Sent: Sat, Sep 27, 2014 5:01 pm
Subject: Unsafe, Illegal Destruction of 210-Year Old Spanish Colonial Don Pedro Fornell Home by ex-Mayor of St. Augustine; HARB members must file financial disclosure (Including ex-Mayor CLAUDE LEONARD WEEKS, JR.)
Dear Mr. Weeks:
1. Risking workers' lives, your reckless actions caused the collapse of a 210-year old Second Spanish Period building at 62 Spanish Street on September 25, 2014.
2. Your architect (Mr. Jerry Dixon) and engineer (Mr. Bill Freeman) both told you to perform the trenching and pour the concrete in five (5) foot segments at 62 Spanish Street, correct?
3. You evidently ignored their advice and excavated around the entire perimeter, causing the building to collapse. Why?
4. You worked without a permit from the City of St. Augustine. Why?
5. Your reckless endangerment of employees, residents and visitors -- and your destruction of a 210-year old building -- is a stench in the nostrils of Our Nation's Oldest City.
6. By copy of this E-mail, I am advising the Secretary of Labor and the OSHA Administrator of the need for a civil, criminal and administrative investigation, which I requested verbally on September 25 & 26 of the OSHA office in Jacksonville, Florida and on September 26 of the Atlanta Office of the DOL Inspector General.
7. Please preserve all business documents, paper and electronic, for examination by investigators from OSHA, FBI, the City of St. Augustine and the City's outside investigating law firm.
8. Please explain your selection of such a large construction crane (Caterpillar 320E, weighing 54,000 pounds) in proximity to the city's ongoing Spanish and Hypolita Street project and other historic structures. Please pay for immediate inspection of all surrounding structures to prevent further building collapses, including delicate historic buildings managed by the University of Florida, the City of St. Augustine, and other property owners..
9. Please provide full security, 24/7, as promised to our City Manager, Mr. John Patrick Regan, P.E., in order to prevent and deter anyone from entering the demolition site until it is cleared of debris. Children were seen entering the site yesterday, and could have been killed in a collapse of the remaining room.
10. A.Your partnership with your business lawyer, who is also the Mayor of St. Augustine, JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, Jr., in a no-bid lease from the City of St. Augustine (subleased without permission from the City as required by paragraph 9 of that lease) is unacceptable
10.B. So is your continuing refusal to file financial disclosure forms as Chairman of the Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB), which has suzerainty over historic buildings such as the one you wantonly destroyed (the Don Pedro Fornell House).
11. Please submit your resignation as Chairman of the Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB).
12. Please submit your resignation as Chairman of the Parking and Traffic Committee (P&T).
13. Please submit your resignation as member of the St. Augustine Visioning Committee.
14. Our City can no longer trust you to serve on any Boards or to believe your advice as a lobbyist on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce (e.g., for ordinances criminalizing First Amendment protected activity by artists and musicians).
15. Please refrain from further destruction of historic structures in St. Augustine, Florida from this day forward.
16. As Robert Kennedy said, "It is not enough to allow dissent, we must demand it for there is much to dissent from…. We dissent from the willful, heedless destruction of our natural beauty and pleasures."
17. The Don Pedro Fornell house was part of our community for 210 years. Your destruction of it is a crime against history. This is unacceptable, and we shall never let it happen again. To redeem yourself, and promote healing, I would appreciate your support -- and the Chamber of Commerce's support -- for a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore Act, first proposed by Mayor Walter Fraser, Senator Claude Pepper, et al. in June 1939, more than 75 years ago. www.staugustgreen.com. This will help preserve our history and nature forever, for your grandchildren, and their grandchildren. I look forward to hearing from you later today.
Thank you.
With kindest regards, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Ed Slavin
Clean Up City of St. Augustine, Florida
Box 3084
St. Augustine, Florida 32085-3084
Ed Slavin said; "To redeem yourself, and promote healing, I would appreciate your support -- and the Chamber of Commerce's support -- for a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore Act, first proposed by Mayor Walter Fraser, Senator Claude Pepper, et al. in June 1939, more than 75 years ago."
You should really strike this from your otherwise excellent post Ed as it waters down and makes mockery of all of your preceding points. These sociopathic cretins are well beyond redemption.
They belong in prison.
Published E-mail as sent. Not going to Bowdlerize my own writing.
I said what I meant and meant what I said.
Thanks for understanding.
Out of this horror story will come a National Park and National Seashore.
I think LEN WEEKS and C of C will want to support the National Park and Seashore to show what he has learned from this sin, crime and tort against our history here in St. Augustine.
It is a time for accountability.
It is a time for healing, too.
Remember what RFK said in Indianapolis on April 4, 1968?
What do you reckon?
Ed, you can't have healing until you end the stealing!
Redemption can't begin until you end the sin!
Let's not forget all of the intentionally denied opportunity of so many citizens created by the now massive, self serving, wallet fattening, pattern and practice of usurping the 'rule of law' that these gangsters down town have foisted on the good citizens of Saint Augustine and all of their CUSTOMERS from all over America.
"The City of Saint Augustine Florida is presently ruled by an oppressive city government that owes its existence to engaging in an on going pattern and practice of knowingly and willingly — and openly bragging about — creating a long string of patently unconstitutional repressive Jim Crow laws. Laws that ban Constitutionally guaranteed FREE SPEECH, art, music, newspapers, political opposition, and the homeless from simply asking another human being for a helping hand. These blatantly unconstitutional laws have been selectively enforced by a subservient goon squad police force that uses; intimidation, massive arrests, entering private property without warrants, confiscating, impounding, and trashing into dumpsters lawful newspapers and political protest materials, selectively excessive bail, etc. All of this arrogant lawlessness and violence has been performed under "color of law" with the purpose of terrorizing and instilling fear and compliance in the city's residents. The end result is that the present city government now stands as a self empowered rogue government that stifles, oppresses, and exploits, the resident citizens at will.
This on going pattern and practice of crimes have all been knowingly and willingly committed for the following express purposes; to suppress and eliminate political opposition so as to illegally and immorally control the city government; to demonize and eliminate an entire recognizable class of people (street artists, entertainers, and the homeless — a hate crime) just like blacks were eliminated and suppressed; to eliminate competition so as to control and fix markets; to suppress and control employee wages by limiting opportunity and instilling fear; to steal commonly owned community property for selfish private use and private gain; to raise confiscatory taxes on the residents to fund the city gangster activities; to pay themselves grossly outrageous fat salaries and piggishly lavish retirement packages, etc.;"
More here...
Let us never forget Ed.
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