-at-71.html« less
- 44 minutes ago (edited recently)
- Edward Adelbert Slavin
- Rank 0
B. Ms. Fogel was a CPA, most noted for asking readers to help hunt typos. http://jimromenesko.com/2014/01/21/st-augustine-record-publisher-launches-catch-the-typos-contest-winner-gets-a-free-dinner
C. Naturally, the CPA was promoted to CFO; she now encumbers a position with GateHouse. http://www.morris.com/content/delinda-fogel-promoted-cfo-morris-publishing-group/
D. Journalistic standards require rejection of anonymous letters to the editor. (Unnamed sources are a different kettle of mullet).
E. To do otherwise plays right into the hands of dishonest politicians like President Donald Trump and Sheriff David Shoar and their self-serving efforts to cast aspersions (or asparagus) at journalism.
F Nigel, if your current employer or landlord won't like the subject of a letter you might wish to write, may I suggest that you accept the fact that GateHouse need not move heaven and earth and lower its standards to print your fatwa?
G. Perhaps you might ask a friend who shares your views, to sign their actual name. Or post online. Or on a blog (you might even draft a comment and submit it to my blog).
H. You have expressed NO good cause to expect GateHouse to lower its standards for you, or for the Record to retreat to the bad 'ole days of Morris Communications, when tedious, tendentious taunting ToTTers tormented whistleblowers and dissenters, cloaked by anonymity on the St. Augustine Record's Talk of the Town website--bullets in the gun of bigots, bullies and cronies of retaliatory City Manager Wm. Barry Harris, who dumped a landfill in a lake but escaped environmental crime prosecution by louche local and state Flori-DUH lawmen. www.cleanupcityofstaugustine.blogspot.com/2006/12/ed-bricker-blows-whistle-on-city.html
C. Naturally, the CPA was promoted to CFO; she now encumbers a position with GateHouse. http://www.morris.com/content/delinda-fogel-promoted-cfo-morris-publishing-group/
D. Journalistic standards require rejection of anonymous letters to the editor. (Unnamed sources are a different kettle of mullet).
E. To do otherwise plays right into the hands of dishonest politicians like President Donald Trump and Sheriff David Shoar and their self-serving efforts to cast aspersions (or asparagus) at journalism.
F Nigel, if your current employer or landlord won't like the subject of a letter you might wish to write, may I suggest that you accept the fact that GateHouse need not move heaven and earth and lower its standards to print your fatwa?
G. Perhaps you might ask a friend who shares your views, to sign their actual name. Or post online. Or on a blog (you might even draft a comment and submit it to my blog).
H. You have expressed NO good cause to expect GateHouse to lower its standards for you, or for the Record to retreat to the bad 'ole days of Morris Communications, when tedious, tendentious taunting ToTTers tormented whistleblowers and dissenters, cloaked by anonymity on the St. Augustine Record's Talk of the Town website--bullets in the gun of bigots, bullies and cronies of retaliatory City Manager Wm. Barry Harris, who dumped a landfill in a lake but escaped environmental crime prosecution by louche local and state Flori-DUH lawmen. www.cleanupcityofstaugustine.blogspot.com/2006/12/ed-bricker-blows-whistle-on-city.html
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