Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Letter: Veterans lack help from U.S.

Letter: Veterans lack help from U.S.

Ralph Diaz
Publication Date: 02/03/08

Editor: Recently, I saw something in front of Wal-Mart that not only saddened me but also made me, for the first time in my life, ashamed to be an American.

There stood one of our finest, an American soldier, asking for money for the USO, to help our veterans.

As I put money in the bucket and thanked him for what he does for us. I couldn't help but think the following.

Considering all the taxes we pay, all the billions of dollars our politicians give to other countries, who turn and spit in our face, the care we give our vets is a disgrace. It has brought them to the point of having to ask for assistance. Our so-called elected officials no longer run to serve the people, but to take care of special interest groups and corporations.

The hard-working people in this country do not have the time to march on Washington and protest.

We have to work to survive.

So I'm asking if nothing else, for people to write or call, and flood the so-called politicians asking that they at least take care of all our soldiers, who give their all to protect us.

Ralph Diaz

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