[Merlin sees the last two MiGs flying away at the end of the dogfight]
Merlin: "Mustang, this is Voodoo 3. Remaining MiGs are bugging out."
-- From the movie Top Gun (1986)
Your voices have been heard. Your views have been heeded. A planned 13-day Sunshine law violation involving four out of five Commissioners going to Spain is halted. Only one Commissioner (ERROL JONES) and two staffers are going.
Public outrage halted illegality once again, just as it has throughout the history of our Republic. The people, united, will never be defeated.
There is nothing that "we, the people," cannot do, working together. Together, we can achieve federal legislation for a St. Augustine National Historical Park and National Seashore.
Together, we can achieve government accountability, transparency and openness.
I love this wonderful town, where we live a wonderful life. I'm proud to have lived here for more than a decade, almost 1/5 of my life.
As Sir Winston Spencer Churchill put it best, we "have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat." (May 13, 1940).
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