POWER LUNCH: Tampa Bay Times, March 3, 2014:
Then-Gov. Rick Perry (R), Texas (now United States Secretary of Energy), greets then-Fl. Sen. John Thrasher (R), right, as Florida Governor Rick Scott watches, center, outside of the Governors Club in Tallahassee, Monday March 3, 2014 prior to a Florida Republican Party fundraiser at the club. Monday was the last day of fundraising in Tallahassee before the start of the 2014 legislative session. SCOTT KEELER | Tampa Bay Times
Since 1982, government officials and business lobbyists have frequented a private club in Tallahassee, the GOVERNORS CLUB. Reporters are banned, although at least one blog publisher belongs. Membership lists are confidential. It's an infraction to reveal who's a member or share photographs. Weddings are $5300. Lobbyist fundraises for legislators are frequent.
Contacts and secrecy are priceless at the GOVERNORS CLUB.
Some $440 million is spent on legislative races every two years and another $400 million on influencing legislators, with more spent on city and county elections throughout Florida. The controlling switchboard is in Tallahassee, and GOVERNORS CLUB is the epicenter.
Secrecy here is respected by Florida's news media, as exemplified by the Florida Politics blog screed attacking the News Service of Florida reporter for merely sharing a photo from Twitter, with a lurid Florida Politics headline stating "half of Tallahassee" was "pissed off" at the reporter. The publisher, Mr. Peter Schorsch, consultant for lobbying and PR firms and publisher of INFLUENCE Magazine, wrote of the GOVERNORS CLUB that "I am a member, even though I have a foot in the Fourth Estate. And the answer to this is I became a member before I was a publisher and I have not and would never violate club rules. As I joked yesterday on Twitter, Bill Pfeiffer could shoot Pat Roberts in the lounge with Richard Coates‘ gun and I would not report it.) Sounds clubby.
The GOVERNORS CLUB will cook the fish that you catch or the game you shoot.
The GOVERNORS CLUB offers courses in Executive Etiquette. Makes sense. This is where GOVERNORS CLUB member and frequent fundraiser Senator FRANK ARTILES, disgraced himself on the night of April 17, 2017, using the N-word in the nearly all-white Establishment club, while insulting State Senator Audrey Gibson, an African-American Democrat from Jacksonville, calling her a "girl" and a "bitch," fussing over her questioning ARTILES' committee amendments.
The GOVERNORS CLUB also offers take-out or delivery $9 lunches and $18 filet mignon dinner specials ($30,000/year legislators receive a low per diem for meals).
Here are some images of members and fundraiser invitations, including those for FRANK ARTILES:
Ex-Senator FRANK ARTILES quit Senate April 17, 2017 after using N-word, and obscenities directed at Sen. Audrey Gibson at private, members-only, no-reporters GOVERNORS CLUB in Tallahassee, Florida
Below are THE GOVERNORS CLUB, INC. History, House Rules, photos, member names, articles and a membership application. No reporters allowed unless attending a function and escorted to and fro by a member. Sounds like occupational discrimination to me. There's no ban on lobbyists. No ban on lawyers. No ban on mafioso. No ban on prostitutes. No ban on money launderers. Wonder why?
A Private Club In the Heart of Old Tallahassee 
The Governors Club was founded on certain principles. Chief among them were providing a comfortable and elegant environment for social gatherings, serving excellent food and offering outstanding service. Our private social club cultivates the finest membership in the state and fosters a diverse and loyal community. Rich in history, the Club opened its doors in an elegant and stately building that has become an esteemed locale for Tallahasseans and many of Florida’s leading professionals.
The club was an important part of the community’s social fabric early on. It
brought together a mix of people — people from town, state government, the
universities, business people, even the rednecks.
– Fred McCord, Vice President of the Organizing Board of Governors and President (1983)
House Rules
These Rules and Regulations have been established to govern the use of the facilities provided at the Governors Club and to promote the health, safety, welfare and enjoyment of all persons using the Club facilities. It is the intent of management of the Governors Club to limit these Rules and Regulations to the minimum required for the enjoyment of the Club facilities by all members, designees, immediate family members and their guests. The obligations of enforcing these Rules and Regulations for the good of all users is placed primarily in the hands of a trained staff whose principal responsibility is to assure members of all the courtesies, comforts and services to which a member of the Governors Club is entitled. It is further the responsibility of the membership to be familiar with these Rules and Regulations and to abide by them at all times.
Membership in the Governors Club is by invitation only. Invitations are extended to prospective members by the Membership Committee or through sponsorship by two members. Upon approval by the Board of Governors and payment of the initiation fee in full, an individual member thereafter has full rights as a member.
- Junior Executive members are members who are under 35 years of age and who have been extended an invitation to join the Club but are allowed to pay their initiation fee over a period of time established by the Board of Governors. Upon payment in full of their initiation fee, Junior Executive members become Regular members.
- Legacy Members are for the children and grandchildren of current members who are in good standing. The first three hundred dollars is waived from the initiation fee. If the prospective member is joining as a Legacy Junior Executive, then the first year is waived. If the prospective member is joining as Legacy Regular Member then the full amount less the three hundred dollars due immediately.
- A member who wants to rejoin the Club who left in good standing must pay a maximum of 6 months dues.
- All memberships in the Governors Club are individual. There are no corporate business memberships. Business associates, professional partners, or individuals who are otherwise related to or affiliated with an individual member do not have Club privileges.
- A spouse of an individual member may use the Club at all times in the same manner as the named individual member subject to all provisions of the House Rules. Children of a member may use the Club but such privilege shall expire at age 25. Prior arrangements with the Club by a parent member will be required for Club use by children.
- A spouse may opt for a membership in the event of a divorce upon application and approval. A $250 fee is required to set up a separate account.
- The affairs of the Club are managed by a Board of Governors elected by the membership. The Board may fine, suspend, or expel members for willful infractions of the House Rules or the By Laws, or for any acts or conduct that it deems disorderly, injurious or hostile to the best interests of the Club.
- The days and hours of operation of all Club facilities and the services provided will be established by the Board considering the season of the year and other circumstances. Use of the Club facilities is only available during operating hours. Facilities will be closed from time to time for maintenance, repairs and other purposes deemed appropriate.
- Members, designees, immediate family members and their guests use the facilities provided at the Club at their own risk.
- Members, designees, immediate family members and their guests must abide by all rules established by the Club as they maybe amended from time to time, and members and designees are responsible for ensuring that their immediate family members and guests comply with all rules of the Club.
- No member or designee or group of members and/acting in concert shall allow the same guest to frequently use the Club Facilities as a substitute for membership. All guests must be accompanied by a member of the Club; however, by prior arrangement with the Club Membership Director, a member may request that a guest use the Club facilities without the member being present, no more than twice in a calendar quarter. All guests’ charges will be billed to the member’s account unless arrangements are made in advance for the guest to use a credit card.
- Proper attire, decorum and consideration of the comfort of others must be observed at all times.
- Members, designees and immediate family members are not allowed in any service or restricted areas of the Club facilities Without the approval of the Club Manager.
- Dogs and other pets, with the exception of guide dogs, are not permitted on the Club facilities without the prior approval of the Club Manager. If permitted in the Club facilities, such dogs or other pets must remain on a leash at all times. Members and designees are responsible for any damage caused by a dog or other pet owned by the member or designee or under the member’s or designee’s control.
- All food and beverage consumed in the Club must be purchased at the Club and outside catering is not permitted, unless otherwise permitted in writing by the Club Manager. Employees are not permitted to deliver food or beverages of any kind to locations away from the immediate area where sold, unless permitted by the Club Manager.
- Members, designees, immediate family members and their guests may not supervise, give direction to, reprimand or abuse any of the Club’s employees, verbally or otherwise. Verbal or physical abuse or harassment of employees will not be tolerated. All employees of the Club are under the supervision of the Club Manager and no member, designee, immediate family member or guest shall reprimand or discipline any employee, request an employee to perform personal tasks while on duty at the Club, send any employee off Club property for any reason or request the personal use of the Club’s furnishings or equipment which are not ordinarily available for use by members. Any employee not rendering courteous and prompt service should be reported to the Club Manager immediately. All such reports will be given prompt attention.
- Advertisements in any form, and solicitation of any kind, are prohibited on the Club facilities and shall not be posted or circulated on Club property without the prior written approval of the Club Manager.
- Petitions may be originated, solicited, circulated or posted on the Club property only with the prior written approval of the Club Manager. There shall be no solicitation in the name of, or on behalf of, the Club nor shall the name or logo of the Club be used for any purpose, without the prior written approval of the Club Manager.
- Loud or offensive language is not tolerated at anytime.
- No firearms or other weapons of any kind are permitted on the Club property at any time unless carried by Law Enforcement Personnel in the line of duty.
- To facilitate the proper management of Club property, all complaints, criticisms or suggestions relating to the operation of Club properties must be addressed to the Club Manager.
- Unauthorized release of the Club’s membership roster by a member is a serious breach of Club policy. Violations will be reviewed by the Club and may result in the suspension or termination of membership or other appropriate disciplinary action.
- Absolutely no fireworks are permitted anywhere on Club Property unless part of a fireworks exhibit organized and conducted by the Club.
- No performance by entertainers is permitted on Club property unless approved by the Club Manager.
- Use of any portion of the Club facilities may be restricted or reserved by the Club and not available for use by members.
- Appropriate dress in good taste is required at all times for Members and their guests.
- Service shall not be available to male guests over the age of 12 in the Main Dining Room at any hour nor elsewhere on the Second Floor after 6:00 p.m. unless a jacket is worn, with the exception of the balcony which is casual. The requirement for a jacket is waived between Memorial Day and Labor Day, or special functions.
- Casual attire shall be permitted in the Grille, Dining Room, Balcony and Lounge; however such attire must be within the bounds of proper dress and fashion.
- The wearing of shorts, tank tops or ‘flip flops’ shall be considered inappropriate attire in any of the Club’s facilities.
- Reservations for the Main Dining Room and Balcony are encouraged and should be made whenever possible. Reservations in the Main Dining Room and Balcony will be held for 15 minutes past the appointed time and then released if the Member has not arrived or called to reaffirm and extend the reservation.
- Reservations are available, but not required for service in the Grille. Reservations will be held for 15 minutes past the appointed time and then released if the Member has not arrived or called to reaffirm and extend the reservation. Reservations for Grille dining normally will not be accepted more than 7 days in advance.
- Reservations for private dining functions can be arranged through the Club’s Catering Director.
- A menu tailored to the needs of the party will be contracted in advance. Dining a la carte is generally not available for groups of more than thirteen.
- Members reserving a private room for á la carte dining (when a menu is not set in advance), will be charged a per-person fee if all or a portion of the party fails to show, or cancels within two hours of scheduled arrival.
- All of the Club’s dining rooms are normally available for private parties. Members using a private room will be charged a room fee.
- Smoking in the Club is prohibited.
- Smoking is allowed on the Balcony and in the Lounge.
- Cellphones should be placed on vibrate or on silent when in the Club.
- The Club management reserves the right to deny service of alcoholic beverages to any person at any time.
- No employee of the Club or any member, or a guest of a member shall cause to be served to any person under the legal drinking age, any alcoholic beverages. Members permitting or allowing the consumption of alcoholic beverages by under age persons in the Club may be subject to termination of service, asked to leave as well as possible discipline by the Board of Governors. Such penalties shall include, but not be limited to, the assessment on a monthly bill of any fines or penalties imposed by a state, county or city authority in case of such violations.
- All persons being served alcoholic beverages whether they are a member or the guest of a member shall have appropriate identification which indicates that they are of the legal drinking age. All employees are permitted to request identification of any person.
- Alcoholic beverages may not be removed from the Club in any manner or at any time.
- The manager or person in charge at the time of any incident may take any reasonable measures necessary to insure full compliance with the beverage laws of this state, and the membership acknowledges that protecting a valuable license to serve alcoholic beverages as a convenience and service to the Club members is of utmost importance.
- A service charge, as established by the Board of Governors, shall be added to all restaurant and bar checks. Tips are not permitted under any circumstances, except for valet parking or the hospitality host.
- All restaurant and bar checks shall be signed with the member’s signature and membership number. No cash shall be received in payment of any restaurant or bar checks.
- Valet parking is provided as a service to the members through an independent contractor and is available during normal Club hours of operation, or as otherwise determined by the Club’s management. Since the parking operation is not affiliated with the Club, parking attendants may receive cash gratuities. The Club assumes no responsibility for articles left in cars turned over to attendants, or for any damage to a vehicle while in the custody or control of the parking contractor.
- The Club’s quarters and premises shall not be used for a general public function without prior written Board approval. Functions held at the Governors Club must be by personal invitation only. Ticket sales or solicitation for ticket sales for an event held at the Club are not allowed and will result in cancellation of the function.
- Members of the press shall only be permitted to the specific location of the private event. The host member is responsible for ensuring that the members of the press do not access other areas of the Club or infringe on other members privacy.
- Use of photographic and recording equipment is permitted in private dining rooms within the bounds of good taste and in a manner that does not disturb other guests. Prior approval for the use of such equipment is required from Management.
