Thank God for the Florida Supreme Court.
The Florida Supreme Court today upheld Amendments 4&5, which will ban gerrmanderying and require fair legislative districts for Congress and the State Legislature.
Florida's Supreme Court today also kicked three misleading constitutional amendments off the ballot -- they would have neutered the fair districting amendments, interfered with federal health care reforms and given selective homestead exemptions for people buying property this year.
Five cheers for the Florida Supreme Court, whose ineluctable logic is represented in haec verba below.
Cheers to all of the progressive litigants and lawyers including NAACP and lawyer Mark Herron), who brought the lawsuits challenging the Republican Amendments, tried their cases and won in the Florida Supreme Court today.
These four cases are instructive in Florida's Constitution and how well written it is -- you can put an amendment on the ballot, but you can't deceive the people. As Lincoln said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
But you can't fool the Florida Supreme Court.
We've got a problem in Tallahassee -- it is fascist, one party Republican misrule by the party of hate and greed -- a dysfunctional government by lugubrious goobers, as evidenced by:
A. Our wicked, evil lobbyist-State Senator (John Thrasher), the demonic chair of the Republican Florida Party; and
B. Our other-directed-State Representative (William Proctor), the walking conflict of interest from Flagler College, that misguided cognitive miser.
As we all saw during the 2000 Bush v. Gore cases, Florida is blessed with a wonderful Supreme Court, partly thanks to Governor Lawton Chiles.
Again, thank God for the Florida Supreme Court.
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