An outrageous act of bullying and barratry and retaliation, Deputy BANKS' bogus civil rights lawsuit was stirred up by corrupt St. Johns County Sheriff DAVID SHOAR, who legally changed his name from "HOAR" in 1994.
BANKS' bogus lawsuit against Agent Rodgers hung over the decorated special agent for four (4) years, four (4) months and seventeen (17_ days before it was dismissed, on Good Friday/Passover 2018.
Judge Davis joined another judge, County Court Judge Charles Tinlin, in finding that there was probable cause to believe that Deputy BANKS murdered Ms. Michelle O'Connell on September 2, 2010 in his home with his service weapon.
Now, Special Agent Rusty Rodgers will likely prevail on a claim for malicious prosecution of a civil lawsuit and racketeering against BANKS, et al. for filing the retaliatory Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation, filed just a few days before the November 24, 2013 New York Times/PBS Frontline stories. Rodgers had earlier filed a counterclaim on that count, but withdrew it (the last element was not present until Judge Davis dismissed the case and the judgment became final when it was not appealed from within 30 days.
The FBI and USDOJ must investigate SHOAR, et al. for their coverup of the Michelle O'Connell case.
Sheriff DAVID SHOAR needs to resign. Now.
Otherwise, his political machine needs to disown him.
A new Governor must appoint a truly independent prosecutor, not another conflicted, lackadaisical louche lackey Republican lout like BRADLEY KING, whose son SHOAR hired as a deputy at age nineteen, and who listed SHOAR as his number one reference when he unsuccessfully applied for a seat on the Florida Supreme Court in 2016.

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