- Club Members shall not generate publicity about the Club unless specifically authorized by the Board.
- The manager and staff are expressly forbidden to disclose to any nonmember, directly or indirectly, the identity of any member of the Club unless authorized by the Board.
- Each member will be billed by the administrative office of the Governors Club, no later than the first working day of each month.
- Each member will be sent a billing statement for any unpaid balance thirty days after the first billing date. A finance charge of 1.5% will be added to the amount carried over from the previous statement.
- When the past due portion, including finance charges, has not been paid by the 53rd day following the first billing date, the member is considered financially delinquent. The Club shall notify the member by mail that Club privileges will be suspended unless full payment of the member’s account is received or postmarked within 7 days of notification. Any such suspension shall last until the account is paid in full.
- Seven days prior to the 90th day the account has remained unpaid, a certified letter from the Club’s General Manager/Chief Operating Officer will notify the member that suspension from the Club will result if payment of the total balance is not postmarked by the 90th day.
- Members may pay with credit card at the point of sale or monthly. The Board may require payment by credit card for members who are frequently delinquent.
- Any former Club member who chose to resign, non-renew or go inactive while in good standing, may rejoin upon payment of back dues (not to exceed six months.)
- Any member who has had their membership suspended or revoked as a result of disciplinary action including financial delinquency, may be reinstated upon payment of any outstanding debts, payment of back dues not to exceed 6 months and approval of the Board.
- Any member that has been reinstated after suspension or revocation as a result of financial delinquency may be subject to permanent revocation if their account becomes more than 60 days past due.
In keeping with the Club’s commitment to provide a work environment free of discrimination, the Club maintains a strict policy prohibiting harassment and discrimination, including sexual harassment. This policy applies to all Club Members as well as employees. Furthermore, it prohibits harassment and discrimination in any form, including verbal and physical.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, making unwanted sexual advances and requests for sexual favors where either (1) submission to such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; or (2) such conduct has the propose or effect of interfering with an individuals work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment.
Employees who violate this policy are subject to discipline, including, but not limited to, suspension or termination. Club members who violate this policy are subject to expulsion from the Club, or such other action as the board of Directors deems appropriate.
- Membership privileges and/or use privileges of any member, designee, immediate family member or guest may be suspended or terminated by the Club or such other disciplinary action may be taken which is deemed appropriate by the Club, including but not limited to, the imposition of a fine, if, in the sole judgment of the Club, the member, designee, immediate family member or guest:
- Submits false information on the Application for Membership Privileges or Application for Use Privileges, which if had been truthfully disclosed, would have rendered the applicant ineligible for membership/use privileges;
- Permits the unauthorized use of a member’s or designee’s membership/use card or account;
- Exhibits unsatisfactory behavior, deportment or appearance or acts in any other manner determined by the Board not to be in the best interest of the Club or its members;
- Fails to pay the membership fee, club fees or any other amount owed to the Club in a proper and timely manner or habitually fails to pay the club fees or any other amount owed to the Club in a timely manner;
- Fails to abide by these Rules and Regulations established for use of the Club Facilities, as may be amended from time to time;
- Treats the personnel or employees of the Club in an unreasonable or abusive manner including sexual harassment or;
- Engages in conduct that is improper or likely to endanger the welfare, safety, harmony or reputation of the Club or its members.
- The Club has determined that the following process relating to the suspension or termination of a membership or use privileges at the Club is fair and reasonable and shall be carried out in good faith. The member, designee, immediate family member or guest shall be notified of any proposed disciplinary action and shall be given an opportunity to be heard by the Club (either in writing or in person) to show cause why the individual should not be disciplined in accordance with these rules. A member or designee may also be subject to discipline for the actions of his/her immediate family members and guests. If the individual desires to be heard, they must provide a written request for a hearing to the Club Manager. The hearing shall be held before such individuals (who may or may not be member at the Club) as may be designated by the Board.
- Management personnel of the Club have full authority to enforce these Rules and Regulations and any infractions will be reported to the Club Manager and where appropriate the Club Board.
- The Club reserves the right to amend these Rules and Regulations as it deems appropriate from time to time. All amendments to these Rules and Regulations shall be approved by the Board of Governors in advance and will be effective when mailed to members.
Thank you for choosing the Governors Club for your event. We look forward to assisting you in every way possible to ensure that we provide the perfect setting for your special occasion.
The following information is provided to assist you in your arrangements.
The following information is provided to assist you in your arrangements.
General Menu Rules
- A la carte dining is available for parties of 12 or under.
- A Clubhouse Menu has been developed for a party of 13-22, allowing several choices for your guests to choose from.
- Set menus are required for any party over 22. If you wish to provide your guests with menu choices, we ask that you follow these guidelines.
- You may offer the maximum of three (3) items for the entrée with the same first and dessert course for the entire party.
- Pre-counts must be provided for all courses by the host a minimum of 72 (weekday) hours prior to the event via excel spreadsheet. Place cards will be prepared by the Club with your guest names and their selection.
- All food and beverage must be purchased through the Club. Due to availability of certain food and beverage items, prices cannot be guaranteed more than 90 days in advance of the scheduled function.
- All food and beverage must be consumed on the premises. It is not possible for any food or beverage to leave the Club’s premises which includes Receptions and Buffets.
- Final Menu Selections and Details for all events must be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the event. During Holidays and Legislative we ask to have menus and details completed 30 days in advance when possible.
Private Dining Rooms
- The Club assumes no responsibility for any personal article brought into the premises.
If items are brought into the Club, please have a designated person in your party responsible for retrieving them at the end of the function. - Should you be shipping boxes for your event, they must be addressed to the attention of Laura Kalinoski and marked with the name and date of your event. Due to limited storage items that remain at The Governors Club for more than 3 days following your event will become property of the Club and will be disposed of. We will be happy to assist you with any shipping or receiving you may need.
- The Governors Club is a private Club operated for the benefit of its Members only. Ticket sales, mail solicitation of ticket sale, or media advertising for events is prohibited and such use can result in cancellation of the function.
- No exchanges of cash are permitted on Club premises.
- No fundraisers or receptions are allowed in the GC Cigar Lounge during Legislative Session and Legislative Committee weeks. Fundraiser Packages are available on the 2nd and 3rd Floor Private Rooms from 2:00pm-6:30pm.
- Fundraising in common areas of the Club is strictly prohibited and enforced.
- Room Rental/ Set-Up Fees– All Room Rental and Set-Up Fees are subject to 7.5% Sales Tax. Function Rooms are assigned based on the number of guests anticipated. We realize there may be additions and changes to your final event prior to the actual start of your event. Every effort will be made to accommodate any additional space requirements; however, requests will be subject to space availability and prevailing rental charges. The Governors Club reserves the right to reassign function space as deemed appropriate based on final guarantee numbers for a specific event.
- Function rooms are available during the time periods indicated on the event order. Times prior to and following your scheduled event may be scheduled for other events. We appreciate your cooperation in keeping to your schedule. The Governors Club must approve any changes to the contracted schedule.
- A $150 reset fee will apply to any event set up changes within 48 hours prior to the start of the event
Banquet Corkage Fee is $15.00 per bottle opened.
Guarantees and Cancellations
- All functions require a signed contract and event order that must be signed and returned within 10 days of requested reservation for definite status. In the event a fully signed contract and event order is not received within 10 days, all space referred to in event order will be released and neither party will be further obligated under this agreement.
- All changes, additions, deletions, or stipulations including corrective lining out by either the Club or Member will not be considered agreed to or binding to the other unless such modifications have been initialed or otherwise approved in writing to the other.
- A final guarantee is required for any private party. It is the host’s responsibility to give the Catering Director the guaranteed count 48 hours (weekday) prior to the function. Final event orders will be sent to the Member and will require a final signature.
- Event orders serve has the recipe for your event and are used to express your event requirements and details to our culinary and operational teams. Please review your final event orders in detail to ensure that all requested changes have been made and that all your details requested are noted.
- Charges for food are based on the guarantee or the actual number attending, whichever is greater. If the guarantee is not called within 48 hours, the number expected will become the guarantee and we will prepare accordingly.
- A la carte or Clubhouse Menu parties will be a charged a no show fee, ($10 per person —lunch,
$15 per person—dinner) if the actual attendance falls below the guarantee. (Plus room rental, tax, service charge and any preselected food items) - All event checks must be signed by the person in charge or an authorized representative at the completion of each event. Any discrepancies in charges should be identified and resolved at that time.
- Cancellation of set menu events or functions must be made more than 72 hours prior to the function to not incur charges. Functions canceled within 72 hours will be charged 100% of the anticipated event changes.
(This policy does not apply to larger specialty functions, which have a different cancellation policy listed below.) - Holiday, Weddings, Rehearsal Dinners and all Sponsored Events require a non-refundable $1,000 deposit to secure the desired date. In the event of any cancellations 90 days prior to event, the Club will retain the $1,000 deposit.
- Cancellations within 90 days of booked event are liable for 50% of anticipated food, beverage, room rental and the $1,000 deposit.
- Cancellations within 30 days of booked event are liable for 100% of anticipated food, beverage, room rental, and the $1,000 deposit.
Like in the movie "Fight Club," secrecy of Governors Club is the main rule. It would appear to cover every crime that might be committed and make offenders of people making FBI reports. Secrecy is a sine qua non of doing business in Tallahassee, as Florida Politics blog's Publisher (and lobbying/PR consultant, who now publishes INFLUENCE Magazine) wrote in 2015 when (horrors) a News Service of Florida correspondent, Dara Kam, dared to publish a photo of champagne-swilling hospital lobbyists at the Governors Club:
JFK disagreed with that misguided, provincial publisher.
JFK's words were the first ever published on this blog when it began on April 12, 2006:
JFK disagreed with that misguided, provincial publisher.
JFK's words were the first ever published on this blog when it began on April 12, 2006:
JFK: The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society
President Kennedy said,
"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it."
Speech to American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961
"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it."
Speech to American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961
Here's Florida Politics publisher Peter Schorsch's secrecy-supporting June 10, 2015 screed:
Dara Kam pisses off the Governors Club
Often regarded as one of Adams Street’s favorite members of the Capitol Press Corps, the News Service of Florida’s Dara Kim pretty much pissed off half of establishment Tallahassee this week by tweeting out a picture of patrons of the members-only Governors Club enjoying a round of cocktails and camaraderie.
“Shhh. Don’t tell @FLGovScott,” Kam tweeted. “Hospital lobbyists swilling champagne at members-only Gov Club lounge yesterday.” One of the Governors Club members easily recognizable in the picture is a lobbyist for the Florida Hospital Association.
Kam really isn’t to blame for broadcasting the photo. It was likely sent to her from a member of the club and she is certainly not bound by the rules of the GC, which prohibit such violations of members’ privacy.
That said, Kam’s demagoguery is unnecessary. Sure, it makes for interesting fodder to write about people “swilling champagne,” as if Stickle and Co. had just arrived in town from Versailles, but Kam’s caption is exactly why reporters are not allowed in the lounge in the first place.
(Some have asked how it is that I am a member, even though I have a foot in the Fourth Estate. And the answer to this is I became a member before I was a publisher and I have not and would never violate club rules. As I joked yesterday on Twitter, Bill Pfeiffer could shoot Pat Roberts in the lounge with Richard Coates‘ gun and I would not report it.)
Kam’s tweet drew a rebuke Wednesday from club president Gus Corbella, who says that whoever the member is who sent the picture to Kam breached house rules and went against “the grain of the spirit” of the Governors Club.
The bottom line here is: This is why we can’t have nice things. Because of needle-dicks who send photos from inside a private club to reporters and reporters too eager to navel gaze (sic). In a town as small as Tallahassee, there has to be some sanctuary from prying eyes. There has to be at least one place where a girl can let her hair down and enjoy some bubbly.
FROM Florida Politics last month, in 2017, without the secrecy-supporting illogic in Florida Politics publisher Peter Schorsch's secrecy-supporting June 10, 2015 screed:
Spotted at the Governors Club: The last troubadour of Real Florida
Jeff Klinkenberg is not the kind of guy who does “luncheons,” but there he was at the Governors Club Tuesday, entertaining Friends of the First Amendment — some real, some fake — at the First Amendment Foundation’s annual fundraiser.
He looked a lot more comfortable later that day at Sally Bradshaw’s bookstore, telling true tales about things that “make Florida unique” to an appreciative audience of people who like to choose their reading material in a venue that does not sell toilet paper and tampons.
Klinkenberg coined the term Real Florida and cornered the knowledge market on everything worth knowing about people who do not need Disney to fire their imaginations or casinos to pump their adrenaline. To people genuinely committed to Florida, Klinkenberg is the Scheherazade of storytelling, revered by regular folks and by fellow A-list writers.
One of them, FSU professor and National Book Award winner Bob Shacochis showed up at Klinkenberg’s book signing to pay his respects. It was like watching Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page trade licks.
“Did you ever skinny dip with Jane Wood Reno?” Sachochis asked Klinkenberg. It was a question that could have come only from an author and journalist who knew and loved Florida long before the state became an international punchline.
