Dear State Senators and Representatives and citizens:
The draft legislation is written, with many supportive comments. It's time to have an open public debate about the St. Augustine National Historical Park, National Seashore and National Scenic Coastal Highway Act of 2009.
Our tourist economy is hurting. Small businesses are closing. We need more "economic stimulus" than just a seawall.
Let's celebrate the 500th Anniverary of Florida (and 450th anniversary of St. Augustine) with something more than cupcakes.
Let's celebrate 11,000 years of history!
Let's have a National Civil Rights Museum worthy of the Foot Soldiers who made history here.
I’ve gone ahead and drafted federal legislation to set up a national historical park, seashore and scenic coastal highway here.
Our Nation’s Oldest City survived being burnt to the ground by the British, pirates, wars, genocide, epidemics and economic disasters.
Our Nation’s Oldest City can likewise survive the current economic recession, uglifying "developers"and have a national park by 2013/2015 (500th anniversary of Spanish explorers and 450th anniversary of St. Augustine’s founding, respectively), preserving our nature and history and honoring Native-American, African-American, Spanish, British, French, Civil War, Civil Rights and American history here.
Let's enlist the entire Florida Congressional delegation to honor Florida's 500th Anniversary (and St. Augustine's 450th) with a suitable permanent park, combining existing county and state parks and water management district land, with historic sites in St. Augustine and surrounding communities.
I’m optimistic that, working together, we can get Congress to create a national park here. See below. I’ve gotten positive feedback from citizens and elected officials since I first proposed it on November 13, 2006.
Please share comments here with Ed Slavin,, P.O. Box 3084, St. Augustine, Florida 32085-3084, 904-829-3877 (o). Here’s the draft below:
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