Saturday, May 08, 2021

The AWOL Family -- "Conservative" CYNDI STEVENSON and JAMES E. WARD

On April 26, 2017, CYNDI STEVENSON took a walk and did not vote on the "Whiskey and Wheaties" bill (hard liquor in grocery stores, inexplicably not voting on a measure that passed by one vote, but was vetoed by then Governor RICHARD LYNN. SCOTT. (I've filed to run as a Democrat against inept Rep. CYNDI STEVENSON, who has encumbered public offices for seventeen (17) years. Is unfortunate AWOL CYNDI STEVENSON's taking a walk on "Whiskey and Wheaties" following in the footsteps of her AWOL father, former Volusia County Council Chair JAMES E. "JIM" WARD? During the 2000 Bush v. Gore recount, WARD was a Volusia County Canvassing Board member who flew to Aruba after the recount went into a second week, citing his 35th anniversary Aruba vacation plans, possibly resulting in or contributing to his electoral defeat.   (What are WARD-STEVENSON "Family Values?" "When the going gets tough, 'take a walk,' or take a vacation in Aruba?"

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