Skinny dipping with Jane Wood Reno is one of the few Real Florida experiences Klinkenberg has not had. But she and her famous offspring have been in his database since 1966, when Klinkenberg was a 16-year-old stringer for The Miami News, where Reno was an esteemed reporter in an era when newspapers didn’t even have to pretend to take women seriously.
As a kid in Miami, Klinkenberg developed a passion for fishing, playing with snakes, and reading the inspired “About Florida” columns of the Miami Herald’s Al Burt. “I wanted to grow up to be Al Burt,” Klinkenberg said. “Back then, every paper had a person who wrote about Florida” so it seemed like a reasonable career goal, and a pretty good way to pay for the bait and tackle.
Great editors like the late Gene Patterson and Mike Wilson, now with The Dallas Morning News, saw the Al Burt potential in the young Jeff Klinkenberg, and turned him loose to travel the state in search of stories to inform, inspire, delight and dazzle readers of the St. Petersburg Times. Klinkenberg faithfully delivered for 37 years.
Telling real stories of real people was never just a job to Klinkenberg. It’s a calling, and he’ll be pursuing it until his last breath, or until they pave over the last square inch of Real Florida, whichever comes first.
Florida Supreme Court Historical Society gathering at The Governors Club, Inc.
Fish & Game
You Catch and We Cook!
Bring your cleaned wild game
or fresh catch to the CLUB and
let us bake, broil, grill, poach or
sizzle-up the fruits of your labor.
Better yet, bring both and we’ll
dazzle your senses with an
amazing surf and turf. For only
$12 per person, enjoy your
protein served with fresh vegetables and a choice of rice or potato. Call ahead and let us know what you are bringing and how you would like it prepared. Bon appétit!
You Catch and We Cook!
Bring your cleaned wild game
or fresh catch to the CLUB and
let us bake, broil, grill, poach or
sizzle-up the fruits of your labor.
Better yet, bring both and we’ll
dazzle your senses with an
amazing surf and turf. For only
$12 per person, enjoy your
protein served with fresh vegetables and a choice of rice or potato. Call ahead and let us know what you are bringing and how you would like it prepared. Bon appétit!
POWER LUNCH: Tampa Bay Times, March 3, 2014:
Then-Gov. Rick Perry (R), Texas (now United States Secretary of Energy), greets then-Fl. Sen. John Thrasher (R), right, as Florida Governor Rick Scott watches, center, outside of the Governors Club in Tallahassee, Monday March 3, 2014 prior to a Florida Republican Party fundraiser at the club. Monday was the last day of fundraising in Tallahassee before the start of the 2014 legislative session. SCOTT KEELER | Tampa Bay Times
Governors Club newsletters list the following members in news items, including new members and returning or restored members:
May 2017:
John J. Brunetti, Jr.
President / Hialeah Park
SPONSORS: Winn Peeples & Samual Ard
Representative Michael Grant
Ambitrans Medical Transportation SPOUSE: Lorraine
SPONSORS: Alison Dudley & Alex Miller
Wendy Spencer
President / Leadership Florida
SPONSORS: Wendy Walker & Lila Jaber
President / Hialeah Park
SPONSORS: Winn Peeples & Samual Ard
Representative Michael Grant
Ambitrans Medical Transportation SPOUSE: Lorraine
SPONSORS: Alison Dudley & Alex Miller
Wendy Spencer
President / Leadership Florida
SPONSORS: Wendy Walker & Lila Jaber
Justin Green
Director, FL DEP
Division of Water Resource Management SPOUSE: Suzanne
SPONSORS: John Schrader
& Andrew Ketchel
Katherine San Pedro
Regional Director of Legislative
& External Affairs / AT&T FIANCÉ: Brian Delburn SPONSORS: Sebastian Aleksander & Andrea Reilly
Director, FL DEP
Division of Water Resource Management SPOUSE: Suzanne
SPONSORS: John Schrader
& Andrew Ketchel
Katherine San Pedro
Regional Director of Legislative
& External Affairs / AT&T FIANCÉ: Brian Delburn SPONSORS: Sebastian Aleksander & Andrea Reilly
April, 2017:
Richard Chait
Attorney / Partner SPONSORS: Fausto Gomez & Paul Anderson
Robert Fields
Vice President / Suskey Consulting SPOUSE: Carrie
SPONSORS: Michael Olenick & Alan Suskey
Representative Jason Fischer
State of Florida
SPOUSE: Melinda
SPONSORS: Brad Burleson & Mike Fischer
Mathew Forrest
Lobbyist / Partner / Ballard Partners SPOUSE: Jillian
SPONSORS: Brad Burleson & Joe Love
Paul Hawkes
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
SPOUSE: Leslie
SPONSORS: Jim Magill & Michael Harrell
Kevin McGavock
Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney PC SPONSORS: Timothy Stanfield
& Michael Harrell
Attorney / Partner SPONSORS: Fausto Gomez & Paul Anderson
Robert Fields
Vice President / Suskey Consulting SPOUSE: Carrie
SPONSORS: Michael Olenick & Alan Suskey
Representative Jason Fischer
State of Florida
SPOUSE: Melinda
SPONSORS: Brad Burleson & Mike Fischer
Mathew Forrest
Lobbyist / Partner / Ballard Partners SPOUSE: Jillian
SPONSORS: Brad Burleson & Joe Love
Paul Hawkes
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
SPOUSE: Leslie
SPONSORS: Jim Magill & Michael Harrell
Kevin McGavock
Buchanan, Ingersoll & Rooney PC SPONSORS: Timothy Stanfield
& Michael Harrell
Benjamin “BG” Murphy
Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs Dept. of Financial Services
SPOUSE: Chelsea
SPONSORS: James Kotas & Chris Chaney
Daniel Nordby
Partner / Shutts & Brown LLP
SPOUSE: Rachel
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Bill Moor
Chairman Marcellus W. Osceola, Jr.
Seminole Tribe of Florida
SPOUSE: Trisha
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Bill Moor
Jackson Streeter, M.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Florida Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research SPOUSE: Maria
SPONSORS: Will McKinley
& Van B. Poole
Representative Matthew Willhite
State of Florida
SPOUSE: Alexis
SPONSORS: David Ramba & Cory Guzzo
Returning member
Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs Dept. of Financial Services
SPOUSE: Chelsea
SPONSORS: James Kotas & Chris Chaney
Daniel Nordby
Partner / Shutts & Brown LLP
SPOUSE: Rachel
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Bill Moor
Chairman Marcellus W. Osceola, Jr.
Seminole Tribe of Florida
SPOUSE: Trisha
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Bill Moor
Jackson Streeter, M.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Florida Institute for the Commercialization of Public Research SPOUSE: Maria
SPONSORS: Will McKinley
& Van B. Poole
Representative Matthew Willhite
State of Florida
SPOUSE: Alexis
SPONSORS: David Ramba & Cory Guzzo
Returning member
Patrick Slevin
CEO/President / SL7 Consulting SPOUSE: Sharon
CEO/President / SL7 Consulting SPOUSE: Sharon
March 2017:
Russell S. Daws
President / CEO / Tallahassee Museum SPOUSE: Carol
SPONSORS: Jim Cordero & Lance Lozano
Edgar Fernandez
Anfield Consulting SPONSORS: Albert Balido & Frank Bernardino
William Galloway
CEO / Bill Tracking of Florida SPONSORS: Robert Hawken & Garry Guzzo
Kurt Gehring
President / Gehring Group
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Bill Moor
Sydney Ridley
Lobbyist / Southern Strategy Group SPONSORS: David A. Shepp
& Monte Stevens
President / CEO / Tallahassee Museum SPOUSE: Carol
SPONSORS: Jim Cordero & Lance Lozano
Edgar Fernandez
Anfield Consulting SPONSORS: Albert Balido & Frank Bernardino
William Galloway
CEO / Bill Tracking of Florida SPONSORS: Robert Hawken & Garry Guzzo
Kurt Gehring
President / Gehring Group
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Bill Moor
Sydney Ridley
Lobbyist / Southern Strategy Group SPONSORS: David A. Shepp
& Monte Stevens
Andy Gonzalez
Public Policy Representative Florida Association of Realtors SPONSORS: Andrew P. Rutledge & Danielle Scoggins
Russell Roberts
V.P. Government Affairs Florida East Coast Ind. SPONSORS: David Mica & Chris Finkbeiner
Stephen “Pepper” Uchino
Member/Anfield Consulting Group, Inc. SPOUSE: Barbara
SPONSORS: Albert Balido
& Frank Bernardino
SPONSORS: Albert Balido
& Frank Bernardino
Andrew Wiggins
Senior Director Of Campaigns & Elections Florida Chamber of Commerce
SPONSORS: Gavin Phipps
& Sebastian Aleksander
Returning members:SPONSORS: Gavin Phipps
& Sebastian Aleksander
Senator Frank Artiles State of Florida
Seth McKeel Managing Partner/Southern Strategy Group
February 2017:Seth McKeel Managing Partner/Southern Strategy Group
Stacy Arias
Associate / Southern Strategy Group SPOUSE: Frank
& Mercer Fearington, Jr.
Clay Barker
Government Affairs Consultant Enwright Consulting Group, Inc. SPONSORS: James C. Rimes, Jr. & Kelly Horton
Amy Bisceglia
Government Consultant / Rubin Group SPONSORS: Heather Turnbull
& William Rubin
Allison Carter
Principal / Fiorentino Group SPOUSE: Todd
SPONSORS: T. Martin Fiorentino & Craig D. Varn
Javier Correoso
Public Affairs Manager Uber Technologies SPONSORS: J.C. Flores & Christain Camara
Jennings DePriest
Associate / Strategos Group SPONSORS: Tara Reid & Jim Horne
Barry S. Edwards
Partner / Real Solutions SPONSORS: Chris Spencer & Jeff Brandes
Cesar Fernandez
Senior Public Affairs Associate Uber Technologies
SPOUSE: Ailyn Portal SPONSORS: Jennifer Green
& Brad Burleson
& Mercer Fearington, Jr.
Clay Barker
Government Affairs Consultant Enwright Consulting Group, Inc. SPONSORS: James C. Rimes, Jr. & Kelly Horton
Amy Bisceglia
Government Consultant / Rubin Group SPONSORS: Heather Turnbull
& William Rubin
Allison Carter
Principal / Fiorentino Group SPOUSE: Todd
SPONSORS: T. Martin Fiorentino & Craig D. Varn
Javier Correoso
Public Affairs Manager Uber Technologies SPONSORS: J.C. Flores & Christain Camara
Jennings DePriest
Associate / Strategos Group SPONSORS: Tara Reid & Jim Horne
Barry S. Edwards
Partner / Real Solutions SPONSORS: Chris Spencer & Jeff Brandes
Cesar Fernandez
Senior Public Affairs Associate Uber Technologies
SPOUSE: Ailyn Portal SPONSORS: Jennifer Green
& Brad Burleson
William “Trey” Faulkner
Vice President / Chason Homes SPOUSE: Pam
SPONSORS: Michael D. Melder & Tim Jansen
Jeannie Garner
Deputy Executive Director
Florida League of Cities
SPONSORS: Clifford Scott Dudley & Michael Sittig
Dale Joyce
President / Joyce Publishing, Inc.
SPOUSE: Connie
SPONSORS: Elizabeth Willis & Lisa Hurley
Representative Sam H. Killebrew
SPOUSE: Eileen
SPONSORS: David Shepp & Marsha Bowen
Representative Alex Miller
CEO / Mercedes Medical
SPONSORS: Brian Jogerst & Doug Holder
Ronald Mowrey
Lawyer / Mowrey Law Firm SPOUSE: Rebecca
SPONSORS: Donald M. Wilham & Michael D. Melder
William Rodriguez
Director, House Committee 2018 Republican Party of Florida
SPOUSE: Lesley
SPONSORS: James Blair & David Custin
Jennifer Wilson
Government Affairs Advisor Adams & Reese LLP SPOUSE: Joseph
SPONSORS: H. Lee Moffitt & Senator Jack Latvala
Returning members:
Vice President / Chason Homes SPOUSE: Pam
SPONSORS: Michael D. Melder & Tim Jansen
Jeannie Garner
Deputy Executive Director
Florida League of Cities
SPONSORS: Clifford Scott Dudley & Michael Sittig
Dale Joyce
President / Joyce Publishing, Inc.
