Friday, November 29, 2024

WJCT First Coast Connect Takes A Holiday: Not Even Reruns, Anne Schindler? How Gauche and Louche

Today, our neighboring NPR affiliate in Jacksonville, Florida had no "First Coast Connect" week-in-review broadcast. Not even a local rerun or a substitute local broadcast, as the "Florida Roundup," the cooperative Florida-wide NPR program did this afternoon.  Wonder why?  

Ask WJCT station manager DAVID LUCKIN. Does DAVID LUCKIN, WJCT's he seemingly anti-intellectual station manager, expressing errant anti-news views every chance he gets, even in the middle of the night?  I reported. WJCT to CPB Inspector General in Washington, D.C. for their lousy, louche long neglect of information, with dozens of hours a week of repetitive music.  We won. WJCT was liberated.  More news. WJCT even addd the use of the word "news" in its name.  How cool is that?

But DAVID LUCKIN, WJCT;'s maladroit station manager, has begged to have his music programs restored to late Saturday nights and early Sunday mornings, there are still lacunae in our putative NPR affiliate's schedule, including: no Thanksgiving weekend reprises of prior broadcasts?  No greatest hits? Heroic journalist Annie Schindler needs a promotion, and not denigration or degradation by the NPR Jacksonville affiliate's station manager, Gaslighting NPR listeners who groove on news, is it time for this willful man to go?

DAVID LUCKIN's arrogant predecessor, Republican MICHAEL BOYLAY, has now been promoted under our Confederacy of Dunces to a catbird seat on the Jacksonville City Council.  

When Brian and I moved to St. Augustine in 1999, I noticed that our PBS affiliate's weekly televised journalist roundtable was all-white men. When I complained, tedious Republican MICHAEL BOYLAN said the panelists were all "volunteers," and thus not covered by the 1964 Civil Rights Act!  What a lugubrious goober.  So BOYLAN is now a Jacksonville City Councilman? Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Our aspiring local civic and journalistic institutions, based in Jacksonville, including public radio and public television stations, still leave much to be desired.

Thomas Jefferson wrote: 

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

-Quote on Jefferson Memorial, excerpted from letter to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1816.

Query: shall we work to establish a new NPR affiliate for St. Augustine and St. Johns County?  Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts now has its own NPR affiliate, WCAI no longer stuck with Boston NPR. 

Why are our county and itty-bitty cities of St. Augustine and St. Johns County still stuck with a Jacksonville-centric radio station, one that has little relating to overdevelopment and corruption here in our town and our county?

Judge Litt would ask, "Cut bono?"  (Who benefits?)

What do you reckon?

You tell me, my friends!

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