Anastasia State Park by artist Linda Blondheim
(Anastasia State Park would be among some ten state parks included in the St. Augustine National Historical Park and Seashore).
It's another beautiful day in a beautiful place, and things are moving rapidly toward getting a National Civil Rights Museum and St. Augustine National Park and Seashore. This will unite our community, grow our economy, and preserve protect our environmental and historic heritage forever. See below.
Meanwhile, our controversial St. Johns County, Sheriff, DAVID SHOAR, has admitted complicity in the $1.8 million no-bid Mosquito Control helicopter contract (which activists defeated).
Sheriff SHOAR's erstwhile, campaign manager, MICHAEL GOLD, now jokes about being the hate sites being run by "temple-destroyers" -- the haters are re-starting his plazabum.com website, see below.
Carpe diem. (Enjoy the day).
As Margaret Mead said it best, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
America's Founders knew it.
Let's live it.
See you tomorrow at 4:30 at the dedication of the Civil Rights Footsoldiers Monument at the Slave Market Square here in St. Augustine, Florida.
Carpe diem. (Enjoy the day).
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