SPOUSE: Connie
SPONSORS: Elizabeth Willis & Lisa Hurley
Representative Sam H. Killebrew
SPOUSE: Eileen
SPONSORS: David Shepp & Marsha Bowen
Representative Alex Miller
CEO / Mercedes Medical
SPONSORS: Brian Jogerst & Doug Holder
Ronald Mowrey
Lawyer / Mowrey Law Firm SPOUSE: Rebecca
SPONSORS: Donald M. Wilham & Michael D. Melder
William Rodriguez
Director, House Committee 2018 Republican Party of Florida
SPOUSE: Lesley
SPONSORS: James Blair & David Custin
Jennifer Wilson
Government Affairs Advisor Adams & Reese LLP SPOUSE: Joseph
SPONSORS: H. Lee Moffitt & Senator Jack Latvala
Returning members:
Randy Lewis Principle / Senior Architect / MLD Architects
Peter Murray, Jr. Government Affairs Consultant / Colodny Fass
Stephanie Smith Senior Public Policy / Uber Technologies
January 2017:
Robert Flowers
Peter Murray, Jr. Government Affairs Consultant / Colodny Fass
Stephanie Smith Senior Public Policy / Uber Technologies
January 2017:
Robert Flowers
President / C.W. Roberts Contracting, Inc. SPOUSE: Melanie
SPONSORS: Senator Jack Latvala
& Bob Burleson
Alan Shelby
Executive Vice President
Florida Forestry Association
SPOUSE: Jennifer
SPONSORS: Jim Spratt & Adam Bansford
Davin Suggs
Director of Public Policy Florida Association of Counties SPOUSE: Angela
SPONSORS: R. Scott Shalley & Christian B. Doolin
Susan Harbin
Senior Associate Director Florida Association of Counties SPONSORS: R. Scott Shalley & Christian B. Doolin
SPONSORS: Senator Jack Latvala
& Bob Burleson
Alan Shelby
Executive Vice President
Florida Forestry Association
SPOUSE: Jennifer
SPONSORS: Jim Spratt & Adam Bansford
Davin Suggs
Director of Public Policy Florida Association of Counties SPOUSE: Angela
SPONSORS: R. Scott Shalley & Christian B. Doolin
Susan Harbin
Senior Associate Director Florida Association of Counties SPONSORS: R. Scott Shalley & Christian B. Doolin
Stephen M. James
Legislative Attorney
Florida Association of Counties SPOUSE: Susan
SPONSORS: R. Scott Shalley & Christian B. Doolin
Laura Melissa Youmans
Associate Policy Director Florida Association of Counties SPONSORS: R. Scott Shalley & Christian B. Doolin
Joseph C. Bodiford
Bodiford Law, P.A. SPOUSE: Diane
SPONSORS: Don Pumphrey & Michael Kalifeh
Returning members:
Representative Benjamin Diamond
Williamson, Diamond & Caton
Legislative Attorney
Florida Association of Counties SPOUSE: Susan
SPONSORS: R. Scott Shalley & Christian B. Doolin
Laura Melissa Youmans
Associate Policy Director Florida Association of Counties SPONSORS: R. Scott Shalley & Christian B. Doolin
Joseph C. Bodiford
Bodiford Law, P.A. SPOUSE: Diane
SPONSORS: Don Pumphrey & Michael Kalifeh
Returning members:
Representative Benjamin Diamond
Williamson, Diamond & Caton
December 2016:
Louis “Trey” E. Goldman, III
Legislative Counsel
Florida Association of Realtors SPONSORS: Danielle Scoggins & Carrie A. O’Rourke
Erin CoyFlorida Association of Realtors SPONSORS: Danielle Scoggins & Carrie A. O’Rourke
External Affairs Manager
Agency for State Technology/State of Florida SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Christina Johnson
Agency for State Technology/State of Florida SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Christina Johnson
Andrew Rutledge
Public Policy Representative Florida Association of Realtors SPOUSE: Abby
SPONSORS: Danielle Scoggins & Carrie A. O’Rourke
SPONSORS: Danielle Scoggins & Carrie A. O’Rourke
Andrew Ketchel
Consultant / Capital City Consulting SPONSORS: Chris Schoonover
& Kenneth Granger
Jason Straczewski
Vice President, Government Affairs Southeast QSR, LLC
SPOUSE: Gretchen
SPONSORS: Brewster Bevis & Tom Feeney
Elizabeth Dudek
Director/Greenberg Traurig
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Fred Baggett
Sharon Tyler
Executive Director/American Red Cross SPONSORS: Bob Lotane
& Donna Simmons
Consultant / Capital City Consulting SPONSORS: Chris Schoonover
& Kenneth Granger
Jason Straczewski
Vice President, Government Affairs Southeast QSR, LLC
SPOUSE: Gretchen
SPONSORS: Brewster Bevis & Tom Feeney
Elizabeth Dudek
Director/Greenberg Traurig
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Fred Baggett
Sharon Tyler
Executive Director/American Red Cross SPONSORS: Bob Lotane
& Donna Simmons
November 2016:
Lauren S. Walker, MSW
Social Worker
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Claude
SPONSORS: Lee Hinkle & Robert Reyes
Social Worker
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Claude
SPONSORS: Lee Hinkle & Robert Reyes
Robin Olin
Panacea Oyster CoOp Corporation SPOUSE: Kay
SPONSORS: Fred Harris & Gus Corbella
Returning members:
Panacea Oyster CoOp Corporation SPOUSE: Kay
SPONSORS: Fred Harris & Gus Corbella
Returning members:
Dr. Larry Robinson
Interim President, Florida A&M University
Aaron Wayt
Pumphery & Prince
October 2016:
Lindsey Peppers
Event Coordinator / Jim Moran Institute SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Cody Boomer SPONSORS: Doug Tatum
& Charles Robinton
& Charles Robinton
Christopher L. Nuland
Senior Partner
Law Offices of Chris Nuland
SPONSORS: Jon Johnson & Jeff Scott
Senior Partner
Law Offices of Chris Nuland
SPONSORS: Jon Johnson & Jeff Scott
John Powell Frazee, Jr.
Chairman / Frazee Partners
John Powell Frazee, Jr.
Chairman / Frazee Partners
September 2016:
Theodore E. Frazee III
Executive Vice President / Redwire LLC SPOUSE: Haley
SPONSORS: Doug Smith & Stan Barnes
Dr. G.C. Murray, Jr.
Deputy General Counsel
Florida Justice Association
SPONSORS: Paul Jess & Debra Henley
David A. Theriaque
President / David A. Theriaque, P.A., d/b/a Theriaque & Spain
SPONSORS: Todd Kocourek
& Lester Abberger
Mark Colin Roopnarine
General Counsel
Office of Financial Regulation SPOUSE: Rachel
SPONSORS: Jane Menton
& Michael Kalifeh
Jason Dennard
Associate Athletic Director / FSU Athletics SPOUSE: Michelle
SPONSORS: Wyatt Brooks & Paul Phipps
SPONSORS: Doug Smith & Stan Barnes
Dr. G.C. Murray, Jr.
Deputy General Counsel
Florida Justice Association
SPONSORS: Paul Jess & Debra Henley
David A. Theriaque
President / David A. Theriaque, P.A., d/b/a Theriaque & Spain
SPONSORS: Todd Kocourek
& Lester Abberger
Mark Colin Roopnarine
General Counsel
Office of Financial Regulation SPOUSE: Rachel
SPONSORS: Jane Menton
& Michael Kalifeh
Jason Dennard
Associate Athletic Director / FSU Athletics SPOUSE: Michelle
SPONSORS: Wyatt Brooks & Paul Phipps
Richard Moore
Engineer / Partner / Moore Bass Consulting SPONSORS: Flecia Braswell & Bill Moor
Senator George Gainer
President & CEO / Panhandle Auto SPOUSE: Jan
SPONSORS: Senator Jack Latvala & Margaret Timmins
Dr. Joseph Miller
Chiropractor / Tallahassee Spine Center SPOUSE: Bonnie
SPONSORS: Dr. Albert Lee & Bill Miller
Jamie C. Shelton
Jacksonville Greyhound Racing, Inc. SPOUSE: Ali
SPONSORS: John Lockwood
& Howard I. Korman
William Dube
SPONSORS: Tony M. Grippa & Richard Pfeffer
Returning member:
Engineer / Partner / Moore Bass Consulting SPONSORS: Flecia Braswell & Bill Moor
Senator George Gainer
President & CEO / Panhandle Auto SPOUSE: Jan
SPONSORS: Senator Jack Latvala & Margaret Timmins
Dr. Joseph Miller
Chiropractor / Tallahassee Spine Center SPOUSE: Bonnie
SPONSORS: Dr. Albert Lee & Bill Miller
Jamie C. Shelton
Jacksonville Greyhound Racing, Inc. SPOUSE: Ali
SPONSORS: John Lockwood
& Howard I. Korman
William Dube
SPONSORS: Tony M. Grippa & Richard Pfeffer
Returning member:
Tom O’Steen
Landscape Architect / Land Planner / Moore Bass Consulting
Landscape Architect / Land Planner / Moore Bass Consulting
August 2016:
Ian C. White
Partner & Sharholder / Ausley McMullen SPOUSE: Lisa
SPONSORS: John Jeffry Wahlen
& DuBose Ausley
James Ross Shackelford
Athletic Marketing Coordinator
Florida State University
SPOUSE: Chelsea Knott
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Tom Stahl
Elizabeth Boyette
Director of Academic Programs FSU College of Law
SPONSORS: Donald J. Weidner & Hayden R. Dempsey
Jonathan Johnson
Attorney / Hopping Green & Sams PA SPOUSE: Laura
& Gary K. Hunter, Jr.
Matthew Foster
Partner & Shareholder / BLBF&G SPOUSE: Linzy
SPONSORS: Gordon Thames
& John C. Kenny
Richard Brightman
Shareholder / Hopping, Green & Sams SPONSORS: David Childs
& Gary K. Hunter
Partner & Sharholder / Ausley McMullen SPOUSE: Lisa
SPONSORS: John Jeffry Wahlen
& DuBose Ausley
James Ross Shackelford
Athletic Marketing Coordinator
Florida State University
SPOUSE: Chelsea Knott
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Tom Stahl
Elizabeth Boyette
Director of Academic Programs FSU College of Law
SPONSORS: Donald J. Weidner & Hayden R. Dempsey
Jonathan Johnson
Attorney / Hopping Green & Sams PA SPOUSE: Laura
& Gary K. Hunter, Jr.
