Tuesday, March 09, 2010

City of St. Augustine Seeks $10,000,000.00 in Federal Grants, Earmarks -- Could Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice Be An Impediment?

At least the article (above) in MICHAEL GOLD's "Historic City News" (gateway to his hate websites) above contains an accurate number of how much in federal funding our City of St. Augustine is seeking. The WRecKord got it wrong, as is becoming customary. At least the apparatchik amanuensis got it right.

Let's see how many reasons the federal government finds for turning down the City of St. Augustine until it resolves to solve its environmental racism problems.

40,000 cubic yards of solid waste placed in our Old City Reservoir, which our City of St. Augustine wanted to bring back to Lincolnville (from one illegally dumped location in an African-American community to another, it would seem).

611,294 gallons of raw sewage dumped in our San Sebastian River. It would never have happened if the City and State had heeded our warnings about visual sewage pollution in the San Sebastian River. (Samples taken by FDEP showed coliform level numbers higher than the City Manager's SAT scores, 1440 and 2100).

EPA has our January 19, 2009 civil rights complaint regarding environmental justice issues, as amended earlier this year to include the May 2009 sewage spill.

EPA has the power to transform dysfunctional communities (and states) with its environmental justice and civil rights investigations. Will it do so here, a pkace that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called "the most lawless" city in America?

EPA needs to bring civil rights charges and environmental crimes prosecutions against the City of St. Augustine and its mendacious City Manager for Life, WILLIAM B. HARRISS.

What do you reckon?

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