RE: Unsafe, Illegal Destruction of 210-Year Old Spanish Colonial Don Pedro Fornell Home by ex-Mayor of St. Augustine; HARB members must file financial disclosure (Including ex-Mayor CLAUDE LEONARD WEEKS, JR.)
From: Kristy Weeks
To: easlavin
Sent: Sat, Sep 27, 2014 7:30 pm
Mr. Slavin,
You are an inaccurate man filled with hostility, anger and the desire to hurt others.
If you knew my husband, Len Weeks, in the slightest degree you would realize that he has lived his life for preserving St Augustine.
You are no better than Michael Gold with your incorrect information…..you just lack the pathetic disclaimer that nothing you write is true.
Kristy Weeks

County Commissioner PRISCILLA BENNETT a/k/a "RACHAEL BENNETT" responds:
From: Commissioner Rachael Bennett
To: kristy
Cc: easlavin
Sent: Sat, Sep 27, 2014 9:03 pm
Subject: Re: Unsafe, Illegal Destruction of 210-Year Old Spanish Colonial Don Pedro Fornell Home by ex-Mayor of St. Augustine; HARB members must file financial disclosure (Including ex-Mayor CLAUDE LEONARD WEEKS, JR.)
Thank you Kristy for your message. I have always known your husband to be dedicated to the preservation and positive continuation of the historical aspects of our wonderful city. I am sorry that this accident has been spun into a political smear. I believe that such negative attacks prevent good people from extending themselves and their resources for what are "good" but in the long run are also are risky attempts to perpetuate our historical resources. Kudos to you all for your.POSITIVE contributions to our great heritage.
Thank you!
Rachael L. Bennett
St Johns County Commission
District 5
(904)209-0305 office
(904)315-7260 cell
Sent from my iPhone

It will be interesting what ye rebuilds there. Probably something witha bigger revenue stream to "preserve" hus pockets.
amazing how fast he tore the building down. In an effort to destroy any evidance?
Hey Ed,
Maybe we could organize a COLLAPSE POOL and bet on which building in the project area will collapse next. Proceeds could go to all of the homeless created by the opportunity denying Unconstitutional Jim Crow laws made by the self serving Xtrevilist 'pillars' of the community downtown. We could call it the...
Bet On Weeks
Cracks And Creaks
...pool. I would bet on the building on the south west corner of Charlotte and Hypolita Streets. It has a lot of nice fresh looking cracks and plaster chunks ready to drop.
On my early morning walk through the tourist trash this morning I passed by the Don Pedro house. Portions of the first floor are still standing with inviting nooks and crannies to tempt the unwary; like inquisitive children. I was greatly surprised to see that there was no one from 'wealth enforcement' there to protect the public as the fences are easy to get around. I vividly remember that 'wealth enforcement' spent a great amount of resources confiscating and banning newspapers, arresting street artists, performers, etc. back when Len Weeks was Mayor. This immorality was all rationalized at the time with the guise of 'public safety' and 'Historical Integrity'.
Is this just simple oversight or an expression of the arrogance that develops with confiscated power?
Can we not all see the irony and hypocrisy here? Can we not all see what we are really 'Preserving" here?
Do you think you might not be just a whisper ahead with your efforts for redemption Ed?
Let's keep ALL the dialogue flowing.
Why not come forth Mr.Weeks and agree to an independent review so your name is in the clear?
One's reputation and legacy is more valuable than one's assets.
Folks are not going to forget this until doubt is removed from public opinion. This could very well be a human mistake and a case where you were over your head and misguided. But, in any case there are questions that need to be answered.
When we hear that our tourists who have $$$$ want authenticity this story sticks out like a sore thumb.
Why aren't these historically valued buildings on the National Registry? Now, that is authenticity and the registry would provide protection for our historical treasures.
Kristy: I am all for supporting our spouses even when they screw up in an epic score but this is beyond a "screw up" or accident as has been suggested. Why would your husband, who is so knowledgeable and concerned with the historic nature of our city ignore the advice of several contemporaries on their suggestions not to proceed with the 360 degree trenching? That may have made the difference and he chose to ignore the advice. This reeks of Len having a plan in mind and until he can answer some of these questions no one will believe him or your protestations on his behalf. I feel really sorry for you both.
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