See below. Last night at 11 PM, the only coverage First Coast News had on St. Augustine's celebration was a story on the two hate group protesters.
Although the City of St. Augustine's official proclamation used the word "slavery," to describe what we've overcome, dumb 'ole Jessica Clark could not bring herself to report the news that the Obama celebration in St. Augustine was held in a place where slaves were once sold, and where KKK rallies ended in bricks and punches thrown at black people, under the helpful eyes of the Sheriff and Police.
I watched Jessica Clark during President Obama's Inaugural Address. Jessica Clark looked angry, like a Republican on speed, chickenwalking around unhappily. Her story (below) is unadorned for any feeling for the nature of the historic events yesterday. Like the song, "Dirty Laundry," about TV news shallowness, Jessica Clark appears to be a fungible bubble-headed bleach blond, who knows not that she knows not.
See the video at
This same "reporter" once called after the revelation about the City's illegal dumping. I returned her call, but she never got back to me.
GANNETT'S First Coast News is a shallow, news-twisting, Republican-leaning monopoly combining ABC and NBC affilliates. It is an experiment that failed. FCC should end the experiment and make GANNETT divest itself of one of the two stations.
What do you reckon?
1 comment:
Having known Jessica both professionally and personally for a number of years, I can assure you, she is *anything* but a Republican.
She is a very intelligent woman who got out of the news business after years of putting up with crap from corporate run stations that have lost passion for fair, compelling story telling.
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