NELSON said that Deputy JEREMY BANKS' attorney called her at 2 AM and threatened her with libel litigation.
Ms. Waldhari earned a Master's Degree in Journalism at the University of Arizona; she has long published comments in the Record's online and print editions. "I don't want any more calls from a lawyer at two in the morning," NELSON told Ms. Waldhari.
NELSON asked Ms. Waldhari not to post anything further about the September 2, 2010 shooting death of Michelle O'Connell, who was Deputy BANKS' girlfriend. A member of the Bar calling a party represented by corporate counsel at two in the morning is unethical. It also stinks of the chilling effect of representing a gun-carrying Deputy who works for Sheriff DAVID BERNARD SHOAR. Deputy BANKS is now a member of the St. Johns County Sheriff's Department SWAT team. This is the Florida Bar information for BANKS' attorney, ROBERT LESTER McLEOD, II, a/k/a "MAC McLEOD."
ID Num: - 369632
Address: 1200 Plantation Island Dr S Ste 140
St Augustine, Florida 320803114
United States
Phone: 904.471.5007
Fax: 904.461.5059


After New York Times reporter Walt Bogdanich, three-time Pulitzer Prize winner, published a page one story and four inside pages about the O'Connell case on November 24, 2013, NELSON, a newbie here, asked Mr. Bogdanich if he had "any regrets," stated he "made few friends" in the Sheriff's Department and suggested he had "parachuted in" to St. Johns County.

Who is afraid of St. Johns County SHERIFF DAVID BERNARD SHOAR?

