HARB members April 20, 2017 (today) discussed and continued until their May 2017 local landmark status for 18 St. George Street and 11 Spanish Street, formerly the late Donna Parks' residence, retail space and Local Heroes. The continuance allows time for research and investigation of its history and architecture and landmark criteria.
They rejected the politically-conneted architect who wanted to demolish it, ex-Vice Mayor DONALD CRICHLOW. Three cheers for St. Augustine Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB). The motion was by former UF lawyer Barbara Wingo and seconded by architect Catherine Duncan.
Devious pro-developer diva and louche lackey lawyer ISABELLE CHRISTINE LOPEZ, estimable City Attorney, actually looked up from languidly reading a magazine. Hick hack LOPEZ actually spoke, speaking of required notice to the applicant, whose representative was present (CRICHLOW).
HARB elected Antoinette Wallace Chair and Barbara Wingo Vice Chair.
As in the case of 32 Grenada Street, Board members are empowered to halt a demolition.
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