In secret, behind locked gates, our Nation's Oldest City dumped a landfill in a lake (Old City Reservoir), while emitting sewage in our rivers and salt marsh. Organized citizens exposed and defeated pollution, racism and cronyism. We elected a new Mayor. We're transforming our City -- advanced citizenship. Ask questions. Make disclosures. Demand answers. Be involved. Expect democracy. Report and expose corruption. Smile! Help enact a St. Augustine National Park and Seashore. We shall overcome!
Sunday, March 26, 2017
"Advocacy group part of St. Augustine’s sea level rise efforts" (SAR)
- Warren Celli said...
Gee whiz, the policy making xtrevilist rich folks at the top, who through gross mismanagement of global resources have created massive global pollution problems with countless socially negative impacts (of which sea level rising is only one) now have their administrative lackeys form "non profit" (ROTFLMAO) advocacy groups to correct the effects of their gangster activities.
Mayor Slaver, smelling the big money and power involved in assigning all of those future sea level rise mitigating contracts signs right on. Wow! This power grabbing venture also comes with some great phony self aggrandizing PR and a sea wall photo op (the Vanity Fair wind blown hair is a bit much though).
No mention is made of the fact that world consumption of aviation jet fuel is about 466,000 metric tons PER DAY with all of its pollution effects continually raining down on all of us. Look up, see the contrails, smell the air. No mention is made of the role that BIG TOURISM that she shills for plays in that daily shxt shower or how pig pen state alcohol and tobacco drug cartel BIG TOURISM with its hijacked government has prevented a more sustainable economy in the city. No, no, no, let's not ever look in the mirror and mitigate the xtrevilist causes, let us just focus on profiting on the never ending effects all at the expense of the oppressed.
Looks like business as usual to me!
12:18 PM
Anonymous said...
Sorry...St Augustine won't be here in another 450 years. Sadly huamns are not going to prevent or even slow down global warming. Nobody is willing to pay the economic Warren mentioned above..who will cut back on jet flights..who is willing to pay for solar ( which btw takes oil to do you think the panels are made) Here we are in FL a perfect state for solar and there barely is any.
What a joke..really is.
Which leaves us with trying to hold the ocean back with a broom...good luck with that:) Here is some advice..don't build your house near the water in a flood zone..better yet..don't build your house in a half assed state like this.
FL was under water eons ago and its going back underwater ..plan on it. Perhaps St Augustine can be floated or jacked up on funny. Bt at least we won't have the traffic down town...took me an hour today to drive from downtown to Villano...oh wait...ironic isn't it...hundreds of cars idling in traffic spewing green house gasses. But sure..good plan Nancy -
2:03 PM