Matthew Foster
Partner & Shareholder / BLBF&G SPOUSE: Linzy
SPONSORS: Gordon Thames
& John C. Kenny
Richard Brightman
Shareholder / Hopping, Green & Sams SPONSORS: David Childs
& Gary K. Hunter
Lydia Claire Brooks
Vancore Jones
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Tom Stahl
Erin O’Hara O’Connor
Dean & Professor / FSU College of Law SPOUSE: Michael
SPONSORS: Lawrence N. Curtin, Esq. & Donald J. Weidner
Donald A. Wilham
Credit Union Consultant
Sanders, Holloway & Ryan, CPAs SPOUSE: Patricia
SPONSORS: David A. Wengert
& Mike Melder
Drew Piers
Deputy Director of Public Affairs
Sachs Media Group
SPOUSE: Rebecca
SPONSORS: Ron Sachs & Herbie Thiele
Ryan P. Molaghan
Attorney / Brooks, LeBoeuf, Bennett, Foster & Gwartney, PA SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Elora Weaver SPONSORS: Brewster Bevis
& Brad Burleson
Brad Swanson
President / Florida Cable Telecommunications Association SPOUSE: Meg
SPONSORS: Charles Dudley
& Brian Musslewhite
July 2016:
Ed Canup
June 2016:
Jose Diaz
Vancore Jones
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Tom Stahl
Erin O’Hara O’Connor
Dean & Professor / FSU College of Law SPOUSE: Michael
SPONSORS: Lawrence N. Curtin, Esq. & Donald J. Weidner
Donald A. Wilham
Credit Union Consultant
Sanders, Holloway & Ryan, CPAs SPOUSE: Patricia
SPONSORS: David A. Wengert
& Mike Melder
Drew Piers
Deputy Director of Public Affairs
Sachs Media Group
SPOUSE: Rebecca
SPONSORS: Ron Sachs & Herbie Thiele
Ryan P. Molaghan
Attorney / Brooks, LeBoeuf, Bennett, Foster & Gwartney, PA SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Elora Weaver SPONSORS: Brewster Bevis
& Brad Burleson
Brad Swanson
President / Florida Cable Telecommunications Association SPOUSE: Meg
SPONSORS: Charles Dudley
& Brian Musslewhite
July 2016:
Ed Canup
EVP & CO-COO / Capital City Bank SPOUSE: Lisa
SPONSORS: Bill Smith & Bill Moor
Dr. Joseph M. Gray
Partner / Tallahassee Pulmonary Clinic SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Dr. Jeannine Silberman
SPONSORS: John C. Kenny
& Emory Mayfield
Dr. William C. Dixon
Physician / Southern Medical Group, P.A. SPOUSE: Shannon
SPONSORS: Dr. Frank Gredler & Erik Kirk
SPONSORS: Bill Smith & Bill Moor
Dr. Joseph M. Gray
Partner / Tallahassee Pulmonary Clinic SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Dr. Jeannine Silberman
SPONSORS: John C. Kenny
& Emory Mayfield
Dr. William C. Dixon
Physician / Southern Medical Group, P.A. SPOUSE: Shannon
SPONSORS: Dr. Frank Gredler & Erik Kirk
Dr. Michael Glaze
Emergency Medicine Physician Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Tammy
SPONSORS: Dr. Steve Cremin
& Jim Thielen
Dr. Erin N. Boyd
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Brandon
SPONSORS: Dr. Steve Cremin
& Dr. William Miller
June 2016:
Ed Canup
Emergency Medicine Physician Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Tammy
SPONSORS: Dr. Steve Cremin
& Jim Thielen
Dr. Erin N. Boyd
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Brandon
SPONSORS: Dr. Steve Cremin
& Dr. William Miller
June 2016:
Ed Canup
EVP & CO-COO / Capital City Bank SPOUSE: Lisa
SPONSORS: Bill Smith & Bill Moor
Dr. Joseph M. Gray
Partner / Tallahassee Pulmonary Clinic SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Dr. Jeannine Silberman
SPONSORS: John C. Kenny
& Emory Mayfield
Dr. William C. Dixon
Physician / Southern Medical Group, P.A. SPOUSE: Shannon
SPONSORS: Dr. Frank Gredler & Erik Kirk
SPONSORS: Bill Smith & Bill Moor
Dr. Joseph M. Gray
Partner / Tallahassee Pulmonary Clinic SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Dr. Jeannine Silberman
SPONSORS: John C. Kenny
& Emory Mayfield
Dr. William C. Dixon
Physician / Southern Medical Group, P.A. SPOUSE: Shannon
SPONSORS: Dr. Frank Gredler & Erik Kirk
Dr. Michael Glaze
Emergency Medicine Physician Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Tammy
SPONSORS: Dr. Steve Cremin
& Jim Thielen
Dr. Erin N. Boyd
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Brandon
SPONSORS: Dr. Steve Cremin
& Dr. William Miller
Emergency Medicine Physician Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Tammy
SPONSORS: Dr. Steve Cremin
& Jim Thielen
Dr. Erin N. Boyd
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPOUSE: Brandon
SPONSORS: Dr. Steve Cremin
& Dr. William Miller
Jose Diaz
Public & Government Relations Robert M. Levy & Associates SPONSORS: Marty Bowen
& Candice Ericks
David Wengert
Chartered Senior Financial Planner Voya Financial Advisors
SPONSORS: Mike Melder
& Manny Gonzalez
& Candice Ericks
David Wengert
Chartered Senior Financial Planner Voya Financial Advisors
SPONSORS: Mike Melder
& Manny Gonzalez
Greg Munson
Shareholder/Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart SPOUSE: Jodi Wilkof
SPONSORS: Terry Cole & Lila A. Jaber
Michelle Palacio
Vice President, Governmental Relations Florida International University SPOUSE: Daniel
SPONSORS: Jennifer Goen
& Dan Holsenbeck
Shareholder/Gunster, Yoakley & Stewart SPOUSE: Jodi Wilkof
SPONSORS: Terry Cole & Lila A. Jaber
Michelle Palacio
Vice President, Governmental Relations Florida International University SPOUSE: Daniel
SPONSORS: Jennifer Goen
& Dan Holsenbeck
Returning Member:
Jenna Lockwood
May 2016:
Colonel David Alcorn
Jenna Lockwood
May 2016:
Colonel David Alcorn
Executive Vice President & Director of Operations / K2 Technical, LLC SPOUSE: Lisa
SPONSORS: Jim Thielen & Stam Stathis
Tara Reid
Associate/Strategos Group SPONSORS: Skylar Zander & James W. Horne
Adam Blalock
Of Counsel / Hopping Green & Sams SPOUSE: Jenny
SPONSORS: Donovan Brown
& Johanna Money
SPONSORS: Jim Thielen & Stam Stathis
Tara Reid
Associate/Strategos Group SPONSORS: Skylar Zander & James W. Horne
Adam Blalock
Of Counsel / Hopping Green & Sams SPOUSE: Jenny
SPONSORS: Donovan Brown
& Johanna Money
Lori Costantino-Brown
President / CEO / Bridges International SPOUSE: Charles
SPONSORS: Jason Unger & Chris Carmody
Will Messer
Risk Manager / Earl Bacon
SOON-TO-BE SPOUSE: Stephanie Miller SPONSORS: Marion Hoffmann
& James E. Messer
April 2016:
Brianna Jordan
President / CEO / Bridges International SPOUSE: Charles
SPONSORS: Jason Unger & Chris Carmody
Will Messer
Risk Manager / Earl Bacon
SOON-TO-BE SPOUSE: Stephanie Miller SPONSORS: Marion Hoffmann
& James E. Messer
April 2016:
Brianna Jordan
Principal / Front Street Consulting SPONSORS: Chris Coker
& Derek A. Whitis
Jeremy Susac
Vice President Government Affairs Lennar Ventures
SPONSORS: Cameron Cooper
& Katie Scott Webb
John Schrader
Program Administrator / Florida DEP SPONSORS: Jim Owens & Parrish Owens
& Derek A. Whitis
Jeremy Susac
Vice President Government Affairs Lennar Ventures
SPONSORS: Cameron Cooper
& Katie Scott Webb
John Schrader
Program Administrator / Florida DEP SPONSORS: Jim Owens & Parrish Owens
Jason Vail
Shareholder / Allen, Norton & Blue SPOUSE: Abby
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Michael Mattimore
Casey Lauer
Principal / Lauer Real Estate Group
and Elevation Construction & Design SPOUSE: Brittany
SPONSORS: Ken Cashin & Dale Lauer
March 2016:
Shareholder / Allen, Norton & Blue SPOUSE: Abby
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Michael Mattimore
Casey Lauer
Principal / Lauer Real Estate Group
and Elevation Construction & Design SPOUSE: Brittany
SPONSORS: Ken Cashin & Dale Lauer
March 2016:
Grant Rish
Business Development / Preble-Rish Inc. SPONSORS: Rachael Bjorklund
& Brad Drake
Dustin Johnson
Managing Principal / Waddel & Reed SPOUSE: Ana
SPONSOS: Gary Parsons
& Michael Kalifeh
Carolyn Johnson
Policy Director
Florida Chamber of Commerce SPONSORS: H. French Brown, IV & Mark Delegal
Nancy Ann Texeira
Principal / Ground Game Solutions SPOUSE: Richard Higdon Smith SPONSORS: Ellen N. Anderson
& Tracy Mayernick
Business Development / Preble-Rish Inc. SPONSORS: Rachael Bjorklund
& Brad Drake
Dustin Johnson
Managing Principal / Waddel & Reed SPOUSE: Ana
SPONSOS: Gary Parsons
& Michael Kalifeh
Carolyn Johnson
Policy Director
Florida Chamber of Commerce SPONSORS: H. French Brown, IV & Mark Delegal
Nancy Ann Texeira
Principal / Ground Game Solutions SPOUSE: Richard Higdon Smith SPONSORS: Ellen N. Anderson
& Tracy Mayernick
Shireen Sackreiter
Florida Office Managing Director Accenture
SPONSORS: Douglas Darling
SPONSORS: Douglas Darling
& Charlie Liem
Corinne Mixon
Principal / Mixon & Associates SPONSORS: Juhan Mixon
& Cynthia Henderson
& Cynthia Henderson
Alicia Skolrood
Executive Director Risk & Govt. Rel. Baptist Health Care Corp.
SPONSORS: Albert Balido
SPONSORS: Albert Balido
& Frank Bernardino
Returning Member:
Candice Ericks
February 2016:
Charles Faircloth
General Counsel/Florida Department of Veterans Affairs
SPONSORS: Michael Rosciam
& Marion Hoffmann
Paul Light
Coastal Forest Resources Company SPONSORS: Jim Owens & Parrish Owens
Barbara O'Brien
Director, Government Relations Jackson Vaughn Public Strategies SPONSORS: William McKinley & Van B. Poole
Roger Champion
President/Champion Management Company SPOUSE: Donna
SPONSORS: Frank Mercer & Josh Jordan
SPONSORS: Michael Rosciam
& Marion Hoffmann
Paul Light
Coastal Forest Resources Company SPONSORS: Jim Owens & Parrish Owens
Barbara O'Brien
Director, Government Relations Jackson Vaughn Public Strategies SPONSORS: William McKinley & Van B. Poole
Roger Champion
President/Champion Management Company SPOUSE: Donna
SPONSORS: Frank Mercer & Josh Jordan
Bert B. Boldt, II
Owner / Physical Therapist Tallahassee Physical Therapy & Rehabilitative Services, LLC SPOUSE: Sheryl
& Marion Hoffmann
Robert A. Hudson
Dealer Principle/Tallahassee Ford Lincoln SPOUSE: Debra
SPONSORS: Dale Brown & Marion Hoffmann
Rachael Ondrus
Director of Public Affairs McNicholas & Associates SPONSORS: Nicole Fogarty & Michael Spinelli
Returning Members:
Owner / Physical Therapist Tallahassee Physical Therapy & Rehabilitative Services, LLC SPOUSE: Sheryl
& Marion Hoffmann
Robert A. Hudson
Dealer Principle/Tallahassee Ford Lincoln SPOUSE: Debra
SPONSORS: Dale Brown & Marion Hoffmann
Rachael Ondrus
Director of Public Affairs McNicholas & Associates SPONSORS: Nicole Fogarty & Michael Spinelli
Returning Members:
Douglas McAlarney
Ryan Dietz
January 2016:
January 2016:
Gary Parsons
Financial Advisor / Waddell & Reed SPONSORS: Barney Bishop
& Chris Coker
Raoul Lavin
Director, Management & Administration City of Tallahassee
SPOUSE: Greg T. Burke
SPONSORS: Barney Bishop & David Poole
Francisco-Javier ‘Frank’ Digon
Assistant Director / Program Division The Florida Bar
SPONSORS: Manny Gonzalez
& Michael Melder
David Goodlett
S.V.P Govt. & Grower Relations Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative SPOUSE: Michelle
SPONSORS: Gaston Cantens
& Brian Hughes
Financial Advisor / Waddell & Reed SPONSORS: Barney Bishop
& Chris Coker
Raoul Lavin
Director, Management & Administration City of Tallahassee
SPOUSE: Greg T. Burke
SPONSORS: Barney Bishop & David Poole
Francisco-Javier ‘Frank’ Digon
Assistant Director / Program Division The Florida Bar
SPONSORS: Manny Gonzalez
& Michael Melder
David Goodlett
S.V.P Govt. & Grower Relations Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative SPOUSE: Michelle
SPONSORS: Gaston Cantens
& Brian Hughes
Michele Watson
President, Watson Policy Solutions SPOUSE: Riley
SPONSORS Lance Lozano
& Karen Phillips
Christie A. Pontis
Government Affairs Manager, CenturyLink SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Eric Mason SPONSORS James G. Smith & Erin Ballas
