Saturday, October 13, 2018

Physician, heal thyself

Local St. Augustine, Florida Republican physician has an unfair and deceptive letter today in the print edition of the St. Augustine Record, impliedly mocking Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as "delusional"  because of her testimony relating to wanting two exits from her home.

Practicing psychiatry without a license?

He's an anesthesiologist.

An anesthesiologist.

Please pray for him.

In the words of Aeschylus and Luke: PHYSICIAN HEAL THYSELF.

Or the Hippocratic Oath: DO NO HARM.

Perhaps he might wish to visit a psychiatrist and repent of his delusions of adequacy.

Tarbrushing American whistleblowers as "paranoid" or delusional follows in the footsteps of Russian abuse of psychiatry to target dissenters, as in some of my former nuclear weapons industry clients like Edwin L. Bricker, et al., as reported in The New York Times.

Misdiagnosing a patient with delusional syndrome may be actionable -- "Dr. Arthur Moxon" may wish to seek counsel and read about how a psychiatrist in East Tennessee was ordered to pay damages for calling my nuclear whistleblower client Sherrie Graham Farver "paranoid, delusional and psychotic," resulting in revocation of her Department of Energy security clearance.

See Farver v. CarpenterNo. E1999-01840-COA-R3-CV. (Tenn. Ct. App. Jun. 23, 2000).

Pray for wisdom, empathy, humility and understanding for this misguided Florida physician, who attacked Dr. Susan Blasey Ford as "delusional" in a letter printed in the St. Augustine Record, a daily newspaper. Medical malpractice? Yellow journalism? This doc is an anesthesiologist (!) who was perhaps somnambulistic whenever he took a required med school course in psychiatry 40 years ago.

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