Good citizens of St. Augustine -- the town we love, the town many of us were born in, the town we call our home -- please start standing up to the naysayers, the carpetbaggers and those who would have no real clue. Those who harp on the negative will never be able to advance our town.
Edward Adelbert Slavin: We love it here. Please. Listen. Look. Learn. Don't chill coerce, or discourage citizens' God-given rights to engage in First Amendment protected activity. Ever. This is democracy in action. There are problems. They will not be ignored. We will make it better. We see the problems and we have a right to be here. Use of pejoratives is unhelpful. "Carpetbagger" has two meanings -- one historic and one political. Which did you have in mind? If it were not for Henry Flagler, et al., known Northerners, St. Augustine's historic treasures would not have been preserved. More than half the people in Florida and in St. Augustine have lived here less than ten years. I have lived in St. Augustine since November 5, 1999. Please discuss maturely what We, the People have to say and our well-documented and researched concerns. Please don't ever again insult people for accidents of birth or duration of residency. It is so unkind and unChristian to suggest someone move if they are a dissenter -- sounds like the technique of the Spanish Inquisition, which resulted in mass migration. And being born here or called a "scion" is no substitute for answering questions and government accountability. And insults are no substitute for thought. As LBJ said after Selma, "We SHALL overcome." Please call me today to discuss. As JFK said, "Here on Earth, God's work must truly be our own." :) Cordially, Ed Slavin 904-377-4998
Edward Adelbert Slavin Pray for healing, pray for the truth to be exposed, and pray for wrongs to be righted. Pray and work tirelessly for a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore. America's Best Idea. Amerca's Newest National Park for American's Oldest City. Now.
St. August Green™
St. Augustine National Historical Park, National Seashore, Scenic Coastal Parkway

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