H. French Brown, IV
Attorney / Hopping Green & Sams PA SPOUSE: Meghan
SPONSORS David Childs
& Gary K. Hunter
Representative Janet Cruz
Florida Democratic Party
President, Watson Policy Solutions SPOUSE: Riley
SPONSORS Lance Lozano
& Karen Phillips
Christie A. Pontis
Government Affairs Manager, CenturyLink SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Eric Mason SPONSORS James G. Smith & Erin Ballas
H. French Brown, IV
Attorney / Hopping Green & Sams PA SPOUSE: Meghan
SPONSORS David Childs
& Gary K. Hunter
Representative Janet Cruz
Florida Democratic Party
Nick Iarossi & Dan Newman
December 2015:
December 2015:
Ryan Bell
Financial Advisor / Waddell & Reed SPOUSE: Amanda
SPONSORS: Paul Jess & Debra Henley
Rebecca Matthews
Chief Executive Officer
Florida Healthy Kids Corporation SPOUSE: John
SPONSORS: Nick Iarossi
& Audrey Brown
Billy Don Grant
Owner / Gadsden Tomato Company SPONSORS: Will McKinley
& Van B. Poole
Christopher Carmody
Shareholder / GrayRobinson, PA SPONSORS: Steve Parton & Jason Unger
Emily Buckley
Government Relations Manager Jones Walker, LLP
SPONSORS: Jennifer Ungru
& Christine Ashburn
Financial Advisor / Waddell & Reed SPOUSE: Amanda
SPONSORS: Paul Jess & Debra Henley
Rebecca Matthews
Chief Executive Officer
Florida Healthy Kids Corporation SPOUSE: John
SPONSORS: Nick Iarossi
& Audrey Brown
Billy Don Grant
Owner / Gadsden Tomato Company SPONSORS: Will McKinley
& Van B. Poole
Christopher Carmody
Shareholder / GrayRobinson, PA SPONSORS: Steve Parton & Jason Unger
Emily Buckley
Government Relations Manager Jones Walker, LLP
SPONSORS: Jennifer Ungru
& Christine Ashburn
Lawrence McClure
Vice President
Streamline Environmental, Inc. SPONSORS: Tom Stahl
& Marion Hoffmann
Michael Melder
SPONSORS: Manny Gonzalez & Tim Jansen
Dr. Todd Hewitt
Tallahassee Memorial Hospital SPOUSE: Michelle SPONSORS: Josh Kasper
& Dr. David Bellamy
Amy Schrader
Of Counsel / Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PA
SPONSORS: Donna Blanton
& Edwin Bay
November 2015:
Craig Miller
Vice President
Streamline Environmental, Inc. SPONSORS: Tom Stahl
& Marion Hoffmann
Michael Melder
SPONSORS: Manny Gonzalez & Tim Jansen
Dr. Todd Hewitt
Tallahassee Memorial Hospital SPOUSE: Michelle SPONSORS: Josh Kasper
& Dr. David Bellamy
Amy Schrader
Of Counsel / Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz, PA
SPONSORS: Donna Blanton
& Edwin Bay
November 2015:
Craig Miller
Attorney / Rutledge Ecenia, PA SPONSORS: Gabriel Warren & Gary R. Rutledge
Michael Anway
Senior Policy Advisor Holland and Knight SPONSORS: Mark Delegal
& Joshua Aubuchon
Returning members:
Senior Policy Advisor Holland and Knight SPONSORS: Mark Delegal
& Joshua Aubuchon
Returning members:
Danielle Scoggins
Wayne Clotfelter
Wayne Clotfelter
October 2015:
Robert A. Williams
Chief Deputy General Counsel, Florida Department of Environmental Protection SPOUSE: Amber
SPONSORS: Jacob D. Varn
& Mallory Harrell
Returning Member:
Chief Deputy General Counsel, Florida Department of Environmental Protection SPOUSE: Amber
SPONSORS: Jacob D. Varn
& Mallory Harrell
Returning Member:
Deeno Kitchen
September 2015:
Howard DuBosar
Managing Shareholder / Attorney
The DuBosar Law Group
SPOUSE: Stacey
SPONSORS: Sean Pittman & Fred Baggett
Pascal Kolb
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Tom Stahl
Alex Nollmann
National Sales Manager / Panasonic SPOUSE: Jessica
SPONSORS: Jay Malpass
& Alia Faraj-Johnson
R.J. ‘Rocky’ Bevis
President / Bevis Funeral Homes SPOUSE: Patti
SPONSORS: Brewster B. Bevis & Bill Montford
Managing Shareholder / Attorney
The DuBosar Law Group
SPOUSE: Stacey
SPONSORS: Sean Pittman & Fred Baggett
Pascal Kolb
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Tom Stahl
Alex Nollmann
National Sales Manager / Panasonic SPOUSE: Jessica
SPONSORS: Jay Malpass
& Alia Faraj-Johnson
R.J. ‘Rocky’ Bevis
President / Bevis Funeral Homes SPOUSE: Patti
SPONSORS: Brewster B. Bevis & Bill Montford
Aidan Clifford
Territory Account Manager Panasonic N. America SPOUSE: Jinna Anne SPONSORS: Jay Malpass & Alia Faraj-Johnson
Curtis Osceola
Executive Director / Florida Governor’s Council on Indian Affairs, Inc. SPONSORS: Segundo J. Fernandez
& Kenneth G. Oertel
& Kenneth G. Oertel
Abigail MacIver
VP State Operations / Partnership for Affordable Clean Energy
SPONSORS: James McFaddin
SPONSORS: James McFaddin
& Bruce Kershner
August 2015:
Frederick M. Dyson
COO/McKenzie Tank Lines, Inc. SPONSORS: Thomas F. Panebianco & Winston K. Howell
COO/McKenzie Tank Lines, Inc. SPONSORS: Thomas F. Panebianco & Winston K. Howell
Monica Rodriguez
Ballard Partners/UFHealth Shanks
Brian Ballard & Eli Nortelus
July 2015:
Beth Nunnally
VP, External Relations Sunshine Health Centene SPONSORS: Dean Cannon & Gus Corbella
VP, External Relations Sunshine Health Centene SPONSORS: Dean Cannon & Gus Corbella
Timothy M. Goldfarb
Executive Vice President
UF Health Shands Hospital SPONSORS: Belita Moreton & Anthony Carvalho
June 2015:
CEO / The Grimes Group SPOUSE: William
May 2015:
April 2015:
February 2015:
January 2015:
Executive Vice President
UF Health Shands Hospital SPONSORS: Belita Moreton & Anthony Carvalho
June 2015:
Ryan E. Boyett
Vice President / B & T Fencing, Inc. SPOUSE: Elisabeth
SPONSORS: Alan Suskey
& Charles M. Urban
Brian Dassler
Deputy Chancellor
Florida Department of Education SPONSORS: Fred Leonhardt
& Cameron Cooper
Bill Johnson
Secretary of Commerce / Enterprise Florida SPONSORS: John Webb & Fred Leonhardt
Dr. Joe Soto
SPOUSE: Dr. Caulley Soto
SPONSORS: Jay Smith & Ron LaFace, Jr.
Vice President / B & T Fencing, Inc. SPOUSE: Elisabeth
SPONSORS: Alan Suskey
& Charles M. Urban
Brian Dassler
Deputy Chancellor
Florida Department of Education SPONSORS: Fred Leonhardt
& Cameron Cooper
Bill Johnson
Secretary of Commerce / Enterprise Florida SPONSORS: John Webb & Fred Leonhardt
Dr. Joe Soto
SPOUSE: Dr. Caulley Soto
SPONSORS: Jay Smith & Ron LaFace, Jr.
Lauren DeWeil Woodruff
Judicial Law Clerk
First District Court of Appeals
SPONSORS: Ashley Davis & Nelson Diaz
Shannon Rosier
CPA & Forensic Accountant
Rosier & Company, PA
SPOUSE: Ela (Eli)
SPONSORS: Sam Ard & Winn Peeples
Julian Gould
Family Counselor Manager Service Corporation Int. SPOUSE: Susanna Antonielli SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Returning member:
Judicial Law Clerk
First District Court of Appeals
SPONSORS: Ashley Davis & Nelson Diaz
Shannon Rosier
CPA & Forensic Accountant
Rosier & Company, PA
SPOUSE: Ela (Eli)
SPONSORS: Sam Ard & Winn Peeples
Julian Gould
Family Counselor Manager Service Corporation Int. SPOUSE: Susanna Antonielli SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Returning member:
Gayle Grimes Sklar
May 2015:
Representative Jay Fant
Florida House of Representatives SPOUSE: Lauren McCartney SPONSORS: Foyt Ralston & Chris Moya
Jeffery Woodburn
Policy Director
Executive Office of the Governor SPOUSE: Lindsey
SPONSORS: Dr. Mary Kim McDougal & Toby Philpot
Lauren Book
CEO & Founder/Lauren’s Kids Foundati
Florida House of Representatives SPOUSE: Lauren McCartney SPONSORS: Foyt Ralston & Chris Moya
Jeffery Woodburn
Policy Director
Executive Office of the Governor SPOUSE: Lindsey
SPONSORS: Dr. Mary Kim McDougal & Toby Philpot
Lauren Book
CEO & Founder/Lauren’s Kids Foundati
Marianne Moran
Director of Government Relations The Nature Conservancy SPONSORS: Sean Stafford
& Ryder Rudd
Andrew Williams
SPOUSE: Marlene SPONSORS: Johanna Money & Terrie Brooks
Nat Higdon
Vice President, Thomas County Federal SPOUSE: Heather
SPONSORS: Bruce Weiner & Mike Steiner
Director of Government Relations The Nature Conservancy SPONSORS: Sean Stafford
& Ryder Rudd
Andrew Williams
SPOUSE: Marlene SPONSORS: Johanna Money & Terrie Brooks
Nat Higdon
Vice President, Thomas County Federal SPOUSE: Heather
SPONSORS: Bruce Weiner & Mike Steiner
Dr. H. Logan Brooks
Partner / Southern Vitreoretinal Assoc. SPOUSE: Mary Anne
SPONSORS: Marshall Criser & J.B. Clark
Sammie D. Dixson, Jr.
CEO & President/Prime Meridian Bank SPOUSE: Kimberly
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
R. Scott Shalley
Florida Association of Counties SPOUSE: Marsha
SPONSORS: Lisa Hurley
& Christopher L. Holley
Dr. R. B Holmes, Jr.
Pastor / Bethel Missionary Baptist Church SPOUSE: Gloria
SPONSORS: James R. Ford
& Thornton Williams
Katrina Callaway
General Counsel
Florida Insurance Council SPONSORS: Cecil Pearce & Paul P. Sanford
SPONSORS: Marshall Criser & J.B. Clark
Sammie D. Dixson, Jr.
CEO & President/Prime Meridian Bank SPOUSE: Kimberly
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
R. Scott Shalley
Florida Association of Counties SPOUSE: Marsha
SPONSORS: Lisa Hurley
& Christopher L. Holley
Dr. R. B Holmes, Jr.
Pastor / Bethel Missionary Baptist Church SPOUSE: Gloria
SPONSORS: James R. Ford
& Thornton Williams
Katrina Callaway
General Counsel
Florida Insurance Council SPONSORS: Cecil Pearce & Paul P. Sanford
Daniel Barrow
Consultant / Enwright Consulting Group SPOUSE: Ashley
SPONSORS: Michael Fischer & Jim Rimes
Tom E. Griffin
Principal / The Fiorentino Group SPOUSE: Shannon
SPONSORS: T. Martin Fiorentino Jr & Alan Suskey
Representative Kathleen Passidomo
Attorney / Kelly, Passidomo & Alba, LLP SPOUSE: John
SPONSORS: Greg Black & Cory Guzzo
Gary M. Pickel
Senior Vice President
SPOUSE: Melody
SPONSORS: Anthony Grippa & Greg Jaap
Carrie O’Rourke
Vice President of Public Policy
Florida Association of Realtors
SPONSORS: Jayme O'Rourke & Trey Price
Alix Patricia Miller
President / Red Zebra Communications SPOUSE: James
SPONSORS: Jack Cory & Joseph Boyd
Returning members:
Consultant / Enwright Consulting Group SPOUSE: Ashley
SPONSORS: Michael Fischer & Jim Rimes
Tom E. Griffin
Principal / The Fiorentino Group SPOUSE: Shannon
SPONSORS: T. Martin Fiorentino Jr & Alan Suskey
Representative Kathleen Passidomo
Attorney / Kelly, Passidomo & Alba, LLP SPOUSE: John
SPONSORS: Greg Black & Cory Guzzo
Gary M. Pickel
Senior Vice President
SPOUSE: Melody
SPONSORS: Anthony Grippa & Greg Jaap
Carrie O’Rourke
Vice President of Public Policy
Florida Association of Realtors
SPONSORS: Jayme O'Rourke & Trey Price
Alix Patricia Miller
President / Red Zebra Communications SPOUSE: James
SPONSORS: Jack Cory & Joseph Boyd
Returning members:
Rusty Payton
Laura Donaldson
March 2015:
March 2015:
G. Donald Rosenkoetter
Managing Partner Newbridge Consulting Group SPONSORS: Doug Tatum
& Cameron Cooper
Cory Guzzo
Lobbyist / Floridian Partners SPONSORS: Jorge Chamizo & Charlie Dudley
Adam Giery
Strategos Group
SPOUSE: Elyssa SPONSORS: Jon Menendez & Glen Kirkland
Adam Babington
Government & Industry Relations Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts SPOUSE: Beth
SPONSORS: Jennifer J. Green
& R. Dean Cannon, Jr.
Wayne Cooper
Managing Director / Founder Electronic Health Solutions SPONSORS: Frank Messersmith & Keri Rayborn Silver
Steven H. Parton
Of Counsel
Gray / Robinson Attorneys at Law SPOUSE: Glory
SPONSORS: George Meros & Jessica Love
Managing Partner Newbridge Consulting Group SPONSORS: Doug Tatum
& Cameron Cooper
Cory Guzzo
Lobbyist / Floridian Partners SPONSORS: Jorge Chamizo & Charlie Dudley
Adam Giery
Strategos Group
SPOUSE: Elyssa SPONSORS: Jon Menendez & Glen Kirkland
Adam Babington
Government & Industry Relations Walt Disney World Parks and Resorts SPOUSE: Beth
SPONSORS: Jennifer J. Green
& R. Dean Cannon, Jr.
