Monday, May 16, 2011



Generations of outrageously courageous women won the right to vote--some were arrested and called insane.

Their sacrifices helped heal the wounds of sexism and misogyny, which were written into law in all states but Wyoming, the first state to grant women the right to vote.

Their successors, the League of Women Voters, have eloquent displays of photos of women arrested for asking to vote, petitioning for a redress of grievances under our First Amendment, and being harshly, brutally mistreated and incarcerated for asking for equal voting rights.

Our Florida League of Women has announced that it will no longer register voters, due to an unconstitutional law that the misguided, other-directed Republicans in Tallahassee have adopted. The vote was unanimous. See below.

Is stopping the League's registration of voters Florida's best idea?

Is there an alternative?

How about asking some women to volunteer to register voters and turn in the forms 48 hours and 30 minutes after they are signed, and then challenge the constitutionality of the law before a three-judge panel of United States District Judges?

How about continuing to register voters and using the occasion to call attention to the Republican's anti-democratic effrontery, in a state that is covered by the pre-clearance provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

How about asking the United States Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Voting Rights Section, to bring a civil action against Governor Richard Scott and the Florida Legislature, seeking declaratory and injunctive relief?

How about asking the United States Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Civil Rights Section, to bring this case before a Federal Grand Jury, to consider whether or not to indict Governor Richard Scott and the Florida Legislature for civil rights violations under color of law.

This is the same Florida Legislature that attacked the rights of African-Americans ("Jim Crow" laws) and Gays and Lesbians (the "Purple Pamphlet") at the University of Florida, which still needs its consciousness raised in many respects.

Dr. King taught non-violence in resistance to what Saint Augustine called "unjust laws."

Does the League of Women Voters appreciate how its decision might be perceived?

Can the League of Women Voters empower individual members to continue the League's voter registration work, agreeing to help provide criminal defense lawyers when some Philistine State's Attorney prosecutes League members?

Do the lawyers and PR people appreciate that if some women are arrested, it will show the world what a remarkable state of denial the FLORI-DUH STATE LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR have become -- seeking to suppress voter registration to aid and abet the wealthy?

What do you reckon?

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