Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The beauty and the beast: nonpartisanship working for St. Augustine in Hurricane Matthew recovery

Reform St. Augustine Mayor Nancy Shaver was publicly called "relentless" by Florida Governor Richard Lynn Scott on October 17th, in a press conference at the Castillo de San Marco, praising her "leadership." Later that day, President Obama signed a disaster declaration allowing individual assistance for St. Johns County residents.

Oddly, the St. Augustine Record omitted this quote.

Wonder why?

Governor Scott respects Mayor Shaver, who waited for three hours last year at a veterans' award ceremony to talk with Governor Scott about funding for West Augustine sewers.

Mayor Shaver is the Mayor of ALL the people, unlike predecessor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, JR., who seethed with rage and refused to shake Mayor Shaver's hand December 1, 2014 when Florida Supreme Court Justice Peggy Quince sworn her in pursuant to the oath our Founders wrote in 1787 in Article VI of the United States Constitution.

Reform Mayor Shaver has challenged no-bid contracts, asked for audits of 450th contracts, and applied her 30+ years of business data analysis techniques. Like any whistleblower, like any investigative reporter, like any zealous reform government official, bad people fear her. Yes, the sere remnants of the louche local KKK Establishment here in St. Augustine and St. Johns County find her challenging, questioning, threatening -- they're afraid, very afraid.

We, the People, find her fascinating, governing without fear or favor, asking questions, demanding answers.

Three cheers for Mayor Nancy Shaver.

We love her, and so does Governor Richard Lynn Scott, who respects her intelligence and integrity.

The President's order was close to the line due to the proportion of second homes and people with insurance here in St. Augustine and St. Johns County -- initial data-gathering on October 14, 2016 was reportedly unsuccessful -- additional work was required by St. Johns County officials to get it right. The President acted swiftly, despite bellyaching from reprobative Republican apparatchiks -- the usual suspects, like Commissioner TODD NEVILLE (R-PROCTORVILLE), whose rump "relief center" at his accounting office at 5 Arredondo allegedly distributed election propaganda and was decertified by St. Johns County officials.

It takes a village to preserve and protect St. Augustine, Florida, now entering its 451st year.

Thanks to St. Augustine Mayor Nancy Shaver and Governor Rick Scott for nonpartisan efforts to help those who suffer here in St. Augustine and St. Johns County.

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