- Obstructs Open Records requests.
- Works part-time as photographer, including weddings, work for Historic City News blog.
- Moonlighting never approved by Vichy Republican St. Johns County Supervisor of Elections VICKY OAKES
- Violated my request for Supervisor of Elections legal opinion requests earlier today:
-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Slavin
To: voakes
Cc: ctinlin; voting.section ; rlabasky ; bcc1jjohns ; bcc2jsmith ; bcc3pwaldron ; bcc4jblocker ; bcc5 ; mary ; marylawrence ; comugeorge ; commengland ; commkostka ; comdsamora ; comdrumrell ; tupchurch ; lfreeman ; nsikeskline ; rhorvath ; jvaldes ; pmarsh ; sunshine ; pat.gleason ; nicholas.weilhammer ; pmccormack ; mwanchick ; jpwilson ; ilopez ; jcary ; georgio ; sheltonhull ; sam ; Jen ; jmoe01 ; rwc904 ; jim.sutton ; news ; news ; news ; aschindler ; jclark ; jim ; elyse ; Barry.Benjamin ; tom ; chris ; sandy ; matt ; marykitchencobb ; wfusco ; waltbog
Sent: Wed, Nov 6, 2019 11:21 am
Subject: Re: Request No. 2019-502: St. Johns County SoE legal opinions
From: Ed Slavin
To: voakes
Cc: ctinlin
Sent: Wed, Nov 6, 2019 11:21 am
Subject: Re: Request No. 2019-502: St. Johns County SoE legal opinions
Dear Ms. Oakes:
1. Please send me SJC SoE's legal opinion request correspondence, if any exists. If none exists, please so state, rather than demanding that I perform a search on other agencies' websites, which is not a legally sufficient response:In response to your inquiry, there are several websites that will provide you with the information you have requested, if such information exists, and for your convenience here are the links:Department of State:Florida Attorney General:US Department of Justice
2. SJC SoE Deputy Supervisor of Elections WAYNE FUSCO's November 6, 2019 e-mail (below) is not a proper response under F.S. 119 and Article I, Section 24.
See Florida Attorney General's Government-in-the-Sunsine (2019). http://myfloridalegal.com/webfiles.nsf/WF/MNOS-B9QQ79/$file/SunshineManual.pdf
3. Please comply with our Florida Open Records laws, from this day forward. Florida Constitution, Article I, Section 24, was adopted by vote of 83% of Florida voters in 1992 (3.8 million voters). It is the controlling legal authority.
3. Please comply with our Florida Open Records laws, from this day forward. Florida Constitution, Article I, Section 24, was adopted by vote of 83% of Florida voters in 1992 (3.8 million voters). It is the controlling legal authority.
4. Does WAYNE FUSCO have a chip on his shoulder? Knock it off, please. Would you be so kind as to direct WAYNE FUSCO to stop violating our rights under our Florida Constitution, Article I, Section 24 and F.S. 119, please ma'am?
5. WAYNE FUSCO once demanded $95 for records that the Governor's office provided me for free.
6. WAYNE FUSCO has subjected me to a hostile working environment.
7. WAYNE FUSCO lacks as welcoming spirit.
8. Please coach and counsel WAYNE FUSCO and place a memo in his personnel file today.
9. When is the next meeting of the Canvassing Board?
10. I would like to present my concerns to Judge Tinlin and the other members of the other members of the Canvassing Board if these concern are not resolved today.
11. Please call me to discuss.
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fusco
To: Ed Slavin
Sent: Wed, Nov 6, 2019 8:36 am
Subject: Re: Request No. 2019-502: St. Johns County SoE legal opinions
*** Under Florida Law, FS 119, email addresses are public record. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send emails to this entity. Instead, please contact this office by phone or in writing.
From: Wayne Fusco
To: Ed Slavin
Sent: Wed, Nov 6, 2019 8:36 am
Subject: Re: Request No. 2019-502: St. Johns County SoE legal opinions
Mr. Slavin,
In response to your inquiry, there are several websites that will provide you with the information you have requested, if such information exists, and for your convenience here are the links:
Department of State:
Florida Attorney General:
US Department of Justice
Wayne E. Fusco - MFCEP
Assistant Supervisor of Elections
St. Johns County Supervisor of Elections
4455 Avenue A – Suite #101
St. Augustine, FL 32095
Office 904-823-2238
Fax 904-823-2249
Member Florida Local Government Information Systems Association (FLGISA)
Did you know that Online Voter Registration (OVR) is now available in Florida?
You can register to vote or update your voter registration information 24 hours a day from any computer or handheld device at: https://registertovoteflorida.gov
From: Ed Slavin
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2019 7:29 AM
To: Vicky Oakes; Wayne Fusco
Cc: voting.section@usdoj.gov; rlabasky@bplawfirm.com; bcc1jjohns@sjcfl.us; bcc2jsmith@sjcfl.us; bcc3pwaldron@sjcfl.us; bcc4jblocker@sjcfl.us; bcc5@aol.com;
Subject: Re: Request No. 2019-502: St. Johns County SoE legal opinions
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2019 7:29 AM
To: Vicky Oakes; Wayne Fusco
Cc: voting.section@usdoj.gov; rlabasky@bplawfirm.com; bcc1jjohns@sjcfl.us; bcc2jsmith@sjcfl.us; bcc3pwaldron@sjcfl.us; bcc4jblocker@sjcfl.us; bcc5@aol.com;
Subject: Re: Request No. 2019-502: St. Johns County SoE legal opinions
CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders.
Dear Ms. Oakes:
Please send me the legal opinions requested by the St. Johns County Supervisor of Elections from, or provided by, the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Voting Section, the Florida State Attorney General or the Florida Division of Elections.
Please send me the legal opinions requested by the St. Johns County Supervisor of Elections from, or provided by, the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, Voting Section, the Florida State Attorney General or the Florida Division of Elections.
Thank you,
With kindest regards, I am,
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