Monday, September 16, 2019

GUANA VICTORY: Our Inept Jacksonville, Flori-DUH NPR Affiliate WJCT Reporting Omits Names of GATE Oligarchs HERBERT and JOHN PEYTON

I just heard a news item at 4:35 pm, Monday, September 16, 2019, on the local NPR affiliate, WJCT.  

Reporter-distorter MICHELLE CORUM reported on withdrawal of an application to destroy The Outpost, adjoining Guana, by GATE PETROLEUM and PONTE VEDRA CORPORATION.  The misbegotten application would have changed the Future Land Use Map and the Comprehensive Plan to cram 66 homes on conservation land, threatening the ecology of the Guana-Tolomato-Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve.  It would have inflated the value so as to allow a higher price when the land is sold to the State of Florida.

MICHELLE CORUM did not mention GATE and PVC is controlled by former Jacksonville Mayor JOHN PEYTON and his father, HERBERT PEYTON, corporate oligarchs.  Wonder why?

WJCT kisses up to the wealthy to get contributions.  It has no pride.  It has no integrity.  Its "Business Briefs" are a paen to the Temple Destroyers that are destroying nature, clearcutting trees and filing in swamp. 

Recently, mediocre reporter-distorter MICHELLE CORUM read the obituary of DAVID KOCH, identifying that corporate oligarch only as a philanthropist.

Is WJCT a shill for Republicans and corporate oligarchs, including the PEYTONS and SHAD KHAN, owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars, whom WJCT is hoping will buy its property?

WJCT is so shady that last year, while Melissa Ross was out, "News Director" Jessica Palombo, on "First Coast Connect," interviewed Jacksonville "TRUMP CLUB" members, who used our air to adverse a hate rally, with "free hot dogs."  The hotdogs were $1/each, an eyewitness who attended the event reported.

WJCT is dominated by PR and pro-developer pap.

We in the reality-based community want news.

Billionaire-coddlying developer-loving WJCT's license renewal is up with FCC.

Time's up.  

I've been waiting to hear from WJCT about my concerns since last year,

It's time for another nonprofit to take over WJCT.

It's time for another FCC licensee for St. Johns County.

There are our airwaves.

Enough airheads, ninnies, boobies, rubes, hicks, hacks and canned PR-generated news, and endless replay of the same songs at night.

Other than Michelle Ross, WJCT's staff is subpar.

Not up to NPR standards. 

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