St. Augustine Record Director of Audience/Editor KATHY NELSON
Rather than threaten a longtime reader, NELSON should call her libel defense lawyer, Mr. George DeSaussure Gabel, Jr., an extraordinary lawyer who represents the Record and is a partner at Holland & Knight, one of the finest First Amendment lawyers around. He is also honorary Norwegian consul, hence this photo:
On the attempted intimidation of women by hate-mongering bullies Mac MacLeod, Jeremy Banks, and his step-father Mr. Dixon. This is my email to Kathy Nelson in response to her telephone call to me this morning:
Hi Kathy,
Jeremy Banks IS a public figure. He and his step-dad may not like it, but that's what happens when one is involved in a suspicious death that has been covered up. I cite The New York Times vs. Sullivan for Banks.
His step-father, Mr. Dixon, has been attempting to intimidate and silence me since I began my advocacy for Michelle. My references are always to material law enforcement gathered and prepared by the SJC Sheriff's Office.
Suicide? Does anyone in his or her right mind believe a gun RECOILS FORWARD? It is the antithesis of the definition. That Banks now "serves" on the SWAT Team of the SJCSO should scare every resident to death.
Mac MacLeod is advocating for his client. His early morning call to you was to intimidate.
Why would The Record fold? They are using those tactics to scare YOU. You HAVE a fine libel attorney, IF it ever comes to THAT.
What a cowardly and transparent tactic. Don't you see? They are trying to shut up ANOTHER woman.
My intent is to follow your specific rules for me , as I understand them:
1. Do not use "Jeremy Banks"
2. Do not use "sick dog" in reference to Jeremy Banks
3. Do not use "murderer" in reference to Jeremy Banks
I intend to write advocacy pieces that draw attention to Michelle's homicide, not as a challenge to you or Mac or anyone else, but because this is important.
Michelle's story must be heard. It must be told again and again. And she must be given justice. No one will rest until she has both.
We all make choices and do what we must do. I believe, according to your rules of posting tailored to me, that I get three warnings. This is number one. I heard you loud and clear.
Thank you for taking the time to call me to define the parameters of how I may continue to post on The Record's Comments section.
Those three men need to grow some thicker skin. There is no statute of limitation on homicide.
If and when I am silenced by The Record, I will find another venue.
I will not stop until there is JUSTICE FOR MICHELLE O'CONNELL.
Best regards,
Clara Waldhari
Some thoughts;
1. I believe, based on recent media that I have perused and many first hand experiences that I have written about in the past, that Jeremy Banks, and his boss, David Shoar, are both sick dog murderers and cowards to boot. Is that a statement of fact? No that is a statement of viewpoint (opinion) based on my experiences. Most on line publications clearly state that comments are the OPINIONS of the posters and that they, the hosting publications, bear no responsibility for those comments. I do not know the Saint Augustine Wreckit's comment policy as I would not post in such a biased venue.
2. It is also my experienced based belief that The Saint Augustine Wreckit is now, and always has been, a vile system tool and manipulative mouthpiece for the gangsters that have hijacked the City of Saint Augustine government.Your experience here is testimony to that belief.
3. You said; "If and when I am silenced by The Record, I will find another venue."
Clara, you have already been silenced by the The Saint Augustine Wreckit with the immoral and gender selective constraints now put on you by its editor Kathy Nelson. When you comment there you only serve to validate and legitimize this gross selective chilling of your FREE SPEECH by the Saint Augustine Wreckit and its transparently slanted culture shaping propaganda with your good name.
4. When I have visited the The Saint Augustine Wreckit in the past (before it became a polling company that restricts access to content unless personal information is divulged), and other publications, I have always found your comments to be refreshingly thoughtful and highly moral. I appreciate all you have done on behalf of justice, not only for Michelle O'Connell, but for the system of justice itself.
5. What jumps off of the page for me here is how badly the good citizens of Saint Augustine need an honest and open news source free of the fear mongering and chilling baloneyspeak. One that directly challenges the bullying and shoddy behavior of Mac, Kathy Nelson, and those who pull their strings. I did not know of your background in journalism. Have you ever considered starting an alternative news source? I would be happy to offer any assistance I could.
Warren Celli
Some thoughts;
1. I believe, based on recent media that I have perused and many first hand experiences that I have written about in the past, that Jeremy Banks, and his boss, David Shoar, are both sick dog murderers and cowards to boot. Is that a statement of fact? No that is a statement of viewpoint (opinion) based on my experiences. Most on line publications clearly state that comments are the OPINIONS of the posters and that they, the hosting publications, bear no responsibility for those comments. I do not know the Saint Augustine Wreckit's comment policy as I would not post in such a biased venue.
2. It is also my experienced based belief that The Saint Augustine Wreckit is now, and always has been, a vile system tool and manipulative mouthpiece for the gangsters that have hijacked the City of Saint Augustine government.Your experience here is testimony to that belief.
3. You said; "If and when I am silenced by The Record, I will find another venue."
Clara, you have already been silenced by the The Saint Augustine Wreckit with the immoral and gender selective constraints now put on you by its editor Kathy Nelson. When you comment there you only serve to validate and legitimize this gross selective chilling of your FREE SPEECH by the Saint Augustine Wreckit and its transparently slanted culture shaping propaganda with your good name.
4. When I have visited the The Saint Augustine Wreckit in the past (before it became a polling company that restricts access to content unless personal information is divulged), and other publications, I have always found your comments to be refreshingly thoughtful and highly moral. I appreciate all you have done on behalf of justice, not only for Michelle O'Connell, but for the system of justice itself.
5. What jumps off of the page for me here is how badly the good citizens of Saint Augustine need an honest and open news source free of the fear mongering and chilling baloneyspeak. One that directly challenges the bullying and shoddy behavior of Mac, Kathy Nelson, and those who pull their strings. I did not know of your background in journalism. Have you ever considered starting an alternative news source? I would be happy to offer any assistance I could.
Warren Celli
Yes, this case is a cover-up. I dont see why he is even still employed as a sworn law enforcement officer. Sheriff Shoar will not get a vote out of me! FDLE needs to bring someone else in an re-investigate in this matter!
Thank you so much for your words of kindness and wisdom.
1- My OPINION re Jeremy Banks, David Shoan, the local "investigation," the retreat behind the Blue Wall, etc., etc., is the same as yours. It's not an opinion I came to lightly.
I've read everything Ed Slavin (God bless him) has made possible as well as findings by the SJCSO, FDLE, and all the rest. Same as you.
Then I got myself a law enforcement book, carried by most LE detectives INTO THE FIELD TO CRIME SCENES and I compared and contrasted what happened at the Banks residence on Sept. 2, 2010, and what SHOULD happen (Crime 101).
A crime scene was NEVER established. That is the first action by investigators. Cordon off the crime scene so that evidence can be protected and then collected systematically.
That is what got me started.
Then, Shoar never bothered to show up at his deputy's house -- after a SHOOTING in which a woman died.
You know the rest. COVER-UP.
2- I had hopes for the new administration of The Record. From what I hear, it is the French Revolution inside One News Place. Heads fall faster than the cart can load people in it en route to the guillotine.
Morris Corp. is at fault. I give the paper another year, at most. It is spending, spending... must be using the City of St. Augustine as a model. ;-)
3- YES, I agree wholeheartedly with this, Warren. Example, today, in response to Gov. Rick Scott's visit to Fruit Cove (on page one of the online edition of The Record), I wrote asking why reporter Stuart K. did not cover Jennifer O'Connell's failure to meet Scott.
Channels 12 and 5 covered it. It was NEWS. Jennifer wished to ask Scott personally to order an inquest into Michelle's death.
His aides gave him the word and he bolted out of the shop like his pants were on fire. No mention in The Record.
I pointed that out AND I posted Mac McLeod's contact info so that any interested readers could call or email him (he IS Jeremy Banks's attorney).
My post was buried. The Record excised the article from convenient access to "Search" only. In other words, you'd have to KNOW Gov. Scott visited Fruit Cove to find the article with my post.
So, there is a third tactic: Unpublish (which The Record does to me regularly and to people who post in response to my posts), ban me, or bury me.
I thought about my lack of free speech for most of the day. I thought about journalism and how it is perverted by The Record.
Kathy Nelson: she was a sports writer prior to her ascendance to the top of the food chain at The Record. BUT she wasn't a field reporter: She reported from her DESK.
She came in to something way over her head, imposed (with glee, I learned from current Record staff at that time) the "real names only" rule (look at your distribution now; how's that working for ya?), and fired seasoned reporters on the spot, no notice, because she can.
Kathy Nelson is, unfortunately, a despot. Madame Robespierre.
4- Thank you! I will never stop advocating FOR Michelle O'Connell.
5- Had I the $$$ I would have done as you suggest long ago! I'm looking for a home. Any suggestions?
My hats off to you. All victims of DV especially those killed, need to have an advocate as strong as you. Florida is known for corruption in this and many other areas. I was a victim of DV myself, not be a law enforcement officer, but his crimes were covered up by LCSO in Florida. Please continue exposing the injustices.
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