Mirabile dictu, those obscene, racist, sexist, misogynist, anti-union, anti-Gay energumen at Plazabum.com have gone underground.
Gone South.
Run away.
Now, if you want to read their hatred gibberish, you have to enter a password.
This may keep children from reading their obscenities.
This may keep tourists from getting the wrong impression that St. Augustine is one big homeless camp -- exactly the sort of message the Chamber of Commerce and the Tourist Development Council and the Convention and Visitors Bureau spend millions of dollars NOT to create.
Boy are the Plazabummers dumb and dumber -- these unsuccessful businesspeople are like dirty birds messing up their own nests.
Maybe someone finally gave them a clue.
Good riddance to bad rubbish -- let the harridans bay at the moon in their Doctor Dentons and leave decent people alone.
For those who still may care, here's the St. Augustine Record column by MICHAEL GOLD, announcing the formation of this hate-the-homeless and hate-liberals site two days before Christmas, 2006:
Guest column: Don't feed the freeloaders
St. Augustine
Publication Date: 12/23/06
It is time for the citizens of St. Augustine to say "enough". Our community and it's viability as a prime tourism destination is threatened by gypsy panhandlers who have been informed that our city is an "easy mark."
You might be surprised to learn that the increased number of bums and freeloaders inhabiting the plaza and historic district are not just here by accident. There is an organized anarchist group known as the "Squatter Culture" who exists primarily to make what they consider a political statement.
Their manifesto message is anti-establishment, anti-government and anti-police, but, oddly enough, they are very well informed about social programs and services which we make available through government subsidies, taxes, and donations.
The refusal of the Squatter Culture to work has nothing to do with their ability to work. They should not be confused with honest citizens who find themselves unemployed; in financial stress but able bodied and looking for new jobs. Squatters do not qualify for unemployment benefits because they weren't working in the first place.
Squatters should not be confused with the handicapped. They do not qualify for disability benefits because they are not disabled.
Simply put they do not work to support themselves because they refuse to support "the system." Rather, they spend their energies plotting ways to exhaust the services and programs "the system" can manage to provide.
These parasites and leeches did not randomly target St. Augustine. Their organization provides information to members through sophisticated means like the public Internet. The hobos that you see loitering around our public libraries and in cyber cafes where Internet access is freely provided are there for a reason. Once again, they use our resources to their benefit.
Tourism and travel Web sites are now issuing "travel advisories" cautioning travelers about the possibility of being approached by panhandlers who squat in our historic district. That is unconscionable.
St. Augustine is a "park and walk" tourist community and we have spent a king's ransom building a new parking facility to promote that concept. Our best efforts will be for naught if we do not take the necessary steps to rid ourselves of vagrant beggars in the historic district.
We need to send a strong message to the "Squatter Culture" that St. Augustine is no longer a "squatter-friendly" town for everyone with their hand out. We need to close down their wooded campsites along the railroad tracks and raise our voices to those who have the responsibility to enact and enforce any required ordinances.
We need to say -- in no uncertain terms -- that as a community, we are doing everything that we possibly can to protect the safety, convenience and enjoyment of visitors to America's Oldest City and that we will continue providing a premier vacation destination.
For those who are interested in this discussion or would like to add comments, a downtown merchant started a Web site where he intends to expose the problem and what some feel is the inaction of certain commissioners to address the problem properly. His site is PLAZABUM.COM and is free.
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