Saturday, September 21, 2019

I just spoke to former Mayor Nancy Shaver

I just had a lovely telephone conversation with our heroic favorite former Mayor, reformer Nancy Shaver, who served with distinction for 1550 days before having a stroke on February 25, 2019 and resigning February 28, 2019.

Nancy'r recovery from her stroke continues swimmingly.  She's in the Commonwealth Virginia, enjoying her children and grandchildren, taking photographs and enjoying nature and life.

Nancy is looking forward to returning to St. Augustine to her new house in Lincolnviller, which is ready for ocean level rise.

Is the City of St. Augustine ready?

Is the Port District ready?

Is the City of St. Augustine Beach ready?

Is St. Johns County ready?

What do y'all reckon?

Nancy is our unsinkable Molly Brown,

See my column on the "seven generation test" in the September 8, 2019 St. Augustine Record.

Getting there! My new sea-level rise ready house! First floor 8+ feet elevation and second floor living- with a view and an elevator 😊. Thanks Dave Hightower and his great team. And to Peter Engelbrecht for great paint selections!

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