That's WILLIAM L. PENCE with the hat (above).
AKERMAN SENTERFITT lawyer WILILAM L. PENCE would rather fight than switch.
AKERMAN SENTERFITT lawyer WILLIAM L. PENCE wasted two years and hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayers money on a failed scheme to remove illegally dumped solid waste from the Old City Reservoir and bring it back to Lincolnville.
AKERMAN SENTERFITT lawyer WILLIAM L. PENCE wants the City of St. Augustine to keep paying him to avoid and evade answering questions and providing documents.
AKAERMAN SENTERFITT lawyer WILLIAM L. PENCE wants to intimidate and silence the Petitioners who blew the whistle on his scheme.
WILLIAM L. PENCE has no shame.
Shame on you, WILLIAM L. PENCE.
Shame on the St. Augustine City Manager WILLIAM B. HARRISS and City Commissioners who would hire AKERMASN SENTERIFITT to waste our money, without even allowing the public to speak out on their nefarious plans to repatriate illegally dumped material to Lincolnville, an historically African-American community, founed by freed slaves in 1866.
What was WILLIAM L. PENCE's agenda? Making money for himself and GEOSYNTEC, which is no longer doing much of anything on the failed project.
Could it be his other clients wanted a precedent to allow them to do something equally stupdi and racist?
You tell me. WILLIAM L. PENCE's other tatterdemalion clients include:
Central Florida Gas Company
Chesapeake Utilities Corporation
City of Clearwater
City of Gainesville
Clearwater Gas System
Florida Public Utilities Company
Gainesville Regional Utilities
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Key West Pipeline Company
Peoples Gas System
Rockwell Automation
Tampa Electric Company
Whistleblowers knowledgeable about the above organizations, please E-mail Ed Slavin at EASlavin@aol.como or call 904-471-7023 or 904-471-9699. Let us know what Mr. PENCE has covered up in your town or corporation. Let us know who he's tried to intimidate. Let us know what organization Mr. Pence might have been trying to help with a precedent allowing contaminated solid waste to be moved back into a low-income and African-American neighborhood from the place where it was illegally dumped (our Old City Reservoir, which PENCE insists on calling a "borrow pit.").
Florida needs an improved False Claims Act that applies to law firms like AKERMAN SENTERFITT and WILLIAM L. PENCE and to cities, counties and special taxing districts.
If WILLIAM L. PENCE and GEOSYNTEC had wasted State of Florida funds, we could sue them under FLorida's False Claims Act. Ask your Florida state representatives and state senators why they go all soft and squishhy when it comes to regulating fraud, waste, abuse, misfeasance, malfeasance and nonfeasance by governemnt contractors for cities, counties and special taxing districts.
Ask WILLIAM L. PENXCE if his conscience bothers him, wasting money from the City of St. Augustine for a racist solid waste repatriation scheme, without first spending one minute in meetings with local community leaders.
Ask WILLIAM L. PENCE if he is not a collossal waste of a great education.
Ask WILLIAM L. PENCE (the silk-suited supercilious flim-flam man with the feather in his hat, above), why his reckless, feckless law firm should ever get another dime of money from the City of St. Augustine or any other organizxation for "environmental" law work.
As Abraham Lincoln said, "this too shall pass."
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