Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Dr. Michele Wheatly v. Florida State University

Governor RICHARD LYNN SCOTT's hick hacks just rejected Dr. Michele Wheatly, Ph.D., an eminently qualified scientist, in favor of hiring Senator JOHN THRASHER as FSU President. Michele Wheatly would have encouraged good science and encouraged women to pursue science, technology, engineering and math careers. She is former Provost and Science and Math Dean at West Virginia University. I hope Michele Wheatly sues FSU for Title VII and IX violations and wins. The hiring of THRASHER is an outrage. 'Let justice be done though the heavens fall," as the ancient equitable maxim urges.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Another example that adds to Florida's ranking in the nation's top 10 list for most corrupt states.
We the people will hopefully move elsewhere for retirement and Florida will eventually fall flat on its face.
No $$$$ does wonders for a wake up call.