Monday, July 13, 2009

Outrage at Governor Crist Being an Environmental Sellout and Corporate Whore.


Sorry, Governor Crist. Anne Schindler and Folio Weekly agree with what I said about you several weeks ago. (See below). You're an environmental sellout and a corporate whore. Due to that fact, Democrats are licking our chops -- we can beat you and elect a United States Senator worthy of our trust and confidence.

Your homophobic Republican Party of Florida may not even nominate you.

Gays dislike you because you are a closet case, like Joe McCarthy, Roy Cohn, Jon Hinson, Robert Bauman, Mark Foley, Larry Craig and other Repub-thug bullies who legislate and preach against the same homosexuality they privately exemplify. God forgive you.

Environmentalists intensely dislike you. Your signing legislation to make it impossible for water management district boards to rule on permits, deferring to staff, is as rotten an idea as has come down the pike since Jeb Bush abolished safety and health protections for Florida goverment employees. Although I've never been to an SJRWMD meeting, it's wonderful that Floridians had the right to show up and oppose outlandish permits, like the one that will steal St. Johns River water for golf courses in Orlando. How revolting you claim to be an advocate of open government and now have shut the people out of the water permitting process.
God forgive you.

Taxpayers distrust you, because as AP revealed, you and your Lt. Governor don't work very much, with long gaps in your calendars when you're not doing anything.

So, go ahead and run for Senator, Governor Crist, if you're man enough to face the voters. You would not be the first closeted Gay U.S. Senator, although hopefully the last. And there's even a precedent -- the Roman emporor Caligula sent his horse to the Roman Senate, so I reckon Florida could always send a horse's behind.

There must be at least 67 electable Democrats -- one in each county -- who would make a better U.S. Senator than Charles Crist and Mario Rubio. Let's pick one in our primary and show the world that Florida has recovered from the Bush daze.

What do you reckon?

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