Thursday, June 19, 2008

Reprobate JOHN MICA Defends Offshore Oil Drilling on "The Hill" Blog

Offshore Drilling Will Cut Dependence on Foreign Oil (Rep. John Mica)
June 18th, 2008

As a longtime advocate of responsible exploration and use of our domestic energy resources, I am pleased that President Bush, Senator McCain, and Governor Crist are looking favorably on an energy source that I long advocated.

If we are to drill off Florida’s shoreline, we should adopt reasonable limits, require sound technology, and ensure that every possible protection of our marine ecosystem is put in place. Depending on foreign energy in the Middle East, Venezuela, and Nigeria is not sound national policy. We need a short and long-term national effort to ensure energy independence and cut our long-term reliance on fossil fuels.

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By Fla. GOP Rep. John Mica

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