There was a taxpayer-paid party on Friday, March 24, 2017 and you weren't invited. It's the annual award banquet of the St. Johns County Sheriff's Department, where more than 1000 people dined on Filet Mignon at your expense.
It was held at our lavish St. Johns County Convention Center at World Golf Village is government property, owned by St. Johns County, whose taxpayers are still paying off the $16.9 million bonded indebtedness.
Watch controversial St. Johns County Sheriff DAVID SHOAR and his henchmen, including his arachnid apparatchik, Undersheriff MATTHEW CLINE (his former General Counsel, graduate of a for-profit law school in Jacksonville).
Watch Sheriff SHOAR and Undersheriff CLINE bully Jeff Gray.
Why? Jeff was peaceably videotaping and carrying a sign protesting the Michelle O'Connell and Andrea Sheldon shooting deaths.
Watch Sheriff SHOAR act like a smirky turkey, an angry anti-literate energumen, lying.
"This is our night … our party…. This is private property."
No, it's not, SHOAR.
Watch Sheriff SHOAR emit falsehoods and threats, threatening like a Mississippi or Alabama lawmen of the 1960s.
This Sheriff is about as sharp as a mashed potato sandwich with the crust cut off.
This hick hack political boss has violated peoples' constitutional rights here in Florida's St. Johns County for long enough.
SHOAR had a judge change his surname from "HOAR" in 1994 and was elected Sheriff in 2004.
HOAR/SHOAR brags of getting an "A" in Constitutional law in college (I checked: he did).
Watch Sheriff SHOAR and Undersheriff CLINE act like jackasses -- jackbooted thugs with an army behind them and no principles between them.
Watch Sheriff SHOAR presume to give orders without factual or constitutional basis.
Watch Sheriff SHOAR and Undersheriff CLINE lie about who owns the property as they touch Jeff Gray and his sign and viciously violate the First, Ninth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution.
This is not the first time that St. Johns County Sheriff's Department has made false statements about our Convention Center being "private property." In 2005, before former UNESCO Ambassador Alan Keyes spoke at an anti-Gay hate rally held free in the Convention Center, a St. Johns County Sheriff's Lieutenant in the Organized Crime Squad called two women who had posted about it on the Internet, threatening them with arrest.
As RFK once said to an other-directed lawbreaking lawman in California violating farmworkers' civil rights, I say to Sheriff DAVID SHOAR: "I suggest you read the Constitution of the United States.
Justice for Andrea Sheldon. Justice for Michelle O'Connell. Work for justice every day of your life.

If you want justice for Michelle O'Connell you must BOYCOTT!
Justice for Michelle will lift ALL oppressed groups and go a long way towards restoring the now scam 'rule of law' in Saint John's County.
Here is information to create a simple; what, when, where, why and how boycott handout!
The April 22 pleinair protest would be a great day to begin!
If you paint you are subject to arrest.
Bou can BOYCOTT without being arrested. You can stop the ka-ching that pays gangster SHOAR's salary!
Cowards Obey! Heroes Resist
Hey Warren,
Finally I agree 100%...right on man...boycott St Augustine, St Johns and better yet FL.
So depressing...all these supposed christian GOP voters supporting this guy.
Something Shoar does stink around here. Shoar is fishy!
Thanks anonymous.
A BOYCOTT in Saint Augustine, because of the many pivotal events in our national history that occurred here, will send a message heard well beyond the city limits.
Make some signs and handouts!
Vote with your money every day!
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