Wayne Cooper
Managing Director / Founder Electronic Health Solutions SPONSORS: Frank Messersmith & Keri Rayborn Silver
Steven H. Parton
Of Counsel
Gray / Robinson Attorneys at Law SPOUSE: Glory
SPONSORS: George Meros & Jessica Love
Nicole Graganella
Legislative Analyst / Colodny Fass SPONSORS: Doug Bruce
& Meredith Snowden
Colleen Burton
Florida House of Representatives SPOUSE: Brad
SPONSORS: David A. Shepp
& Brian Jogerst
Nicole Fogarty
Legislative Affairs Director St. Lucie County SPONSORS: Patrick Rooney & Richard Reeves
Melanie Becker
Director of Government Affairs Universal Orlando
SPONSORS: Brian Musselwhite & Allison S. Carvajal
George Hackney
President / Hackney Nursery Company SPOUSE: Juliane
& Cameron Cooper
John ‘Jay’ Malpass
Strategic Projects Manager Motorola Solutions, Inc. SPOUSE: Lisa
SPONSORS: Alia Faraj-Johnson & Harold Costello
Legislative Analyst / Colodny Fass SPONSORS: Doug Bruce
& Meredith Snowden
Colleen Burton
Florida House of Representatives SPOUSE: Brad
SPONSORS: David A. Shepp
& Brian Jogerst
Nicole Fogarty
Legislative Affairs Director St. Lucie County SPONSORS: Patrick Rooney & Richard Reeves
Melanie Becker
Director of Government Affairs Universal Orlando
SPONSORS: Brian Musselwhite & Allison S. Carvajal
George Hackney
President / Hackney Nursery Company SPOUSE: Juliane
& Cameron Cooper
John ‘Jay’ Malpass
Strategic Projects Manager Motorola Solutions, Inc. SPOUSE: Lisa
SPONSORS: Alia Faraj-Johnson & Harold Costello
Jennifer Gaviria
Government Consultant Capital City Consulting SPONSORS: Ashley Kalifeh & Kenneth Granger
Chris Finkbeiner
Vice President / The Rubin Group SPOUSE: Brittany
SPONSORS: Heather Turnbull
& Bill Rubin
Casey Reed
Director, Legislative Affairs
AT&T Florida
SPONSORS: JC Flores & Elsie McCabe
Ryan Wiggins
Media Relations / Full Contact Strategies SPOUSE: Jonathon
SPONSORS: Kim Bertron & Rich Heffley
Raena Wright
Assistant VP Government Affairs University of Miami
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Representative Dana Young
Florida House of Representatives SPOUSE: Matthew
SPONSORS: Marc Reichelderfer & Richard Coates
Government Consultant Capital City Consulting SPONSORS: Ashley Kalifeh & Kenneth Granger
Chris Finkbeiner
Vice President / The Rubin Group SPOUSE: Brittany
SPONSORS: Heather Turnbull
& Bill Rubin
Casey Reed
Director, Legislative Affairs
AT&T Florida
SPONSORS: JC Flores & Elsie McCabe
Ryan Wiggins
Media Relations / Full Contact Strategies SPOUSE: Jonathon
SPONSORS: Kim Bertron & Rich Heffley
Raena Wright
Assistant VP Government Affairs University of Miami
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Representative Dana Young
Florida House of Representatives SPOUSE: Matthew
SPONSORS: Marc Reichelderfer & Richard Coates
Dale Calhoun
G. David Rogers & Associates SPONSORS: G. David Rogers & Donna Simmons
Jon Menendez
Strategos Group
SPONSORS: A. Trey Traviesa & Glenn Kirkland
Christopher Spencer
Legislative Aide / Florida Senate SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Peter Schorsch
Vic Pemberton
CEO / The Pepi Company SPOUSE: Lorie
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Chris Eldred
Wences Troncoso
General Counsel & Vice President Florida Association of Health Plans SPOUSE: Katie
SPONSORS: Audrey S. Brown
& G. Donovan Brown
Kevin Cate
Kevin Cate Communications
SPOUSE: Ashley
SPONSORS: David Johnson & Cory Tilley
Returning members:
Richard Pinsky Michael Hightower
G. David Rogers & Associates SPONSORS: G. David Rogers & Donna Simmons
Jon Menendez
Strategos Group
SPONSORS: A. Trey Traviesa & Glenn Kirkland
Christopher Spencer
Legislative Aide / Florida Senate SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Peter Schorsch
Vic Pemberton
CEO / The Pepi Company SPOUSE: Lorie
SPONSORS: Michael Kalifeh & Chris Eldred
Wences Troncoso
General Counsel & Vice President Florida Association of Health Plans SPOUSE: Katie
SPONSORS: Audrey S. Brown
& G. Donovan Brown
Kevin Cate
Kevin Cate Communications
SPOUSE: Ashley
SPONSORS: David Johnson & Cory Tilley
Returning members:
Richard Pinsky Michael Hightower
Peter Murray
Al Maloof
Skylar Zander
Associate, Strategos Group SPOUSE: Lindsey SPONSORS: David Johnson & Gus Corbella
Associate, Strategos Group SPOUSE: Lindsey SPONSORS: David Johnson & Gus Corbella
Lyle McAlister
President / Southern Furniture Leasing SPONSORS: Dr. Russell Rainey
& Mark Demont
Returning members:
President / Southern Furniture Leasing SPONSORS: Dr. Russell Rainey
& Mark Demont
Returning members:
Raymond Vickers
Chris Floyd
December 2014:
Chris Floyd
December 2014:
Jason Altmire
Senior Vice President / Florida Blue SPOUSE: Kelly
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Timothy Spoler
Senior Sales Manager / Walt Disney World SPOUSE: Korri
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Senior Vice President / Florida Blue SPOUSE: Kelly
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Timothy Spoler
Senior Sales Manager / Walt Disney World SPOUSE: Korri
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Alia Faraj-Johnson
Senior Vice President
Hill + Knolton Strategies SPOUSE: Rob
SPONSORS: Harry Costello & Sarah Bascom
President / Leadership Florida SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Lila Jaber
November 2014:
Amelia Savage
Senior Vice President
Hill + Knolton Strategies SPOUSE: Rob
SPONSORS: Harry Costello & Sarah Bascom
President / Leadership Florida SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Lila Jaber
November 2014:
Amelia Savage
Shareholder / Hopping Green & Sams
SPONSORS: Eric T. Olsen
& Frank Matthews
Juan C. Flores
VP Governmental Affairs / AT&T SPOUSE: Lissette
SPONSORS: Joe York & Elise McCabe
Johanna Money
President / The Williams Group SPOUSE: Jacob
SPONSORS: Terrie Brooks
& Hilarie Geraldi
Manny Gonzalez
SPOUSE: Patricia Greene
SPONSORS: Tim Jansen & Scott Smiley
Elizabeth Redfearn
Consultant / Trainer / Redfearn Etiquette SPOUSE: Kyle
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
SPONSORS: Eric T. Olsen
& Frank Matthews
Juan C. Flores
VP Governmental Affairs / AT&T SPOUSE: Lissette
SPONSORS: Joe York & Elise McCabe
Johanna Money
President / The Williams Group SPOUSE: Jacob
SPONSORS: Terrie Brooks
& Hilarie Geraldi
Manny Gonzalez
SPOUSE: Patricia Greene
SPONSORS: Tim Jansen & Scott Smiley
Elizabeth Redfearn
Consultant / Trainer / Redfearn Etiquette SPOUSE: Kyle
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Leslie Dougher
Chairman / Republican Party of Florida SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Saed Jaber
President / Owner / Cigars of Tally SPOUSE: Lila
SPONSORS: J. Larry Williams
& Patrick Bell
Jesus Diaz
Physician / Anesthesiology Associates SPOUSE: Catherine Yeung
SPONSORS: Park Adams & Gus Corbella
Henry O. Langston
Dean Of Faculty, Gulliver Schools SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Mark Charland
CEO / Chairman / MGT of America SPOUSE: Alicia
SPONSORS: Trey Traviesa
& Winston Howell
Returning members:
Chairman / Republican Party of Florida SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Saed Jaber
President / Owner / Cigars of Tally SPOUSE: Lila
SPONSORS: J. Larry Williams
& Patrick Bell
Jesus Diaz
Physician / Anesthesiology Associates SPOUSE: Catherine Yeung
SPONSORS: Park Adams & Gus Corbella
Henry O. Langston
Dean Of Faculty, Gulliver Schools SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Mark Charland
CEO / Chairman / MGT of America SPOUSE: Alicia
SPONSORS: Trey Traviesa
& Winston Howell
Returning members:
Brian Boulware
John H. Curry
W. Warner Peacock
John H. Curry
W. Warner Peacock
October 2014:
Ashley Edwards
Program Coordinator / Student Veterans Center / Florida State University SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Jeff Littlejohn
Consulting / Littlejohn, Mann & Associates SPOUSE: January
SPONSORS: Douglas M. Mann
& Charles B. Littlejohn
Program Coordinator / Student Veterans Center / Florida State University SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Jeff Littlejohn
Consulting / Littlejohn, Mann & Associates SPOUSE: January
SPONSORS: Douglas M. Mann
& Charles B. Littlejohn
Becton James Roddenberry
Emergency / Trauma Registered Nurse Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPONSORS: Dr. Stephen Cremin
& Cynara Miller
Stan Wilcox
Athletics Director / Florida State University SPOUSE: Ramona
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
September 2016:
Emergency / Trauma Registered Nurse Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPONSORS: Dr. Stephen Cremin
& Cynara Miller
Stan Wilcox
Athletics Director / Florida State University SPOUSE: Ramona
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
September 2016:
Ashley Edwards
Program Coordinator / Student Veterans Center / Florida State University SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Jeff Littlejohn
Consulting / Littlejohn, Mann & Associates SPOUSE: January
SPONSORS: Douglas M. Mann
& Charles B. Littlejohn
Program Coordinator / Student Veterans Center / Florida State University SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
Jeff Littlejohn
Consulting / Littlejohn, Mann & Associates SPOUSE: January
SPONSORS: Douglas M. Mann
& Charles B. Littlejohn
Becton James Roddenberry
Emergency / Trauma Registered Nurse Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPONSORS: Dr. Stephen Cremin
& Cynara Miller
Stan Wilcox
Athletics Director / Florida State University SPOUSE: Ramona
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
September 2014:
June 2014:
May 2014:
April 2014:
Andrew Palmer
March 2014:
February 2014:
Lisa D. Brown
Emergency / Trauma Registered Nurse Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare SPONSORS: Dr. Stephen Cremin
& Cynara Miller
Stan Wilcox
Athletics Director / Florida State University SPOUSE: Ramona
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Cameron Cooper
September 2014:
James Kotas
Government Affairs Specialist FCCI Insurance Group SPONSORS: Robert Hawken & David Johnson
Michael Steiner
T.S. Properties & Development
SPONSORS: Robert Reyes & Garry Guzzo
Sunil Rajan
Managing Partner
Rajan Restaurant Partners SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Cameron Cooper
Government Affairs Specialist FCCI Insurance Group SPONSORS: Robert Hawken & David Johnson
Michael Steiner
T.S. Properties & Development
SPONSORS: Robert Reyes & Garry Guzzo
Sunil Rajan
Managing Partner
Rajan Restaurant Partners SPONSORS: Gus Corbella & Cameron Cooper
Parrish Owens
Southeastern Mills SPONSORS: Jim Owens & E. Edward Murray, Jr.
Van Champion
President/Childers Construction SPOUSE: Betsy
SPONSORS: Sam Childers
& E. Edward Murray, Jr.
Christopher Clark
Senior VP of Public Affairs
Florida Medical Association
SPONSORS: David Johnson & Rich Heffley
August 2014:
& Charles Dudley
July 2014:
Southeastern Mills SPONSORS: Jim Owens & E. Edward Murray, Jr.
Van Champion
President/Childers Construction SPOUSE: Betsy
SPONSORS: Sam Childers
& E. Edward Murray, Jr.
