We need an anti-bribery campaign in St. Johns County and St. Augustine and the other government agencies here.
People who are offered bribes should turn in the bribepayer.
People who are asked to give bribes should turn in the public official.
A culture of corruption can be changed one day at a time, just as courageous citizens have done in Sicily.
Stand up to bribepayers and bribetakers, who destroy our democracy.
Interesting that there's never been one editorial in local newspapers against bribery, even though our former Republican County Commission Chair THOMAS MANUEL is under indictment for bribery,for accepting $60,000.
Oleaginous St. Augustine corporate lawyer GEORGE McCLURE, longtime developer lawyer who shows his open contempt for public particpation in govenment, is scheduled to be a witness against MANUEL. Did McCLURE get a deal from federal prosecutors? If not, why is McCLURE testifying? Is this a sudden pang of conscience after inflicting so many ugly, tree-killing, wetland-destroying projects on our community?
What do you reckon?
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