RE: proposed 7-Eleven Store Number 35748, 139 San Marco Avenue, St. Augustine, Florida
For a good time, call BRIAN MULCAHY, 7-Eleven franchise manager, 239-691-6057, Brian.Mulcahy@7-11.com
7-11 is looking to open its store here next year (not December 14, as reported on its website). It is looking for suitable franchisees with 700 credit score, $300,000 to invest (7-11 will finance up to 65%), a good personality and business acumen. You will provide personal and credit information, be tested on business knowledge and take a personality test.
It trains new franchisees at a training store in Maitland, Florida, with self-paced instruction working hands-on in the store and in a training classroom in back of the store.
The prospective 7-Eleven Store Number 35748 franchisee might work twelve hour days in return for having 7-11 micromanage their every move, pay 1.5 cents per gallon of gasoline, and similar margins on other products.
The prospective 7-Eleven Store Number 35748 franchisee might expect to be the most despised person in St. Augustine, Florida, by virtue of opening an unwanted store at the worst intersection in town (May and San Marco) astride the evacuation route from South Ponte Vedra Beach, Vilano Beach and the Guana-Tolomato-Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve.
The prospective 7-Eleven Store Number 35748 franchisee might expect to be exploited by 7-11, nickeled and dimed, while nickeling and diming their workers. 7-Eleven franchisees allege an array of unfair and deceptive trade practices, and litigation is pending.
The prospective 7-Eleven Store Number 35748 should hopefully be an antitrust lawyer, ready to sue for tying agreements, price-fixing and other violations of the Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts.
The prospective 7-Eleven Store Number 35748 franchisee might expect to life a joyless existence, then go broke in 6-18 months, because it will be boycotted, picketed and sued.
In the likely event of a hurricane, liability could be huge -- people could die as a result of 7-Eleven Store Number 35748 bottling up an already failing "F" DOT intersection could kill residents of the barrier island, who tend to be wealthy. Personal injury lawyers will target the city, county, state governments, 7-Eleven, and the franchisee of 7-Eleven Store Number 35748.
Today, I asked BRIAN MULCAHY about these risks to me as a franchisee applicant, and asked whether I might move the store one block away, to U.S. 1 to avoid these problems. He grew anxious, said I should speak to my "Town Council," said the land was already bought and paid for, said it was above his pay grade, and disconnected the telephone call before providing me with a contact number for anyone in 7-11 (whose CEO disrespected Our Nation's Oldest City by refusing to answer letters from our City Manager, John Patrick Regan, P.E.).
7-11 has the same lawyer as the City of St. Augustine Beach and the St. Augustine Airport, DOUGLAS NELSON BURNETT, who happens to be the son of former Florida National Guard Commanding General DOUGLAS BURNETT, whom Governor RICHARD LYNN SCOTT wants to favor with an uncompetitive nomination to fill the State Senate seat of Senator JOHN THRASHER, just duked in today 11-2 as your next President of FLORIDA STATE UNIVERISITY, Florida's Rape Capital in our capital city of Tallahassee, whose Police Department makes the St. Johns County Sheriff's Offic look like SEAL TEAM SIX. Read all about General BURNETT, whom SCOTT would grant the nomination over a well-qualified African-American Republican who worked for three Presidents, Derek Boyd Hankerson, who won 30% in the primary.
7-11 will not build a franchise here. The righteous wrath of the people of St. Augustine, the State of Florida and the United States will stop this feckless foreign corporation, owned by Japan.
Call 7-11 franchise manager BRIAN MULCAHY about the clear and present danger to our way of life in St. Augustine, our hurricane evacuations, our children at Florida School for the Deaf and Blind, our Nelmar Terrace and Fullerwood neighborhoods, and our historic small town's way of life. Does 7-Eleven wish its contribution to our 450th to be a clogged intersection and botched hurricane evacuations, car wrecks, gasoline spills and massive corporate liability?
You might wish to go and pay 7-11 a visit (picket signs and photos of the intersection and FSDB deaf and blind children are optional) at 7-11 Florida Division office:
1300 Lee Rd Orlando, Florida 32810-5851 (407) 295-3076

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