Christopher Clark
Senior VP of Public Affairs
Florida Medical Association
SPONSORS: David Johnson & Rich Heffley
August 2014:
Dr. Garnett Stokes
Interim President/Florida State University SPOUSE: Jeffry Younggren
SPONSORS: Stephen Shiver
& Michael Kalifeh
Samantha Sexton
Assoc. Director of Government Affairs SPONSORS: Frank Mayernick
& Natalie Kato
Judson C. Ball
President/Plumwood Corporation SPOUSE: Nancy Sue
SPONSORS: Stephen Shiver
& Michael Kalifeh
Interim President/Florida State University SPOUSE: Jeffry Younggren
SPONSORS: Stephen Shiver
& Michael Kalifeh
Samantha Sexton
Assoc. Director of Government Affairs SPONSORS: Frank Mayernick
& Natalie Kato
Judson C. Ball
President/Plumwood Corporation SPOUSE: Nancy Sue
SPONSORS: Stephen Shiver
& Michael Kalifeh
James Milford
Head of School/Maclay School SPOUSE: Angie
SPONSORS: Gary K. Hunter, Jr. & Roy Van Wyk
William Garner
Lawyer/Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, PA SPOUSE: Natalie
SPONSORS: James Garner
Head of School/Maclay School SPOUSE: Angie
SPONSORS: Gary K. Hunter, Jr. & Roy Van Wyk
William Garner
Lawyer/Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, PA SPOUSE: Natalie
SPONSORS: James Garner
July 2014:
Charles Shields
CEO/Shields Marina SPOUSE: Pamela SPONSORS: Bobby Brooks & Kim Williams
John W. Lentz VII
Strategic Wealth Group SPOUSE: Maria SPONSORS: Eugene Jones & Allison Kinney
CEO/Shields Marina SPOUSE: Pamela SPONSORS: Bobby Brooks & Kim Williams
John W. Lentz VII
Strategic Wealth Group SPOUSE: Maria SPONSORS: Eugene Jones & Allison Kinney
Ashley Davis
Attorney at Law/Department of State SPOUSE: Ian Kawas
SPONSORS: Jennifer Kennedy
& Barney Bishop, III
Daniel Newman
Finance Director/Florida Democratic Party SPOUSE: Jenny
SPONSORS: Nick Iarossi & Barry Richard
Returning Member:
Elizabeth ‘Bib’ Willis
Attorney at Law/Department of State SPOUSE: Ian Kawas
SPONSORS: Jennifer Kennedy
& Barney Bishop, III
Daniel Newman
Finance Director/Florida Democratic Party SPOUSE: Jenny
SPONSORS: Nick Iarossi & Barry Richard
Returning Member:
Elizabeth ‘Bib’ Willis
Jayme O'Rourke
Public Policy Representative/Florida Realtors SPOUSE: Gerard
SPONSORS: John M. Sebree
& Harold L. Price
Public Policy Representative/Florida Realtors SPOUSE: Gerard
SPONSORS: John M. Sebree
& Harold L. Price
Dr. Elmira Mangum
University President/ Florida A&M University SPONSORS: Stephen Shiver & Michael Kalifeh
University President/ Florida A&M University SPONSORS: Stephen Shiver & Michael Kalifeh
Michael Carlson
Returning members:
Returning members:
Melissa Jaacks
Gabriel Warren
Joel Silver
CEO/Silver Digital Media
SPOUSE: Claudette
SPONSORS: Emmett Reed & Jack Skelding
Surina Pillay
President/CEO Islander Hair, Inc. SPONSORS: Robert Reyes & Garry Guzzo
CEO/Silver Digital Media
SPOUSE: Claudette
SPONSORS: Emmett Reed & Jack Skelding
Surina Pillay
President/CEO Islander Hair, Inc. SPONSORS: Robert Reyes & Garry Guzzo
Dr. Edward Jackson II
Orthopedic Surgeon/TOC SPOUSE: LaTasha SPONSORS: Chase Dickson & Dr. Hank Hutchinson
Orthopedic Surgeon/TOC SPOUSE: LaTasha SPONSORS: Chase Dickson & Dr. Hank Hutchinson
Andrew Palmer
Senior Policy Advisor
Metz, Husband & Daughton
SPOUSE: Kristen
SPONSORS: Steve Metz & Jim Daughton
James. E Billie
Chairman/Seminole Tribe of Florida SPOUSE: Maria
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Michael Kalifeh
Anthony Kahl
General Sales Manager/WCTV
SPONSORS: Winn Peeples & Rudy Rowe
Herbie Thiele
Deputy Director of Public Affairs
Sachs Media Group
SPONSORS: Ron Sachs & Ryan Banfill
Allison Rideout
Business Development
DSM Technology Consultants
SPONSORS: Erik H. Kirk & David Shepp
Metz, Husband & Daughton
SPOUSE: Kristen
SPONSORS: Steve Metz & Jim Daughton
James. E Billie
Chairman/Seminole Tribe of Florida SPOUSE: Maria
SPONSORS: Gus Corbella
& Michael Kalifeh
Anthony Kahl
General Sales Manager/WCTV
SPONSORS: Winn Peeples & Rudy Rowe
Herbie Thiele
Deputy Director of Public Affairs
Sachs Media Group
SPONSORS: Ron Sachs & Ryan Banfill
Allison Rideout
Business Development
DSM Technology Consultants
SPONSORS: Erik H. Kirk & David Shepp
Elizabeth Castro
Executive Director
Florida Beverage Assocation SPONSORS: Michelle McKay & Keyna Cory
Adam Gressa
Trust Officer
Capital City Trust Company SPONSORS: William L. Moor, Jr. & J. Scott Olson
Sharon Rudd
State of Florida
SPONSORS: Richard Coates & Marc Reichelderfer
Tracy Horenbein
Florida Consultants SPONSORS: Jack Skelding & Cynthia Henderson
Executive Director
Florida Beverage Assocation SPONSORS: Michelle McKay & Keyna Cory
Adam Gressa
Trust Officer
Capital City Trust Company SPONSORS: William L. Moor, Jr. & J. Scott Olson
Sharon Rudd
State of Florida
SPONSORS: Richard Coates & Marc Reichelderfer
Tracy Horenbein
Florida Consultants SPONSORS: Jack Skelding & Cynthia Henderson
James Blair
House Campaigns Republican Party of Florida SPONSORS: Gaston Cantens & Evan Power
Ron Pierce
President, RSA Consulting Group LLC SPONSORS: Andrew Behrman
& Timothy R. Qualls
Greg Black
Metz, Husband & Daughton
SPOUSE: Melanie Coker
SPONSORS: Jim Daughton & Steve Metz
Ryan Banfill
Sachs Media Group
SPOUSE: Claire Sand
SPONSORS: Ron Sachs & Steve Uhlfelder
House Campaigns Republican Party of Florida SPONSORS: Gaston Cantens & Evan Power
Ron Pierce
President, RSA Consulting Group LLC SPONSORS: Andrew Behrman
& Timothy R. Qualls
Greg Black
Metz, Husband & Daughton
SPOUSE: Melanie Coker
SPONSORS: Jim Daughton & Steve Metz
Ryan Banfill
Sachs Media Group
SPOUSE: Claire Sand
SPONSORS: Ron Sachs & Steve Uhlfelder
Chris Chaney
Director of Government Affairs Cardenas Partners
SPOUSE: Ashley
SPONSORS: Stephen Shiver
& Slater W. Bayliss
Brett Bacot
Government Consultant Fowler White Boggs SPOUSE: Lisa
SPONSORS: Caitlin Murray & Kim McGlynn
Jennifer Hinson
Director / Government Affairs WellCare Health Plans, Inc. SPONSORS: Jennifer Green & Chuck Hinson
Returning member:
Lucas Lanasa
Director of Government Affairs Cardenas Partners
SPOUSE: Ashley
SPONSORS: Stephen Shiver
& Slater W. Bayliss
Brett Bacot
Government Consultant Fowler White Boggs SPOUSE: Lisa
SPONSORS: Caitlin Murray & Kim McGlynn
Jennifer Hinson
Director / Government Affairs WellCare Health Plans, Inc. SPONSORS: Jennifer Green & Chuck Hinson
Returning member:
Lucas Lanasa
Attorney/Managing Member/Lanasa Law Firm, LLC
Lisa D. Brown
President / CEO Tallahassee Leon Federal Credit Union
SPOUSE: Tim Brown
SPONSORS: Wes Strickland & Michael Kalifeh
SPONSORS: Wes Strickland & Michael Kalifeh
Jim Krog Caucus Room at Governors Club,
named for beloved late Big Sugar lobbyist and
counsel to Florida Democrats, including Governors
named for beloved late Big Sugar lobbyist and
counsel to Florida Democrats, including Governors
GOVERNORS CLUB located in former Tallahassee Masonic Lodge and Odd Fellows Hall,
lovingly restored, remodeled and expanded, now with outdoor cigar smoking dens and valet parking.
Florida Lottery Commissioner Ex. Dir. DAVID MICA, JR. Wedding at Governors House
(MICA is son of oil lobbyist DAVID MICA and nephew of former Congressman JOHN LUIGI MICA)
GOVERNORS CLUB membership application requires $1250 initiation fee (waived if there are other members from your firm); two member references, photo.
Governors Club
Post Office Box 10568 ∗ Tallahassee, Florida 32302 ∗ (850) 224-0650 ∗ www.govclub.com APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP
Name__________________________________ [one name only] [circle one] Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Other _______ Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)__________________________ Age _______________ [circle one] Married Single Home Address ________________________________ Email: ______________________________
_________________________________________ Zip Code ________ Home Phone_____________ Business Title _______________________________ Cell Phone____________________________ Employer or Name of Firm ________________________ Ofc. Phone ______________ Fax __________ Business Mailing Address _________________________ Administrative Contact ____________________________ ________________________________________ Zip Code ____________
Significant Other Name __________________________ Significant Other DOB _____________________ Significant Other E-mail ____________________________________ Significant Other Phone _____________________________
Children Under the age of 25 permitted to charge to member account:
Name Date of Birth Name Date of Birth
_________________ _______________ _________________ ______________
I would like my monthly statement sent to my _____ home _____ office.
I would like my monthly charges billed directly to the credit card below: _____Yes _____ No I would like my initiation fee billed directly to the credit card below: _____Yes _____ No CREDIT CARD REFERENCE (Credit card will be stored as backup payment)
Credit Card Type: ________________ Card Holder’s Name: __________________________________ Card #: ___________________________________ Expiration: ________
Card Billing Address: _____ Home _____ Business Other Address _______________________________________________
TWO GOVERNORS CLUB SPONSORS _______________________________________ _____________________________ ______________
Signature of Sponsor Print Name and Member Number Date
_______________________________________ _____________________________ ______________
Signature of Sponsor Print Name and Member Number Date
I hereby apply for membership in the Governors Club, subject to availability. I am aware that membership in the Governors Club is individual with significant other having the same privileges as the named individual and that there are no corporate/business memberships. Enclosed is my check or credit card information for $300 for Junior Executive Member Deposit, or $1500 Privilege Executive payable to Governors Club for initiation fee. If accepted for membership, I agree to abide by the Governors Club bylaws and house rules. I am responsible for timely payment of all financial obligations, including interest on any unpaid obligation not paid within thirty days of invoice and any costs or attorney fees should the matter be referred to an attorney for non-payment.
Signature ________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________
Please direct any questions to Allison Ager, Membership & Marketing Director, AllisonAger@govclub.com, 850-205-0663. Please ensure your application is legible with signatures of sponsors and credit card information provided.
Post Office Box 10568 ∗ Tallahassee, Florida 32302 ∗ (850) 224-0650 ∗ www.govclub.com APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP
Name__________________________________ [one name only] [circle one] Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Other _______ Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)__________________________ Age _______________ [circle one] Married Single Home Address ________________________________ Email: ______________________________
_________________________________________ Zip Code ________ Home Phone_____________ Business Title _______________________________ Cell Phone____________________________ Employer or Name of Firm ________________________ Ofc. Phone ______________ Fax __________ Business Mailing Address _________________________ Administrative Contact ____________________________ ________________________________________ Zip Code ____________
Significant Other Name __________________________ Significant Other DOB _____________________ Significant Other E-mail ____________________________________ Significant Other Phone _____________________________
Children Under the age of 25 permitted to charge to member account:
Name Date of Birth Name Date of Birth
_________________ _______________ _________________ ______________
I would like my monthly statement sent to my _____ home _____ office.
I would like my monthly charges billed directly to the credit card below: _____Yes _____ No I would like my initiation fee billed directly to the credit card below: _____Yes _____ No CREDIT CARD REFERENCE (Credit card will be stored as backup payment)
Credit Card Type: ________________ Card Holder’s Name: __________________________________ Card #: ___________________________________ Expiration: ________
Card Billing Address: _____ Home _____ Business Other Address _______________________________________________
TWO GOVERNORS CLUB SPONSORS _______________________________________ _____________________________ ______________
Signature of Sponsor Print Name and Member Number Date
_______________________________________ _____________________________ ______________
Signature of Sponsor Print Name and Member Number Date
I hereby apply for membership in the Governors Club, subject to availability. I am aware that membership in the Governors Club is individual with significant other having the same privileges as the named individual and that there are no corporate/business memberships. Enclosed is my check or credit card information for $300 for Junior Executive Member Deposit, or $1500 Privilege Executive payable to Governors Club for initiation fee. If accepted for membership, I agree to abide by the Governors Club bylaws and house rules. I am responsible for timely payment of all financial obligations, including interest on any unpaid obligation not paid within thirty days of invoice and any costs or attorney fees should the matter be referred to an attorney for non-payment.
Signature ________________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________
Please direct any questions to Allison Ager, Membership & Marketing Director, AllisonAger@govclub.com, 850-205-0663. Please ensure your application is legible with signatures of sponsors and credit card information provided.
Booth or Table:
Favorite Dinner Drink:
Favorite Wine:
Favorite Entrées ___________________________________________________________________________ Favorite Dessert: __________________________ Allergies:________________________________ Tell us your interests. Please check all that apply:
Favorite Dinner Drink:
Favorite Wine:
Favorite Entrées ___________________________________________________________________________ Favorite Dessert: __________________________ Allergies:________________________________ Tell us your interests. Please check all that apply:
__________________________ Favorite Lunch Drink:______________________ __________________________ Favorite Cocktail: _________________________ __________________________ Favorite Appetizer: ________________________
____Women’s Events _____Cooking Classes _____Wine Tastings ____Cigar Dinners _____ White Glove Dining Service ____Beer Dinners _____Speaker Series ____Golf Events
______________________________________ Other, please specify
______________________________________ Other, please specify
Booth or Table:
Favorite Dinner Drink:
Favorite Wine:
Favorite Entrées ___________________________________________________________________________ Favorite Dessert: __________________________ Allergies:________________________________ Tell us your interests. Please check all that apply:
Favorite Dinner Drink:
Favorite Wine:
Favorite Entrées ___________________________________________________________________________ Favorite Dessert: __________________________ Allergies:________________________________ Tell us your interests. Please check all that apply:
__________________________ Favorite Lunch Drink:______________________ __________________________ Favorite Cocktail: _________________________ __________________________ Favorite Appetizer: ________________________
____Women’s Events _____Cooking Classes _____Wine Tastings ____Cigar Dinners _____ White Glove Dining Service ____Beer Dinners _____Speaker Series ____Golf Events
______________________________________ Other, please specify
The last step in the member process is submitting your photo. This enables our servers and managers to serve you better! You can email your photo to allisonager@govclub.com, or have your photo taken at the Club when convenient. Please stop by the hostess desk for your photograph.
______________________________________ Other, please specify
The last step in the member process is submitting your photo. This enables our servers and managers to serve you better! You can email your photo to allisonager@govclub.com, or have your photo taken at the Club when convenient. Please stop by the hostess desk for your photograph.
We look forward to serving you!
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